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Archive for the ‘propaganda’ Category

NB Commentary: Prince Was Not Murdered. (Video)

NB Commentary: I don’t think Prince was that stupid not to be able to tell the difference between his medication. They are trying to make it look like he was a drug addict as well, hiding the label or mislabeling his medication. Prince was smart enough that even if there was a mix up in his meds, his body would react and he would either figure out why, or have someone to help him figure that out. 
Prince was brilliant. He knew they “Wanted to Kill” him in every way possible.. so he took his own self out before he would give them the satisfaction of doing it. The Star Whackers are assassins and that’s what they do for a living. Prince gave the world warnings, which meant he knew of his impending death, and for the sake of torturing the “targeted individual” I would wager they told him his days were numbered. In his song about the elevator he also foretold his death, but remember, it says when the elevator tries to take you down, punch a higher floor. 
The music industry tried to take him down. He punched a higher floor, and I would say according to his beliefs, that higher floor would be heaven or the AfterLife. People have issues around folks committing suicide and due to religious influence, if somebody “kills” you, your chances of going to “heaven” are higher.. But what that tells us subliminally that it is better that someone have control over your life, along with the ability to take your life, then if you took control over your life, yourself. Prince new better, he knew that his greatest triumph would be to “cheat the PTB” our of his death. 
When you understand how this world works, that it is scripted, planned and manipulated you understand how those “idols” in Hollyweird are “scripted, planned, manipulated and assassinated” according to the agenda. Prince knew that. He was a highly evolved spiritual being. He knew the science behind the Industry and he knew about “prophecy”. That is why he was able to predict 911 years before it happened. Prince was extremely cautious about his health as well as the people around him. Of course there will always be infiltrators, but he was also brilliant, smart, keen and conscious. I never got into him before he died. But after he made transition I did a reading on what happened to Prince Rogers Nelson, and it showed me who he was on a Spiritual Level and that he took control of his life and his music up until the very end. 
Don’t fall for the Media lie, that has scandalized so many other of his minions, they did not kill Prince, he would not allow them to do so.

"The Making of Donald Trump": David Cay Johnston on Trump’s Ties to the Mob (video)

NB Commentary: Okay, Donald Trump is not a poster boy, and he probably ain’t got an ounce of no how when it comes to being a president of a company much less the president of the US, but this reporter sounds like a Hillary plant. Where are the facts and figures. Is this an Opinion piece or is this real journalism? That’s what’s missing in our media today, real journalism! Research, facts and more facts to back up the research. Name calling is not journalism. It’s opinion so this should be called that, opinion. I am really really disappointed in Amy Goodman and Democracy Now! Down the rabbit hole it has gone along with the wonderful reporting of old.

“The Making of Donald Trump”: David Cay Johnston on Trump’s Ties to the Mob and Drug Traffickers

“This narrative that politics are not full of gangsters is a Walt Disney propoganda partisan talking point. Of course Trump is a gangster, not as big of a gangster as the Bush Clinton crime Syndicate. I’m new to Democracy Now but what I realize about them is they are leftist propoganda outlet of the American Comunist Party. They obviously are the the gold standard for the progressive left but they are in bed with a whole different group of gangsters, the George Soros Council on Foreign Relations social engineering Neo Liberals. If this is your thing, more power to you. America is nothing more than a conglomeration of gangster run operations. The scary thing about this election for the left is that the biggest gangster crew out there backing Trump is the United States Armed Forces, not because he’s an honerable man in the puritanical “Democracy Now” sense. He’s a Nationalist in the most rugged sense, and he has that in common with the United States Armed Forces. Donald Trump has deep mafia connections? no shit, but the Clinton Bush Crime family is an enemy to the Republic, a term “Democracy Now” will never use, after all, they view America as a “Democracy ” not a Republic. Enjoy your daily dose of George Soros funded Propoganda, I’m going to get high the old fashion way and smoke a joint. Cheers!”

25 Rules of Disinformation, Propaganda, “PSYOPS”, Debunking Techniques

25 Rules of Disinformation, Propaganda, “PSYOPS”, Debunking Techniques

PSYOP is the dissemination of truthful information to foreign audiences in support of U.S. policy and national objectives. Used during peacetime, contingencies, and declared war, these activities are not a form of force, but are force multipliers that use nonviolent means in often violent environments.

Can You Identify Which of these Rules are Still in Use by Our Leaders Today?
25 Rules of Disinformation – Possible rules of Operation Mocking Bird
Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation

1. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. Regardless of what you know, don’t discuss it — especially if you are a public figure, news anchor, etc. If it’s not reported, it didn’t happen, and you never have to deal with the issues.

