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Archive for November, 2017

The Myth Of The “Clean War”

via The Myth Of The “Clean War”

The Myth Of The “Clean War”

By Paul Rogers

Trump’s worldview promises low-cost military success. The blasting apart of civilian lives in Iraq says otherwise.

November 26, 2017 “Information Clearing House” – Many previous columns in this series focus on the transition in the western way of war since 9/11 from tens of thousands of “boots on the ground” to “remote warfare”. This has mainly involved a much more intensive use of air-power, including armed-drones; the utilisation of long-range artillery and ground-launched ballistic-missiles; and the much wider use of special forces and privatised military corporations.

The change has been consistently analysed by a few non-government organisations, most notably the Remote Control project and Drone Wars UK, whose specific concern is armed drones.

The states pursuing this kind of offensive war see three advantages, two military and one political:

* Their own forces take minimal casualties, meaning fewer bodybags and funeral corteges

* They believe that the tactic works in practice

* There is very little media coverage of this type of war, and in the case of some countries, most notably Britain, there has been a long-term political convention that the role of special Forces should not be subject to public debate or even scrutiny.

The U.S. Air Force is on track to triple the number of bombs dropped in Afghanistan this year compared with last year.

Warfare by “remote control” also seems to be working, not least in the three-year war against Islamic State. It is now clear that Donald Trump’s policy of devolving more authority to the United States military in the wars it is fighting is having a much wider effect. For example, the Pentagon has quietly increasing its forces in Somalia by adding several hundred special-forces troops (as Politico reports) and ratcheting up airstrikes (as Military Times reports), while airstrikes against an al-Qaida offshoot in Yemen are continuing.

In Afghanistan, the build-up of forces is even more substantial. More US troops have arrived amid concern over the Taliban’s ability to extend its territorial control. But less noted is the substantial increase in the US use of air-power and armed-drones since Trump took office. A US media outlet states:

“The U.S. Air Force is on track to triple the number of bombs dropped in Afghanistan this year compared with last year, new figures reveal as the White House opens a new front in America’s longest war. The military dropped 3,554 weapons against the Taliban as of Oct. 31 – already nearly three times the 1,337 dropped in 2016 and nearly four times as the 947 fired in 2015.”

Operation Jagged Knife, a recent offensive by the US airforce, included B-52 strategic bombers and – for the first time in Afghanistan – the advanced F-22 stealth strike-aircraft.

Promise and reality

All this is in the context of the presumed defeat of ISIS forces in Iraq and Syria, which is seen within the Trump team as proof of victory. Since 2014, the Pentagon believes it has killed over 60,000 ISIS fighters, but acknowledges fewer than 500 civilian casualties. This is the way to fight future wars, it believes. The expanded operations in Afghanistan, Yemen and Somalia are further examples of the path to be taken.In this Trumpian worldview, “clean wars” will be the order of the day. But a closer look shows that things are not so simple, in two distinct aspects: the outcomes of the “war on terror“, and its more recent reality. A brief digest of principal events since 2001 illustrates the first point:

* On 29 January 2002, George W Bush’s state-of-the-union address was akin to a victory speech in the wake of the termination of the Taliban regime and the suppression and dispersal of al-Qaida after 9/11 – yet the war in Afghanistan has just entered its seventeenth year

* On 1 May 2003, the US president  gave his “mission accomplished” speech after the overthrow of the Saddam Hussein regime in Iraq – yet that very month a nascent insurgency began to spread across the country, which would also last years

* In 2008, when Barack Obama was elected, the war in Iraq looked sufficiently under control for him to order wholesale troop withdrawals, but in 2014-17 the US has again been at war in the country

* In 2011, Nato chiefs thought that the downfall of Libya’a Muammar Gaddafi they had engineered would be followed by peace and stability, but it provoked more conflict, while the US’s SEAL-team killing of Osama bin Laden that year didn’t mark the end of al-Qaida, a scion of which the US is now bombing in Yemen.

On the ground

The dangerous myth of the “clean war” should be seen in a second aspect. The results of military action in the last three years illustrate the second point, and expose the dangerous myth of the “clean war”. Airwars, the monitoring group, finds the US-led wars in Iraq and Syria have involved over 28,000 airstrikes, split more or less evenly between the two countries, using over 103,000 bombs and missiles. Airwars has done its best to assess the likelihood of civilian casualties, and currently puts these at a minimum of around 6,000 – far larger than any Pentagon figures. Where Iraq is concerned,  Iraq Body Count says that over 179,000 civilians have died in the last fifteen years.

