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Is Michelle Obama A Man? Pt. 10, Conclusion: "The Michelle Obama Psyops" (Videos)

This video is Part 10 in a series of short videos called 
“Is Michelle Obama A Man?”

NB Commentary: From the introduction through to where it all began, I have attempted to shed some light on this subject by giving a historical framework of how the Black community 50 years ago would have dealt with homosexuality and the transgender phenomenon. I hope that the information I have revealed will suggest to people who believe this meme, that quite possibly they have been hoodwinked and that from here on out they will be more circumspect in coming to conclusions about things or at least will take the time to research the source of the information so as to avoid being “Hoodwinked” as the writer of this story along with many other writers, reporters and journalist from various news outlets have done since the beginning of the concept of “telling a story” or “spreading the news.”

I want to sum it up with a few more statements, beginning with the difference between transsexual and transgender phenomenon and end this series with my concluding remarks.
What Is The Difference Between Transsexual And Transgender? Facebook’s New Version Of ‘It’s Complicated’
Transsexuals are people who transition from one sex to another. A person born as a male can become recognizably female through the use of hormones and/or surgical procedures; and a person born as a female can become recognizably male. That said, transsexuals are unable to change their genetics and cannot acquire the reproductive abilities of the sex to which they transition. Sex is assigned at birth and refers to a person’s biological status as male or female. In other words, sex refers exclusively to the biological features: chromosomes, the balance of hormones, and internal and external anatomy. Each of us is born as either male or female, with rare exceptions of those born intersex who may display characteristics of both sexes at birth.
Transgender, unlike transsexual, is a term for people whose identity, expression, behavior, or general sense of self does not conform to what is usually associated with the sex they were born in the place they were born. It is often said sex is a matter of the body, while gender occurs in the mind. Gender is an internal sense of being male, female, or other. People often use binary terms, for instance, masculine or feminine, to describe gender just as they do when referring to sex. But gender is more complex and encompasses more than just two possibilities. Gender also is influenced by culture, class, and race because behavior, activities, and attributes seen as appropriate in one society or group may be viewed otherwise in another.

Let me conclude by saying.
There has certainly been a lot of mystery around the Obama’s. That stands to reason without any doubt whatsoever. Several reports in the media across the board have pointed out the varying issues and concerns that shrouded the Obama Administration and it’s foreign policy of war theaters in 7 countries, tentacles stretching into their connection to the Clintons’ and John Podesta, Fast & Furious, Michelle’s horrid lunch program, Obama Care, Malia smoking weed and even the so-called elaborate vacations they took on the taxpayers’ dime.
I am certainly no fan of the Obama’s as I question anyone who would want to be the President of this corrupt country, no matter who they are. But I particularly don’t understand why anyone Black would put themselves in the position to receive the most extreme expression of racism white supremacy as they would in a role of Leader over a predominately white population that has historically been the most racist group of white folks on the planet.
However, the idea that Michelle Obama is a man is patently ludicrous when you are given more than a parroted news story found in tabloids around the internet.
I hope that this long video has brought some clarity to whomever chose to stay with me as I pulled my thoughts and research together to make this presentation and I hope that, while there me be ten thousand other things we can pull out of the closet to expose the Obama’s about, I hope that we can all agree that this right here, is not one of them.
Let’s put this one to rest and find something more productive to do with our time and energy.  Without a doubt the “Michelle Psyops” has taken its place among the many false flags perpetrated on the American people for many, many years, and with the advent of the Internet and access by so many, to YouTube, we have accounts raking in huge revenues along with and a host of other websites, with this one.
In my mind, I wonder, what was happening in the world when this story first broke in 2011, and then what was happening in the world when it really hit the fan in 2014 and has been steadily getting more and more steam.
I started doing some research but that would take days and days because I was not aware that this “Michelle Was Born A Man” meme was even being talked about. So I did not have the awareness at the time to connect the dots.  So if any of you out there have any insights feel free to drop me a comment.
It seems that stories like this one an others, i.e. Flat Earth, Nibiru, the Rapture, and terrorists cells next door, are huge distractions thrown at the American Public to overshadow the Big Elephant in the room. Couple that with the enormous number of mass shootings, many of which have been uncovered as false flags and we end up with a Plethora of psyops that are often perpetrated by internet trolls and News outlets, to keep the American people reeling from pillar to post in fear and trepidation. The real issues get swept under the rug while the American people banter over the ridiculous.
Like Mr. Butvidas, founder of said.

“Let’s write stuff to expose how stupid people are.”

And let me further quote the co-founder, “Mr. Watson who said,

“There’s just rampant idiocy in the media sometimes. People watch their favorite news channels, don’t question it and will regurgitate it the next day at the office. That is no good at all.”

Meanwhile, I will be holding on to may hat for the roller-coaster ride, called “The Trump Administration.”  Time for a pizza and a beer to watch this one unfold…