2. Become incredulous and indignant. Avoid discussing key issues and instead focus on side issues which can be used show the topic as being critical of some otherwise sacrosanct group or theme. This is also known as the “How dare you!” gambit.
3. Create rumor mongers. Avoid discussing issues by describing all charges, regardless of venue or evidence, as mere rumors and wild accusations. Other derogatory terms mutually exclusive of truth may work as well. This method works especially well with a silent press, because the only way the public can learn of the facts are through such “arguable rumors”. If you can associate the material with the Internet, use this fact to certify it a “wild rumor” which can have no basis in fact.
4. Use a straw man. Find or create a seeming element of your opponent’s argument which you can easily knock down to make yourself look good and the opponent to look bad. Either make up an issue you may safely imply exists based on your interpretation of the opponent/opponent arguments/situation, or select the weakest aspect of the weakest charges. Amplify their significance and destroy them in a way which appears to debunk all the charges, real and fabricated alike, while actually avoiding discussion of the real issues.
5. Sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule. This is also known as the primary attack the messenger ploy, though other methods qualify as variants of that approach. Associate opponents with unpopular titles such as “kooks”, “right-wing”, “liberal”, “left-wing”, “terrorists”, “conspiracy buffs”, “radicals”, “militia”, “racists”, “religious fanatics”, “sexual deviates”, and so forth. This makes others shrink from support out of fear of gaining the same label, and you avoid dealing with issues.
6. Hit and Run. In any public forum, make a brief attack of your opponent or the opponent position and then scamper off before an answer can be fielded, or simply ignore any answer. This works extremely well in Internet and letters-to-the-editor environments where a steady stream of new identities can be called upon without having to explain criticism reasoning — simply make an accusation or other attack, never discussing issues, and never answering any subsequent response, for that would dignify the opponent’s viewpoint.
7. Question motives. Twist or amplify any fact which could so taken to imply that the opponent operates out of a hidden personal agenda or other bias. This avoids discussing issues and forces the accuser on the defensive.
8. Invoke authority. Claim for yourself or associate yourself with authority and present your argument with enough “jargon” and “minutiae” to illustrate you are “one who knows”, and simply say it isn’t so without discussing issues or demonstrating concretely why or citing sources.
9. Play Dumb. No matter what evidence or logical argument is offered, avoid discussing issues with denial they have any credibility, make any sense, provide any proof, contain or make a point, have logic, or support a conclusion. Mix well for maximum effect.
10. Associate opponent charges with old news. A derivative of the straw man usually, in any large-scale matter of high visibility, someone will make charges early on which can be or were already easily dealt with. Where it can be foreseen, have your own side raise a straw man issue and have it dealt with early on as part of the initial contingency plans. Subsequent charges, regardless of validity or new ground uncovered, can usually them be associated with the original charge and dismissed as simply being a rehash without need to address current issues — so much the better where the opponent is or was involved with the original source.
11. Establish and rely upon fall-back positions. Using a minor matter or element of the facts, take the “high road” and “confess” with candor that some innocent mistake, in hindsight, was made — but that opponents have seized on the opportunity to blow it all out of proportion and imply greater criminalities which, “just isn’t so.” Others can reinforce this on your behalf, later. Done properly, this can garner sympathy and respect for “coming clean” and “owning up” to your mistakes without addressing more serious issues.
12. Enigmas have no solution. Drawing upon the overall umbrella of events surrounding the crime and the multitude of players and events, paint the entire affair as too complex to solve. This causes those otherwise following the matter to begin to loose interest more quickly without having to address the actual issues.
13. Alice in Wonderland Logic. Avoid discussion of the issues by reasoning backwards with an apparent deductive logic in a way that forbears any actual material fact.
14. Demand complete solutions. Avoid the issues by requiring opponents to solve the crime at hand completely, a ploy which works best for items qualifying for rule 10.
15. Fit the facts to alternate conclusions. This requires creative thinking unless the crime was planned with contingency conclusions in place.
16. Vanishing evidence and witnesses. If it does not exist, it is not fact, and you won’t have to address the issue.
17. Change the subject. Usually in connection with one of the other ploys listed here, find a way to side-track the discussion with abrasive or controversial comments in hopes of turning attention to a new, more manageable topic. This works especially well with companions who can “argue” with you over the new topic and polarize the discussion arena in order to avoid discussing more key issues.
18. Emotionalize, Antagonize, and Goad Opponents. If you can’t do anything else, chide and taunt your opponents and draw them into emotional responses which will tend to make them look foolish and overly motivated, and generally render their material somewhat less coherent. Not only will you avoid discussing the issues in the first instance, but even if their emotional response addresses the issue, you can further avoid the issues by then focusing on how “sensitive they are to criticism”.
19. Ignore proof presented, demand impossible proofs. This is perhaps a variant of the “play dumb” rule. Regardless of what material may be presented by an opponent in public forums, claim the material irrelevant and demand proof that is impossible for the opponent to come by (it may exist, but not be at his disposal, or it may be something which is known to be safely destroyed or withheld, such as a murder weapon). In order to completely avoid discussing issues may require you to categorically deny and be critical of media or books as valid sources, deny that witnesses are acceptable, or even deny that statements made by government or other authorities have any meaning or relevance.
20. False evidence. Whenever possible, introduce new facts or clues designed and manufactured to conflict with opponent presentations as useful tools to neutralize sensitive issues or impede resolution. This works best when the crime was designed with contingencies for the purpose, and the facts cannot be easily separated from the fabrications.
21. Call a Grand Jury, Special Prosecutor, or other empowered investigative body. Subvert the (process) to your benefit and effectively neutralize all sensitive issues without open discussion. Once convened, the evidence and testimony are required to be secret when properly handled. For instance, if you own the prosecuting attorney, it can insure a Grand Jury hears no useful evidence and that the evidence is sealed an unavailable to subsequent investigators. Once a favorable verdict (usually, this technique is applied to find the guilty innocent, but it can also be used to obtain charges when seeking to frame a victim) is achieved, the matter can be considered officially closed.
22. Manufacture a new truth. Create your own expert(s), group(s), author(s), leader(s) or influence existing ones willing to forge new ground via scientific, investigative, or social research or testimony which concludes favorably. In this way, if you must actually address issues, you can do so authoritatively.
23. Create bigger distractions. If the above does not seem to be working to distract from sensitive issues, or to prevent unwanted media coverage of unstoppable events such as trials, create bigger news stories (or treat them as such) to distract the multitudes.
24. Silence critics. If the above methods do not prevail, consider removing opponents from circulation by some definitive solution so that the need to address issues is removed entirely. This can be by their death, arrest and detention, blackmail or destruction of their character by release of blackmail information, or merely by proper intimidation with blackmail or other threats.
25. Vanish. If you are a key holder of secrets or otherwise overly illuminated and you think the heat is getting too hot, to avoid the issues, vacate the kitchen.