ISIS’s loss of most of its territory has been followed by reports of a concentrated air-war ranged against its forces, whose effects include the widespread destruction of both western Mosul and Raqqa. The extent of damage is hardly surprising. In the last part of the Raqqa campaign, Airwars says:

“Between October 1st and 17th – when the last strike was reported – the US-led alliance says it fired 2,384 munitions at Raqqa, much of it the result of US artillery strikes. Between 266 and 355 more civilians were credibly reported killed in the city as a result according to local monitors – including more than 90 women and children.”

One in five of the coalition strikes we identified resulted in civilian death, a rate more than 31 times that acknowledged by the coalition.Yet it has been hard for analysts to assess the more general claim of the “clean war” with any accuracy, in that they were dependent largely on data provided by US Central Command (USCC). The best efforts of NGOs like Airwars and Iraq Body Countnotwithstanding, their findings could be discounted or ignored.

That is at last beginning to change, as these groups’ work is supported by on-the-ground assessments from experienced journalists who have gone at great pains to travel to areas now controlled by government forces after ISIS’s retreat. Their reports confirm sceptics of the “clean war” myth. The most substantive account available so far is a long report in the New York Times (see Azmat Khan & Anand Gopal, “The Uncounted”, NYT, 16 November 2017).

Over a fourteen-month period to July 2017, they visited 150 sites of attacks across northern Iraq, and interviewed hundreds of witnesses, survivors and family members. They later compared their findings with data from USCC itself. In all, they were able to coordinate data from 103 airstrikes. Their conclusions warrant a longish extract:

“We found that one in five of the coalition strikes we identified resulted in civilian death, a rate more than 31 times that acknowledged by the coalition. It is at such a distance from official claims that, in terms of civilian deaths, this may be the least transparent war in recent American history. Our reporting, moreover, revealed a consistent failure by the coalition to investigate claims properly or to keep records that make it possible to investigate the claims at all. While some of the civilian deaths we documented were a result of proximity to a legitimate ISIS target, many others appear to be the result simply of flawed or outdated intelligence that conflated civilians with combatants. In this system, Iraqis are considered guilty until proved innocent.”

The fighting against ISIS, especially in the densely packed streets of Raqqa and western Mosul, was intense. In Mosul in particular, the Iraqi army’s special forces took very heavy losses. It was not just the utter determination of the ISIS paramilitaries to fight, but their willingness to die for their cause that proved so difficult to counter. It was in those circumstances that air-power was used relentlessly. In an objective sense it may be what you would expect, even if you may question the war as a whole.

That, though, is not the point, which is that the entire air-war has been presented as a “clean” operation – which it evidently was not. If we think that remote warfare is the way to go because it kills neither “our” people nor innocent civilians, then we are deluding ourselves. And that delusion in turn makes it even less likely that we will get the kind of scrutiny and political debate we need on the direction and long-term consequences of this new way of war.

Paul Rogers is professor in the department of peace studies at Bradford University, northern England. He is openDemocracy’s international security adviser, and has been writing a weekly column on global security since 28 September 2001; he also writes a monthly briefing for the Oxford Research Group. His latest book is Irregular War: ISIS and the New Threat from the Margins (IB Tauris, 2016), which follows Why We’re Losing the War on Terror (Polity, 2007), and Losing Control: Global Security in the 21st Century (Pluto Press, 3rd edition, 2010). He is on Twitter at: @ProfPRogers

This article was originally published by OpenDemocracy –

Louis C.K. and Jeffrey Tambor Too? Why the Latest Sexual Harassment Allegations Are So Unnerving — Steemit

via Louis C.K. and Jeffrey Tambor Too? Why the Latest Sexual Harassment Allegations Are So Unnerving — Steemit


Louis C.K. and Jeffrey Tambor Too? Why the Latest Sexual Harassment Allegations Are So Unnerving, When seemingly decent men are exposed as predators, it challenges our faith in humanity.

Reposted from Alternet
By Melanie McFarland / Salon November 10, 2017, 8:51 AM GMT

Photo Credit: DFree / Shutterstock

Notifications buzzing on my phone rarely announce good news these days. The one that grabbed my attention Wednesday afternoon was no different. While putting on my shoes to go out with a friend that ominous shudder grabbed my attention. I retrieved the device from my pocket, swiped the screen to access my e-mail inbox, and . . .