Nana’s Christmas Rant, 2015

Nana’s Christmas Rant

I wrote this rant, last year in December, 2014. To be honest not much has changed since then. In fact, it seems that some of the things mentioned in this post last year have gotten progressively worse! 
After reading it again, I could not help but think, “Play it Again, Sam!” 
There is an interesting twist to this year’s Christmas rant… Now we have to add “Justice Or Else” and “BlackLivesMatter” and aren’t we supposed to be boycotting? Whatever happened to hope and change? So, I am going to leave this Rant pretty much intact. All you really have to do is change the date from 2014 to 2015 and add, “More Of the Same” after every paragraph.
I would like to add however, that this year has me aching in my heart because not only is this the biggest disinfo campaign of the past 2000 years, modern day man continues to deceive his/her children about some fat white dude coming down some chimney to bring them toys! Let’s just look at that aspect of this bizarre story. How many houses have chimneys anymore? I mean, we got condos and high-rise buildings and apartment complexes, and ain’t no damned chimneys nowhere in their homes! Why don’t these modern day children, with all manner of access to technology and information, tell their parents to stop lying to them? Sigh.
xmas traffic accident

Well, the holiday season is upon us and here we go again. I must admit that 2014 was one hell of a year for everybody on Planet Earth. We got mass extinctions of animals and humans, executions of guilty and innocent, carnage, disease, plummeting gas prices along with Pres. Obama’s approval ratings, terrorists so nondescript that they weren’t sure what to call them, more wars and occupation that you can shake a stick at, scandals of the seedy kind, and various weather anomalies that boggle the mind. It has been a war of truth and lies and truth and more lies and confusion to boot with the common phrase being, “I don’t know what to believe anymore.”
The so-called alternative media has stuck its fingers into the corporate pie and are now mouthing so much disinfo you have to take out your ouji board to determine who is moving things around. We have had so many false flag announcements about the coming apocalypse it makes your head spin, as the checkerboard trails cross the skies, the denials of Mon”santan”o, the cover-ups on Mars, the loose change falling of Tower 7 and 3d Holograms you can cuddle with. I mean, we have practically seen it all except the missing MH370.
We have had a herd of celebs take their last breaths and mourn the lost of a woman who openly proclaim Michelle Obama as a tranny! There is so much more that I could list here but it would detract from my original reason for this post.
I guess I have a bone to pick with the so-called NEW AGERS! I don’t understand  how they can continue to persist in the most commercialized cycle of insanity that hits this planet every year moving into the so-called New Year. Now, I am not pointing a finger at ALL of them, so let me just say MOST OF THEM!
All year round we get the love and light spew. We get the “we are awakening” or the “awakening is upon us” or the “Guardian Forces” and the “Ashtar Command” are helping us, or even we are “moving into the 4-5th dimensions.” How do we do all that and still celebrate Christmas?
If you are channeling, and particularly if you are channeling “Jesus” or Sanada as some call him, how in the world do you celebrate Christmas? Do you mean to tell me that he is not telling you the truth about this holiday? Do you mean to tell me that he is encouraging you to go out and purchase a tree and various other odds and ends so that you can celebrate his birth? Did he not tell you the true story, the whole shebang, the real deal about all this? If he did not, then who, pray tell are you channeling?
I have subscribed to various “Love and Light” blogs and websites. I have also subscribed to various UFO stuff on the internet. So I thought the above picture was quite apropos for my rant today. Seriously, as Mr. Claus is traversing through the inner and outer planes surely, even he knows the TRUTH ABOUT CHRISTMAS. He has to be multi-dimensional to be in all those places around the world at one time, wouldn’t you think? How come ain’t nobody channeling Santa Claus?? He is real, right?
But I digress. 
My real rant is how unnerving it is to receive “Season’s Greetings”, “Merry Christmas” etc., etc., etc. from these so-called “New Agers”. Don’t they know that it’s all a hoax, at best and quite fabricated? If they are contacting “Ancient Aliens” and/or “Mary” haven’t they been told that this is a bunch of balderdash to just grab people’s money?
Well, I am seriously questioning these folks now. It was bad enough that they had folks running helter-skelter over 2012. But here we are 2 years later and they have not deterred in their participation in this horrendous disinformation campaign called Christmas. As spiritual beings, they should know the truth and as beings of integrity, they should live by it. Otherwise, these 50 million channelers are just in it for the money. What other reason could there be? They have to be politically correct and keep in touch with their constituency. That is, if they step too far away from the status quo, they may lose their bread and butter, fine cars and nice houses and expensive seminars that they invite folks to come to to ASCEND.
If people are truly ascending, channeling and talking to ET’s how can they participate in this massive disinfo campaign and call themselves true leaders of the movement? I am beginning to seriously question the authenticity of the so-called ASCENSION movement when I see ASCENDED MASTERS, not pulling the coat tail of their followers and telling them to stay away from the tripe. Or, do these so-called ASCENDED MASTERS have a hidden agenda? It just makes you wonder. Where are they during the times when we are sold a huge hypnotic bill of goods, that keeps us treading for another year and/or lifetime, trying to keep our heads above water on a Prison Planet such as this one. If these folks are willing to defy all logic and participate in this scheme of disenfranchisement, then it certainly makes anything they say after the said, ‘New Year’ holiday, dubious and base.
These people, have played on the heart strings of the masses for decades if not longer than that. I assume the so-called NEW AGE movement has been going on for more than 50 years from checking out the print date on many of these materials. These folks have been giving information about the Sun, the moon, the stars, the galaxies, the other worlds, the other worldlies, the inner earth, magnetosphere, the comets, asteroids and errantly massive dustballs and light/space ships, orbs, etc. and they have not come to the conclusion that Christmas is disinfo. How is that possible?
Maybe I will answer my own question….
They are not really channeling anything. 
They are not channeling beings of high integrity.
They are not listening to whomever they are channeling.
They are reticent to change things in their personal lives for fear of losses.
They don’t want to upset the boat.
They are liars.
They are all frauds.
Believe me, I am inclined to believe all of the above but most inclined to believe the last one. If these folks are truly contacting these entities and they are not adjusting their lifestyles accordingly then something is really and truly wrong with the so-called NEW AGE movement.

Christmas & White Supremacy/Capitalism/Consumerism

Is it just me? 
How is it that having a European looking man, with blonde hair and blue eyes, from the middle east elevated to the status of God, is NOT promoting white supremacy?
For the next 30 days folks will be peppering their house, lawns, schools and churches and every where else with the image of a “white” child in a manger purported to be GOD incarnate. A so-called Christmas celebration that really is a cloak for white supremacy. 


Ida B. Wells
 Think about it, from now on it will be quite alright for Jesus to be depicted as White! All over the world from the deepest jungles to the highest skyscraper, Jesus will not represent every racial group or ethnicity, he, his parents and most of everyone around down to the angels will all be white. What a mind f***ck that must be for every body! They get to promote White Supremacy unabashed and take your money in the process. People keep saying folks are waking up, but this time of year makes me wonder on the real.
What do I suggest?
I suggest the truth, the real story… 
No trees in houses; 
No more tree farms for the purpose of chopping them down for folks to drag into their houses; 
No more high electric bills from burning lights all day and night. 
No more competitions about who’s house is burning the most Christmas lights in the most beautiful way; 
No more suicides because of feeling unloved during these times; 
No gifts given to folks when it ain’t their birthday; 
No jacking up commercialism and credit card debt; 
No more propaganda through movies; TV; radio; advertisements; etc. seducing people into buy, consume, buy, consume; 
No false promises; 
No so-called “Christmas Parties” where people only go to “see” what someone else is gonna give them; 
No more pretending that “Jesus” was born on Dec. 25; 
No more trashing the vibration of the Winter Solstice with greed and avarice. 
No more soup kitchens once a year to feed the homeless; feed them all year; 
No more Santa Claus lies; while chastising our children for lying; 
No more thousands upon thousands if Not millions of turkeys; chickens; sheep; pigs and cows being slaughtered; 
No more stuffing the gut with GMO laden food dishes; No more lies; 
No more betrayals; these are some of the things I suggest. 
If you really want to let the banksters know the real deal; don’t buy anything till January 30th that is Not necessary for sustenance. 
And finally; what would “Jesus” say if he came back and saw how much BS is going on in his name. Of course I confer that if he really exists than he sees it already. And judging with what they say about him; I am sure he is and would be appalled. And then they took his original image; if there ever really was one; and made him look like a European!! Come on; why did they do that? The original Jews did Not look like that. 
But I digress. 
Unless this “Jesus” is a megalomaniac; I would suggest; he is shaking his head pretty hard at this foolishness.
 “1. A psycho-pathological condition characterized by delusional fantasies of wealth; power; or omnipotence.