“Oh, man.”

“What?” my friend asked, her face suddenly sagging with dread. “Oh no. What?”

I read her the headline: “Jeffrey Tambor under investigation for sexual harassment by Amazon.”

“Noooo,” she yelled. “No way. Not him.”

I imagine a number of people who saw that headline reacted with similar disbelief and distress largely because of the psychological dissonance between our idea of him, informed by his characters on “Arrested Development” and “Transparent,” and the accusation. George Bluth Sr., as Tambor realizes him, is a hapless, corrupt boob. Not a predator. Maura Pfefferman is a sensitive transgender woman whose emotion is easily bruised. Again, not a predator.

These are characters, and Tambor — an Emmy, Golden Globe and SAG Award winner — has made a career out of his stellar ability to convince us that he’s something he isn’t. I get that. What roils my guts is the memory of spending time with the man last spring — interviewing him on the phone for more than an hour about his memoir, “Are You Anybody?,” then moderating a live event with him the next day.

Journalists are not supposed to befriend their subjects, and certainly I can’t claim to truly know the man based on two question and answer sessions. However, my mother had passed away a short time before that interview, and although I was functioning, every day still felt like I was walking around with no skin on my body. I did not tell him this. Yet, after the last “thank you” of that phone interview he extended the conversation for another 30 minutes to share his own experiences of internalized inadequacy, loss and the grace of forgiveness.

We’d reprise some of that conversation the next day in front of an audience, where he was self-effacing and easygoing and charming, where he stayed afterward to shake hands and sign autographs. Fished out of the news cycle’s fast and dirty stream I still want to think of it as a healing experience in a year that’s flogged me — and all of us, truly — with biting sorrow and inhumanity and injustice.

This is why I don’t want to believe the allegations against Tambor, and I know that isn’t quite right.

From the viewpoint of how the American justice system is supposed to work, but often does not, we’re supposed to assume the accused is innocent until proven guilty. And Tambor vehemently insists the allegations of impropriety made by his former assistant Van Barnes in a private Facebook post are false.

“I am aware that a former disgruntled assistant of mine has made a private post implying that I had acted in an improper manner toward her,” Tambor said in a statement release on Wednesday. “I adamantly and vehemently reject and deny any and all implication and allegation that I have ever engaged in any improper behavior toward this person or any other person I have ever worked with. I am appalled and distressed by this baseless allegation.”

But will that hold any weight? And should it? You see, the tidal wave created by #MeToo shifts the burden to the accused to prove his innocence, especially among women. That’s why the takedown of Harvey Weinstein, the dethroning of former Amazon Studios chief Roy Price, and the career erasure of Kevin Spacey have been satisfying. That’s why the idea that Bill Cosby enjoyed a flourishing career years after the first of his assault accusations began bubbling up, and the fact that he’s still roaming free today, is so aggravating. What little we knew about these men didn’t leave us much reason to root for them. Actors Ed Westwick and Danny Masterson have both been accused of rape, and the details are so heinous that a person can’t help but see guilt.

A preponderance of us have experienced gender-based discrimination, harassment or assault, or are close to people who have. And a pattern has emerged among the many of the victims: their claims have been dismissed or not listened to, and their career opportunities dried up after speaking up. Some have been driven out of the industry entirely.

Or, just as horrifying, they’ve told their stories and watched helplessly as nothing is done about it and, worse, their victimizers continue to rise.

Be careful, those of you inclined to argue that this is, actually, the very definition of a witch hunt. Doing so fails to observe the heinous discriminatory asymmetry fueling actual witch hunts, where countless women were powerless to prove their innocence before a patriarchal judiciary system and died as a result.

The victims coming forward now had long felt disempowered and had nowhere to take their grievances or hope for justice. Stories upon stories tell us of network executives and production bosses and colleagues covering up for aggressors, and human resources departments either doing nothing to help or making the situation worse. Can you blame these men and women for taking their accusations to social media, the town square of 2017? Right now it’s the best chance going for a victim’s voice to be heard.

Simultaneously this also puts people like me, who glued to our gallery seats in this courtroom of horrors, in the position of questioning our past judgment and wrestling with our current feelings. Especially critics, who championed their arts and in some cases, praised their feminism. We may question our judgment and contemplate our culpability (A popular tactic of predators is to use feminism as a cloak to gain women’s trust). Some of you guys know exactly what I’m talking about: Tell me you didn’t want to believe the allegations that have been swirling around Louis C.K. since at least 2012.

“The Good Place” creator Mike Schur didn’t — he admitted as much as he apologized for casting C.K. for a multiple-episode arc in “Parks and Recreation” in 2012. And he’s not the only one. Tell me, “Louie” fans, how many of you continued to purchase tickets to his live shows after 2015, when Gawker made more direct inquiries following up its 2012 blind item? How many of you continued to applaud him when he publicly claimed to empathize with women or spoke lovingly about striving to be a good father to his daughters?

How many of you streamed an old episode of “Louie,” purely for enjoyment, after Tig Notaro recently hinted at impropriety and expressed dismay that he has an executive producer credit on her series?

Also, if you’re like me, you may be wondering how “Better Things” co-creator Pamela Adlon, who partnered with C.K. on the FX show, is feeling right now. Few half-hour series speak to the truth, the beauty, frustrations and triumphs of being a woman with such poignancy and accuracy as that show does.

C.K. has a writing or a co-writing credit on every episode of the current season. On the top rail of the same webpage where the New York Times broke its report that included the on-record accounts of several different women he forced to watch him masturbate is a link to Adlon’s first-person account, “The First Time I Ever Tried a Tampon.”

I’ve interviewed Adlon twice and found her to be a kind, warm, potty-mouthed honest human being. Now, thanks to what Louis C.K. has done I won’t be able watch her show, which airs its second season finale next Thursday, without wondering whether something happened to her too. Is she OK? What did she know about all this?

Even if she had an inkling about his sickness, guess what? I don’t blame her either. A common theme of the stories that have turned up as a part of#MeToo is that we’re the ones who have the most to lose by speaking up.

When scores of women are turning over Hollywood and shaking it hard enough for tens of vile, nightmarish stories of violation to shake free and scurry into the light. Nothing can be discounted. Not even when the good ones get snagged.

When I read the headline to my friend, she echoed my sentiment: “I hope it’s not true.” She met Tambor too, you see, read his book and experience that connection. And hopefully that image we held of him is genuine and his claim of innocence is true — not only because that would mean one fewer victim in all this, but because women like me need the hope offered by the presence of good men, now above all.

Las Vegas: Real or Contrived? Ask a Psychic. “Did a Shooting Take Place?” (Video)

This video is Part 1 in our series, Las Vegas: Real or Contrived? Ask a Psychic.

The topic of this video is “Did a Shooting Take Place?”


In this video we will look at the readings from the I Ching as it relates to whether or not there was actually a shooting. Did it take place? Was this event the result of one shooter or multiple shooters?

To be honest, I have no real experience with a firearm, nor have I ever been shot at or in close proximity to anyone who was shot. However, I am aware of folks who have been shot by guns with less fire power than was reported in this event, and to this day they are still in recovery. But again, I have no clue what an open battle field looks like and for sure, with all the Hollyweird goings on and filtering of reports from the real live battlefields that are happening right now, I am left with little knowledge about what that would even look like.
However, judging from the audio.. It appears that something was going on that was not being explained clearly and succinctly to even a novice like myself.

So, Like I always say, I prefer to ask the Oracle and see what I receive from them. The Oracle can help me look behind the veil of illusion, mine and what the MSM’s narrative is.

So let’s look at what the I Ching is telling us as it relates to whether or not a shooting took place and if so, was there only one shooter or multiple shooters.

As I mentioned in my previous video, I will also sight the readings I received when consulting about the energetic forces. The idea here is to correlated and see if there are connections between the energetic forces and the topic of each part in the series. I have found that these connections help us to better understand how the Oracle attributes the influences between the different actors and/or situations.

LV Event-Pt1-Did A Shooting take Place.png


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Not to diminish this cry of alarm, but all too often when it does come out, especially in Hollyweird or on the political scene, it is being done to bring someone down who did not “follow orders” or offended someone. Sometimes it is used as a distraction from the real deal, like what is happening in other parts of the world. There may be a ground swell of resistance as it relates to what the government is doing or proposing to do. It may be some new discovery of government corruption, organ harvesting or selling of uranium to the Russians. For sure it’s not anything that folks did not already know about in “those circles”.