2. An obsession with grandiose or extravagant things or actions.

The Rise of the American-Muslim Totalitarian State

NB Commentary: When the now President Obama was running for election back in 2007 he made a lot of promises and gave people the adage that Hope and Change were in the offing. It was time and “Yes, We Can” rang out through the media and the entertainment world took it up and splattered every media outlet with this adage. I even remember myself feeling anxious about the election and wondered if he really would win. He appeared to be anti-everything that his predecessor was openly for.
Now, years later, we see that there has been very little Hope and even less change.

What struck me most was shortly after he was elected when he was asked if you would bring charges against the Bush administration for war crimes.  Before and during Mr. Obama’s campaign there had been a ground swell and a very strong movement for Bush’s impeachment that reached Congress and Congressman Dennis Kucinich, read a long list of grievances against the Bush administration. But when Obama was asked the question, he said, and I loosely quote him here, “Let’s move forward, and not backward.”  To me that was a key statement of what direction he would take his administration and it certainly would not be “away” from what was already taking place in the White House and the administration of the US government.
by James Corbett January 30, 2013

“The DOJ claims that in planning and waging the Iraq War, ex-President Bush and key members of his Administration were acting within the legitimate scope of their employment and are thus immune from suit,” chief counsel Inder Comar of Comar Law said. Source

People didn’t seem to be moved by this. Code Pink had been bought and sold on the bribery market and their efforts for the cessation of war pretty much muted. With brand new offices in DC, they were closer to the new President, but having succumb to the belief that Hope and Changehad arrived and that wars would end and that Guantanamo would close, they became part of the mainstream. In fact, if they show up now, they appear lifeless, pointless and powerless to keep the Peace Movement moving in any direction.
Now we are looking at more war theaters than ever before, or shall I be more honest here and say that the theaters have hit the main page of the news instead of being on the back page under the classified ads. The Wars going on in the so-called middle east, have been going on since before the Clinton administration. The idea of gaining a stronghold in Africa far preceded our current president. It’s just that now, with Social Media, and massive access to the news from around the world.. We can see what is really going on. Something that the indigenous people of the nations that the US and NATO have been bombing for decades already knew.
I also quivered at the outright about face turn that the US made towards Syria who in days of old was a part of the extraordinary rendition program and were holding so-called terrorists in their prisons. Now the US wants to overthrow the Assad regime, a once staunch ally of the US. It begs to question what the hidden agenda is when the US makes these allies and you just have to wonder, when the alliance with the US will come back to haunt them with bombs, drones, airstrikes, invasions and stealth operations to acquire their once friend’s, resources.

CIA agent Robert Baer: “If you want a serious interrogation, you send a prisoner to Jordan. If you want them to be tortured, you send them to Syria. If you want someone to disappear — never to see them again — you send them to Egypt.” Source

“The report also shows that as many as 54 foreign governments reportedly participated in these operations in various ways, including by hosting CIA prisons on their territories; detaining, interrogating, torturing, and abusing individuals; assisting in the capture and transport of detainees; permitting the use of domestic airspace and airports for secret flights transporting detainees; providing intelligence leading to the secret detention and extraordinary rendition of individuals; and interrogating individuals who were secretly being held in the custody of other governments. Foreign governments also failed to protect detainees from secret detention and extraordinary rendition on their territories and to conduct effective investigations into agencies and officials who participated in these operations.

The 54 governments identified in this report span the continents of Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America, and include: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Djibouti, Egypt, Ethiopia, Finland, Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Iceland, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Libya, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malawi, Malaysia, Mauritania, Morocco, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Syria, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Uzbekistan, Yemen, and Zimbabwe.” Source

And now, we have the Islamic Boogie Man. The epitome of all that is evil. Branded on 911 and blamed for the incredulous, they have become the bane of Western Society, even if the statistics show quite the contrary. A war on terror has been initiated and now every Muslim is suspect. Your friendly neighborhood donut maker and soda seller is a possible terrorist, despite the fact that they are US citizens also seeking the Mom’s Apple Pie of the American Dream. Quite frankly, the American Dream has become a nightmare for those law abiding Muslim citizens who want for their families every right that every other human being deserves. The right to live in peace and work towards a better tomorrow. In the face of this tyranny, the eye is skewed towards the threatening so-called Muslim terrorist and with a broad brush all Muslims are suspect while the crimes perpetrated against American men, women and children is done by home grown terrorists with no Islamic affiliation whatsoever. Why is this possible, how is it possible? The biggest culprit is mainstream media. They decide who will be hated and who will be adored, whether the object of our ire/affection is deserved or not. Let’s just hope that predator drones are not launched against American citizens, presumed to be Muslim extremist because quite frankly, these Muslims do not live on an island separated from the rest of humanity. They are among us and a drone strike will not be able to tell the difference.

DECEMBER 11, 2015


Muslim-Americans are living in a totalitarian police state with worsening harassment, profiling, and surveillance. The United States’ government may claim liberty and justice for all; however, in practice, towards Muslims, it exhibits all four major characteristics of a totalitarian state: a war on terror that targets Muslims abroad, a totalitarian police state at home, public executions by drones and gulags outside the rule of law, and a strong reliance on propaganda and political demagoguery.