As Ms. Hill said in this article, everyone already knows about the “casting couch” it comes with the territory. Some people make it off that couch unscathed some are completely destroyed. Some come forth, but most don’t and for various reasons. When this was spinning in the news cycle with Bill Cosby many women came out as well, but again, it was merely a distraction from what we really needed to pay attention to. And that is the cult of Hollyweird and making Bill Cosby the fall guy while the other guys got away with it was patently disingenuous.

However her point is well taken.



This seems to be the year that powerful mean enacting sexual violence finally meet some consequences. That certainly wasn’t the case last year, when during the 2016 Presidential campaign, eleven women came forward to accuse Donald Trump of making unwanted sexual advances, and Access Hollywood tape surfaced showing the soon to be elected Trump boasting about “grabbing” women “by the pussy.” Even still, fifty-three per cent of white female voters cast their ballot for him, consequences be damned.

Read more:


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Eerie YouTube Message to Truthers. “Are You Okay?”

Youtube is sending out messages to channels suggesting they get mental health counseling! Can you believe it? Ole Dammegard reads in this video the message he received from YouTube that sounds eerily like they are suggesting he may have mental issues or may even be into self harm. You gotta listen to this one. It starts at 16m 37secs

via Eerie YouTube Message to Truthers. “Are You Okay?” — Steemit

WHY THIS AND WHY NOW? Hollywood Offenders Are Being Outed (Videos)


Hollywood Offenders Are Being Outed

Okay, why does this feel like another distraction? Why does this feel like another bone for the so-called Truth Community to chew on? What are they hiding and why put this stuff out now?

Come on people, look at this with clear vision. Okay, I ain’t saying that I have the clearest vision in the world, but why this and why now?

Anyone who is bringing out information against anyone, and I do mean anyone, who has been performing pedophilia acts, raping women or abusing and killing children has been known for doing so for as long as they have been doing it. But nobody said anything all this time.

So my question remains, why now?



If anyone is coming forward they are certainly being supported and protected because they are exposing the big dogs, correct? Well, not really, cause Jeffrey Epstein only went to jail for a few months. Jeffrey was the ringleader conspirator for harboring young girls and carrying airplane loads of folks to his little island, how come them folks aren’t being outed? Has anyone seen that flight log?

Where are the people they have abused?

And Cosby, he goes out like a light… but back then we had tons and tons of folks defending Cosby. How come ain’t nobody defending these other folks? Why is this being allowed to happen?

Does the FBI need to finally do its job to gain the confidence of the American people after it has done a miserable job on the Las Vegas Event? Do they think that if they start “acting” like they know who these guys are and bring them to justice that, like a flip of a coin, they can augment and repair the serious damage they have done over the years and not just with Las Vegas.

Do they think that if they throw this bone at us, we will all shut up and go away?

Press For Truth is too optimistic, in my opinion. These folks are small fry, and they will throw these small folks into the fire to say the bigger dogs, who will remain unnamed, un-indicted, un-prosecuted and inconspicuous. As they remain so, they will just light the fire under other small fry, get them involved in these nefarious activities and when the time comes, burn them at the stake. They will be and have always been protected.

We can go after these pedophiles and rapists but first we must guard ourselves from these people. We must teach our children what is safe touch and what is not. We must teach them what really happens in Hollyweird and strongly encourage them to think twice before they go off to lala land. We must teach them the dangers of this behavior in closer proximity, like the home, the church, the mosque, the synagogue, the neighborhood school yard and classroom.

We must love our children enough to give them the real information they need so that they do not become cannon fodder for this perpetrators who care not about collateral damage. We must be with them as much as we possibly can, so we can watch over them. And those of us who have a problem and don’t know how to stay within boundaries in dealing with our children and the children of others, we need to go get help for our problem.

Destroying the youth of a generation, destroys the future of that generation and their progeny as well. The replication of these acts against our young people is heinous and horrific, but if we just spend time pointing fingers at the perpetrators and not look at what we are doing to create an environment where these perps can flourish we are missing a golden opportunity to change things.

Hanging one perp at a time, killing them off, banishing them, divesting them of their wealth, shaming them, etc., etc., etc. has some impact, but we really need to take it to the heart, and change how we view this world, what we allow our children and young people to do and be around, and become more responsible for their lives. It will take more than just some quality time, while driving our children to school or standing on the corner waiting for the school bus.. It will take more quality time then sitting on the bleachers at the game or in the audience at a recital.

It will take talking to them, one on one, spending weekends with them in the park, with no media, and explaining to them, having a conversation with them, about the hard cold facts of life.

We can no longer live in a bubble of fabricated trust that our teachers, preachers, politicians and entertainers, et al, are that concerned about our child’s mental and physical health, that they will guard themselves, restrain themselves and prevent themselves from harming our children. Obviously, with all that has come out, this is not the case.

All in all, i want to see the big smack down, only then will I be sure that things are really changing. Small fry roasts only serve to distract us from the real deal, and that’s the global network of child trafficking, abuse and sexual predation. When they connect the dots, and the big heads roll, then I will feel that a paradigm shift has really taken place and not just window dressing.

Press For Truth
Published on Nov 3, 2017

A former employee of George Soros has just been accused of brutally sexually assaulting three women, two of whom are former Playboy bunnies. Howard ‘Howie’ Rubin allegedly lured the woman into a Manhattan penthouse equipped with a sex dungeon as he tortured them with cow prods and raped them. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth lays out the latest details in this horrific story as well as other cases now popping up in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal.



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Uranium One is a Hoax

Uranium One is a Hoax

This is a very interesting commentary about the current “Uranium” expose’ that is going on now. It appears that this may be something that will bring Clinton and her backroom deals down, but as it is with all of these corrupt politicians, if one goes down they all go down. Pointing fingers as they drown in their own shenanigans unbeknown to the American tax payer, these people do it over and over again.

The idea that it can be sliced out and restored is almost comical because this corruption is like a cancer. Once the air hits it, it starts to spread, all over the place. It may seem to be in remission but given time it will resurface, especially this kind of cancer that has infiltrated the US government. This kind of cancer cannot be cured by slicing pieces of it off, or even radiation. It has metastasized and is beyond cure. The entire system needs to be gotten rid of and replaced.
As long as folks keep saying things like “Our Founding Fathers” and not mention that they were part of a secret society of Freemasons and look at how that plays into the establishment of this country, then they are going to be fooled into thinking there is a cure.

The ray of hope expressed in this video by Mr. Paine, reminds me of how we as a people, can delude ourselves into thinking that the office of the Presidency has more power than the Deep State/Shadow Government that made sure he got into the Office in the first place.

Mr. Paine offers a Utopian 12 steps that he believes will help bring the United States back to its original glory and purpose, but again, he fails to realize that the tentacles that run deep inside the US government, that is really a corporation, ran by a hidden hand that goes all the way back to Britain, which goes back to the Vatican.. which as far as I am concerned, goes off planet, but that’s another “conspiracy theory”.

Like those folks who believed Obama was a savior, we have folks who want to believe that Trump will be a savior. They close their eyes to what he has done to show the world that he is in lock step with the Globalists, whether he wants to be there or is forced to be there, his actions has him there.

This country cannot be fixed, it is too broken.

The information in this video is worth a listen, however. In these days and times we have to listen, explore and even expose ourselves to different points of view, nobody has the whole pie. We take what resonates and leave the rest.

American Intelligence Media
Published on Nov 2, 2017
Nobody is going to put it all together like our ‘Thomas Paine’. But once our readers and listeners understand the big picture, there is no calling back the image of truth. Learn the deep connections between Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Tenam, Frank Guistra, the Russians, and what is really going on at the United States Enrichment Corporation in Paducah, Kentucky.

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Video of NYC Terrorist Instantly Released—Still No Video of Vegas Shooter Despite 1000s of Cameras

Source: Video of NYC Terrorist Instantly Released—Still No Video of Vegas Shooter Despite 1000s of Cameras


Published: November 2, 2017   SOURCE: MATT AGORIST

Manhattan, NY — Tuesday afternoon, a suspect, identified as Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov, according to two law enforcement sources, rented a pickup truck, drove it onto a busy bicycle path and mowed down innocent people before getting out and brandishing toy guns. Almost immediately after the horrific attack that left 8 dead and a dozen more injured, video of Saipov, an Uzbekistan native, was released.

There were multiple videos, taken from multiple angles showing the attacker flee the truck and run through traffic.