The hallmark of fascism was state oppression of certain targeted non-privileged groups. Today, Muslims are bearing the brunt of America’s totalitarian police state.
Despite FBI records showing that since 9/11, Muslims have committed far less domestic terror attacks than white supremacists, it is the American-Muslim community that is under unprecedented levels of surveillance and government intrusion. Muslims in America are unquestionably experiencing a fascist system of surveillance, operating at the same level that East Germans faced under the Stasi spy agency. Researcher, Arun Kundnani, has shown how the FBI has one counterterrorism spy for every 94 Muslims in the U.S., which approaches Stasi’s ratio of one spy for every 66 citizens.
Clearly racism, as much as oil, fuels the War on Terror. White Christians rarely have to worry that an undercover agent or informant has infiltrated their churches, student organizations or neighborhoods. The simple fact that U.S. law enforcement has not infiltrated and spied on conservative Christian communities to disrupt violent rightwing extremism, which is the biggest terrorism threat in America, confirms what Muslims in American know in their bones: to worship Allah is to be suspect.
Federal judges recently ruled that suspicion-less surveillance of Muslims is permissible under the U.S. Constitution. The NYPD has admitted that Mosques, student groups, restaurants, even grade schools, have all been under surveillance. By rapidly increasing both government policies of secrecy and surveillance, Mr. Obama’s government is increasing its power to watch its citizens, while diminishing its citizens’ power to watch their government.
The threat of homegrown Islamic terrorism has been largely manufactured, so that the so-called War on Terror can promote multi-billion dollar, corporate-sponsored militarism abroad and the erosion of two hundred-year-old civil liberties at home.
Muslim-Americans are not only facing increasing oppression from the state, but they are also facing growing prejudice from their fellow countrymen, as hate crimes and civil liberty violations against Muslims continue to precipitously rise.
A recent Pew Forum Poll established that Muslims are by far the most disliked minority in America. According to FBI statistics, anti-Muslim hate crimes soared by an astounding 50 percent last year. Muslims constitute 1 percent of the U.S. population, but they are 13 percent of the victims of religious-based hate crimes. Islamophobia and xenophobia now seem as American as apple pie. Intolerance of Muslims is often inverted, depicting Muslim customs as an insult to Western customs.
One major aspect of American totalitarianism, shared by fascist regimes, is the nation’s enormous military budget. In 1933, Nazi Germany’s military spending was 2 percent of their national income; by 1940, it was 44 percent.
Today, America spends more on her military than the rest of the world combined. America has expanded its military into having 662 foreign military bases, according to the Department of Defense’s 2010 Base Structure Report. The War on Terror has cost $6 trillion, the equivalent of $75,000 for every American household, calculates Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government.
Another hallmark of totalitarianism is the creation of a prison system outside the rule of law that is largely designed to imprison and torture one minority group. The Guantanamo Bay gulag is unquestionably a crime against humanity. There is unlimited cruelty in a system that seems to be unable to free the innocent and unable to punish the guilty.
In April 24, 1934, a People’s Court, just like Guantanamo was established, which also bypassed the judicial system: prisoners were held indefinitely in isolation and were tortured and subjected to show trials. The People’s Court was signed into law by Adolf Hitler.

In 2007, a politician who was vehemently against the human rights abuses at Guantanamo Bay, explained what he would do about the torture camp if he ever became President:

“When I am President, I will close Guantanamo. It is a moral outrage, a blight upon America’s conscience. It is the location of so many of the worst constitutional abuses in recent years. From inception, Guantanamo was a laboratory for unlawful military interrogation, detention, and trials.”
The politician who uttered these words was Senator Barack Obama. Ironically, under President Obama’s tenure, conditions for Guantanamo detainees, from both a physical and legal standpoint, have become markedly worse.
Public executions are perhaps one of the most overt and odious symbols of totalitarianism. In totalitarian Spain, under General Franco, mass public executions were the norm, and were often carried out in bullrings or with band music and onlookers dancing in the victims’ blood. With Hitler and Mussolini supplying arms to Franco, some 200,000 men and women were publically executed during the war and bombed from overhead.

Nowadays, drones are the ultimate totalitarian technology. Washington both uses drones for what amount to public extra-judicial executions of Muslims abroad, and for spying on American Muslims at home.

Most Americans believe that drones are targeted and therefore humane. Nothing could be further from the truth. By all accounts, drones have killed more children than terrorists. According to a new report from The Intercept, nearly 90 percent of people killed in drone strikes in Afghanistan are civilians.
By 2018, some privacy experts believe law enforcement will likely control over 35,000 drones that the government will use to monitor Americans from the skies.
Integral to the rise of the America Muslim Totalitarian State is propaganda. Sheldon Wolin has poignantly pointed out that, whereas the production of propaganda was crudely centralized in Nazi Germany, in the United States, it is left to highly concentrated media corporations, thus maintaining the illusion of a “free press”.
The American propaganda machine is highly sophisticated. It does not rely upon the radio addresses, speeches, and leaflets disseminated by the Nazi Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment, nor does it rely on the crude censorship or harassment of free press ordered by a Politburo. The propaganda of America’s “one percent” is subtle yet pervasive; it relies not only on government diktats but also on the mass media, art, pop culture and Hollywood.