From @marygeorgant on scene: Tawhid Kabir, 20, took this video on Snapchat of possible suspect in NYC existing truck

— Tom Namako (@TomNamako) October 31, 2017

Police eventually caught Saipov, who they say is a “lone wolf” attacker. Nearly as fast as the video was released, so were the declarations that this attack was “an act of terrorism.”

“After he came to the United States is when he started to become informed about ISIS and radical Islamic tactics,” Gov. Cuomo said on CNN. “Again, ISIS has gotten it down to a simple formula that they can put on the internet and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to rent a car, rent a truck. But they are cowards and they are depraved.”

It is amazing how fast an investigation can go when the attacker is called a terrorist. If we contrast the tragic massacre in Las Vegas last month with this tragic attack in New York, a telling picture begins to appear.

Within only hours, all of Saipov’s travel history both inside and outside the United States was made public. We were informed that Saipov lived in an apartment in Paterson, New Jersey, with his wife, two young daughters and infant son. He moved there after stints in Ohio and Florida and when he came to the US from the Uzbeki capital of Tashkent in 2010, he settled in the Cincinnati area where he lived with a fellow Uzbeki family.

All this information was immediately released to the public without anyone demanding it. Contrast this with Vegas—as millions demand answers to very simple questions about Stephen Paddock—and it is the exact opposite.

It took close to a week to learn that Stephen Paddock allegedly traveled outside of the United States. In fact, it hasn’t been ‘officially’ released at all. We were simply told by CNN, through a confidential law enforcement source that Paddock took several cruises that included stops at ports in Spain, Italy, Greece, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates.

As the investigation into the New York act of terror shows us, it is quite easy to find out where people travel to and from inside and outside of the US. Why haven’t we been told exactly where Paddock has traveled?

What’s more, as the videos above illustrate, Saipov was caught on multiple cameras and this was all quickly published online. However, in spite of the tens of thousands of cameras throughout the Las Vegas area and inside the Mandalay Bay Casino—not a single video nor even a still image from a surveillance camera has been released.

Why haven’t authorities released a single image of Paddock carrying a bag into the hotel? Why haven’t authorities released a single image of Paddock sitting down at one of the many slot machines at which he was alleged to have used his girlfriend’s point card?

Indeed, there was surveillance footage released of Stephen Paddock immediately after the shooting. However, this video was obtained by NBC news—from a different hotel, six years ago.

How is it that NBC was able to get surveillance footage from six years ago, almost immediately after the shooting, and police can’t release a single image of Paddock at the Mandalay Bay Casino during his stay and before he shot himself in his hotel room?

It is ridiculous to consider the fact that most of the information the public has about Stephen Paddock and what went on inside Mandalay Bay has not come from police. Instead, it has come from citizens with access to certain information and leaked to the press. In fact, police seem to want the public to remain entirely in the dark about what happened as they continue to change their story and they actually publicly noted that they wanted to punish the person who leaked the photos of Paddock’s suite to the news.

Department Undersheriff Kevin McMahill noted las moth:

“There was a question about the validity of the crime scene photos that somebody had leaked. I can confirm those are, in fact, photos from inside of the room; they are in fact photos of our suspect, and as the sheriff mentioned previously, we have all opened up an internal investigation to determine the source of the leaks of those photos to the public.”

Why is it that we already know more about an attack and attacker that happened yesterday than we do about an attack and an attacker that happened a month ago? If authorities want to dispel these so-called ‘conspiracy theories’ popping up online, they need to stop changing their stories and release what they know—now.

Las Vegas: Who Died and Got Hurt and Who Didn’t? (Videos)

“Las Vegas: Who Died and Got Hurt and Who Didn’t?”
So I search for my comment under this video:
How Billions were * FOOLED * by the Vegas shooting (Part 2) because I like to share the video I am commenting on, just like I do with articles, etc. But when I found my comment, and clicked on the link, well it seems, this channel has been terminated.
So I searched the title of the video and found the video, but I downloaded it just in case it disappears again.

How Billions were * FOOLED * by the Vegas Shooting (Part 2)
The owner of this YouTube Channel started another one that is now called Nevada Forensics.
So let me move on to my comment.

Divide and Conquer strategies are working over time with this situation.
Hi @Nevada Forensics LLC, yeah, is that really your true name??
Anyways, I like that angle you showed about the “Parkers”.  They do that a lot.  Paddock = field  Campos = Field  Steve Stephens killed and old man  Stephen Paddock is an old man, Jesus Campos saved people, Jesus Christ is a savior. And on and on. These connections however do not make the entire event a hoax.
But what it does do is  polarize the truth community. It creates division and that is the ultimate goal to divide the people and have them fighting among themselves. Just because the Media has not released any footage or pictures of the dead or wounded does not mean there were none.  False Flags does not mean nobody died. It has a purpose and one of them is to galvanize the masses into sparring corners, while the real things that we need to be addressing go unattended to.
We will sit in front of our computers dissecting “released” footage of Crisis actors who are so ridiculous it ain’t funny, but they are supposed to be ridiculous, they are mocking us and getting a big kick out of muddying the waters so we don’t know which way is up. It’s sort of the whole thing about there being “NO PLANES” and ignoring the masterminds behind the plot and how come the towers turned to dust.
This event is moving us into the same Twilight Zone that the whole Pizzagate has done. Then the PTB retaliate by shutting down more and more channels, censoring more and more YouTube content, perpetrating economic warfare on the YouTube Creators who have worked for years building an audience and turning this platform into a full time job, discouraging folks from producing more content, harassing folks to pay for something they got for free, and on and on.
They knew they could not shut the Internet down directly but one of the agendas that come out of this “Nobody Died Narrative” is that they will have ample reason to shut us down, one by one, till they have wiped clean the entire YouTube platform in favor of the Real Fake News.
I suggest we assume that this event was real and staged at the same time. That unless we were there and have actual proof that no one died, that we do like they do and say all of the above.
Remember, the masterminds of these events try to cover all the bases as they are aware that everything moves in a circular fashion, which is why the names repeat themselves.  Those are the winks they give to each other. So we have to broaden our vision as well and do our level best to encompass the many possible scenarios, instead of narrowing it down to just one.
Support My Work, it would be greatly appreciated. YouTube is doing its level best to make it hard for content creators.
Available for Psychic Readings, Dream Interpretation and Workshops.
Las Vegas killer Stephen Paddock ‘sent girlfriend away to the Philippines’ days before massacre
WTH!?! Video of Stephen Paddock Alive AFTER Las Vegas Shooting???
Iraq Vet opinion on Las Vegas Shooting
Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Hero Jesus Campos Missing, Family Won’t Talk, Sham Security Co Guarding House
It’s like 911.. the most heavily secured airspace, and yoko locals manage to overtake four planes and pilots with box cutters. It makes no sense that more security, more police, more surveillance and less guns are going to prevent this from happening when it has done absolutely nothing to stop this from happening in the first place.
to me, it shows that the Intelligence Operation in this country is not so intelligent after all, or maybe they know more than they are letting on.

Questions swirl in the Las Vegas mass shooting
Las Vegas Mass Shooting: False Flag, PsyOp & Black Op to Distract
Las Vegas mass shooting: Stephen Paddock massacres at least 58 from window of Mandalay Bay hotel
UNREAL & Unseen footage Vegas Mandalay bay…. wait for it
‘I thought people were playing possum’: Photographer’s harrowing account of the Las Vegas massacre
False flag in Vegas shooting?
Boiler Room EP #129 – Mandalay ‘Massacre:’ Initial Boil Down with Hesh, Spore, Jay, Funk and Pharaoh
the reaction of the alleged shooter’s brother
Who is Marilou Danley, girlfriend of suspected Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock?
Las Vegas gunman Paddock checked in to his hotel 3 days before the shooting
42 guns, loaded high-capacity magazines found in Vegas shooter’s hotel room and Nevada home
Five Glaring Inconsistencies in the Vegas Shooting that Need to be Addressed
First responders train for a real active shooter at Las Vegas City Hall
MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: Official story of Las Vegas shooting unravels; physical impossibility of lone gunman senior citizen makes narrative ludicrous
Damning Video from Mandalay Bay Appears to Confirm Multiple Shooters
Logical Questions on The Las Vegas Shooting 2017
Pinned by The Outer Light
My comments on several conspiracies circulating
The Secret History of Guns
YouTube Tweaks Search Results as Las Vegas Conspiracy Theories Rise to Top
Truthstream Media does excellent research!
Eerie Predictions in Vegas… Cui Bono?
Shattered Mandalay Bay windows replaced on Las Vegas shooter’s hotel suite