American cinema and music have always been a remarkably effective means of whipping up xenophobic wartime sentiment. For example, the highest grossing war film in history, American Sniper, and President Obama’s favorite television show, Homeland, both engage in an overly broad generalization of Islam, and depict Muslims and terrorists in a way that is indicative of widespread Islamophobia in American culture.

The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee reported a spike in Islamophobia and hate crimes after the release of American Sniper, which culminated in the recent slaying of three young Muslims in North Carolina, who were shot in the head sniper execution style. American Islamophobia operates in the service of American militarism and American militarism abroad, and in turn, ratchets up Islamophobia against minorities at home.
The media determines our language, our language shapes our thoughts, and our thoughts determine our actions. Language is the fulcrum of a society’s perception. Whosoever controls the public’s language, controls the public’s perception.
The corporate elites who sit on media editorial boards control said language. In 1983, fifty companies owned ninety percent of U.S. media. Today, only six media giants control a staggering ninety percent of what the American public listens to, reads, and watches. “Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play,” once remarked Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Germany’s Minister of Propaganda.
For Muslim-Americans the media’s Orwellian totalitarian language is clear: Drones are Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Torture is Enhanced Interrogation. Occupation is Liberation.
Donald Trump’s recent call to ban Muslims from entry into the U.S. is not without

precedent. The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 effectively banned all Chinese immigration to the US. This racist law remained in place for five decades and required all Chinese to carry identification certificates or face deportation. When Trump endorsed identification cards to be worn at all times by American Muslims, his popularity jumped almost 3 percentage points. If Donald Trump’s policies are viewed by Americans as odious and un-American, then why has he consistently gained popularity after every anti-Muslim outburst?

America’s history is stock full of totalitarianism and popularized, irrational fear of “the other”. It began when the settler pioneers feared Native Americans and united against them by slaughtering millions in order to quell that fear. As settlers began to unite around a common identity they feared the British Monarchy and rebelled against it. Americans then fought against Mexico, France and various other countries for vast land control. Five hundred documented revolts on slave ships and the fact that plantation owners were greatly outnumbered by slaves, cemented the role of fear that perpetuated slavery for centuries. With greater fear comes greater violence, and with greater violence comes a greater need to justify that violence by ratcheting up the fear.
After the attacks on Pearl Harbor, Japanese Americans were forced into interment camps on American soil. Vietnamese Americans were then targets of xenophobia in America during the Vietnam War, and then there was the “Red Scare”, which targeted Russian-Americans throughout the Cold War.
From the ashes of the Soviet Union arose the terrorists from the oil-rich Middle East, who became America’s new number one enemy and so the legacy of American xenophobia continues. Today, as the deliberately unending war on terror rumbles on abroad, Muslim, Arab, and Sikh Americans fear that they are living in a totalitarian state.
Garikai Chengu is a scholar at Harvard University. Contact him

Petro-Politics = Russian military operation in Syria bolsters oil market, domestic stocks


LOL, it’s all about the war, the fighting, the blood and the gore that makes the stocks rise and the blood boil in delirium. Funny how war makes the cash registers ring and the banksters happy, they don’t care who does it, just do it!! what a mad, mad, mad world we live in.

Not to mention this has gone on far too long and those folks are jumping ship, thousands at a time and finding their way into Europe.

And the reality is, when the war comes home, somebody says, wth??? We thought they would just kill them all off there, and have mass graves to bury them in, why are they escaping and why the hell are they coming here, hey wait a minute, nobody told us this would be the “blowback”!!! What the f*****k? And we all know they ain’t gonna go live with the Queen, nor is she gonna provide them a sovereign land to live on, even though she is the biggest land owner in the world, and she ain’t gonna roll over Beethoven and open up the Taj Mahal for them to hang out in, and forget it, tent cities all over Europe is an eyesore.

Forget the xenophobia, the antisemitism, the urban blight, the destruction of our way of life….? Keep they arses over thar where they belong (misspelling for emphasis). Hahahahah, I can’t stop laughing at this debacle. But funnier than that is the next stupid nation that sides with these war criminals, thinking they are gonna get more than crumbs from the pie. SMDH, when will they ever learn……???

Syrians waiting to cross into Turkey

Russian military operation in Syria bolsters oil market, domestic stocks

Russia's Su-24 aircraft takes off from Syria's Hmeimim airbase. © Dmitriy Vinogradov
Oil prices have risen 12 percent in October to a two-month high. Rising crude coincides with Russia’s airstrikes against Islamic State targets in Syria which began on September 30.

The price of Brent in London increased over one percent to $53 per barrel on Friday. US benchmark WTI is trading higher than $50 per barrel for the first time in three months after hitting six-year lows in late August. Other factors contributing to rising oil prices include a weakened dollar and shrinking US production. 
Crude prices can be particularly responsive to unrest or violence in the Middle East, one of world’s biggest oil-producing regions. While Syria does not have significant oil reserves, crude prices rise over fears the conflict could spread to the broader region.

“Syria is not a crude oil producer—its real significance to the energy markets is not a heightening of its ongoing internal conflict but rather the risk of contagion within the region at large,” the Wall Street Journal quotes NUS Consulting Group as saying.  Read More:

Who Was Behind the Cyberattack on Sony?

Who Was Behind the Cyberattack on Sony?


The cyberattack on Sony Pictures unleashed a torrent of alarmist media reports, evoking the image of North Korean perfidy. Within a month, the FBI issued a statement declaring the North Korean government “responsible for these actions.” Amid the media frenzy, several senators and congresspersons called for tough action. Arizona Senator John McCain blustered, “It’s a new form of warfare that we’re involved in, and we need to react and react vigorously.” President Barack Obama announced his administration planned to review the possibility of placing North Korea on the list of states sponsoring terrorism, a move that would further tighten the already harsh sanctions on North Korea. “They caused a lot of damage, and we will respond,” Obama warned darkly. “We will respond proportionally, and we’ll respond in a place and time and manner that we choose.”

In the rush to judgment, few were asking for evidence, and none was provided. Computer security analysts, however, were vocal in their skepticism.

In its statement, the FBI offered only a few comments to back its attribution of North Korean responsibility. “Technical analysis of the data deletion malware used in the attack revealed links to other malware that the FBI knows North Korean actors previously developed,” it reported, including “similarities in specific lines of code, encryption algorithms, data deletion methods, and compromised networks.” The FBI went on to mention that the IP addresses used in the Sony hack were associated with “known North Korean infrastructure.” Tools used in the attack “have similarities to a cyberattack in March of last year against South Korean banks and media outlets, which was carried out by North Korea.”

The major problem with the evidence offered by the FBI is that it is self-referential, all of it pointing back to the 2013 attack on South Korean banks and media that was carried out by the DarkSeoul gang. At that time, without supplying any supporting evidence, the United States accused North Korea of being behind DarkSeoul. In effect, the FBI argues that because the U.S. spread the rumor of North Korean involvement in the earlier attack, and some of the code is related, this proves that North Korea is also responsible for the Sony hack. One rumor points to another rumor as ‘proof,’ rendering the argument meaningless.

The logical fallacies are many. To date, no investigation has uncovered the identity of DarkSeoul, and nothing is known about the group. The linking of DarkSeoul to North Korea is purely speculative. “One point that can’t be said enough,” emphasizes Risk Based Security, “is that ‘attribution is hard’ given the nature of computer intrusions and how hard it is to ultimately trace an attack back to a given individual or group. Past attacks on Sony have not been solved, even years later. The idea that a mere two weeks into the investigation and there is positive attribution, enough to call this an act of war, seems dangerous and questionable.”

Consider some of the other flaws in the FBI’s statement. The IP addresses that were hard-coded in the malware used in the Sony hack belonged to servers located in Thailand, Poland, Italy, Bolivia, Singapore, Cypress, and the United States. The FBI implies that only the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK – the formal name for North Korea) could have used these servers. The Thai port is a proxy that is commonly used in sending spam and malware. The same is true of the Polish and Italian servers. All of the servers used in the Sony attack have been previously compromised and are among the many computers that are widely known and used by hackers and spam distributors. Anyone with the knowhow can use them.

Whether or not these machines were used is another matter. Hackers often use proxy machines with phony IP addresses to mislead investigators. No hackers use their own computers to launch an attack. Vulnerable systems are hijacked in order to route traffic. For the FBI to point to IP addresses either reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of cybersecurity or a cynical attempt to deliberately mislead the public.

The Sony hack also bears similarities with the 2012 Shamoon cyberattack on computers belonging to Saudi Aramco. Those responsible for that attack have never been identified either, although the United States accused Iran without providing any evidence. Using the FBI’s logic, one could just as easily argue that the Sony hack was the work of Iran. One groundless accusation is used to buttress another. As evidentiary matter, it is worthless. It should also be recalled that in 1998, the United States blamed Iraq for the Solar Sunrise hack into Defense Department computers, only for it be ultimately revealed that it was the act of a few teenagers.

Nor do the similarities in code between the Sony hack and the earlier Shamoon and DarkSeoul attacks indicate a shared responsibility. Malware is freely available on the black market. Hackers operate by purchasing or borrowing, and then tweaking commonly available software, including both illegal and legal components. Code is shared among hackers on forums, and malware is assembled by linking various elements together.

One of the components used in the Sony cyberattack was the RawDisk library from EldoS, a commercial application that allows direct access to Windows hardware bypassing security. Anyone can legally purchase this software. There is nothing to tie it to the DPRK.

“There’s a lot of malware that’s shared between different groups, and all malware is built on top of older malware,” reports Brian Martin of Risk Based Security. “They’re also built on top of hacking tools. For example, you’ll find lots of malware that uses pieces of code from popular tools like Nmap. Does that mean that the guy who wrote Nmap is a malware author? No. Does it mean he works for North Korea? No.”

Robert Graham of Errata Security regards the evidence offered by the FBI as “complete nonsense. It sounds like they’ve decided on a conclusion and are trying to make the evidence fit.” Graham adds: “There is nothing unique in the software. We know that hackers share malware on forums. Every hacker in the world has all the source code available.”

Trojan-Destover, the malware used in the Sony cyberattack, included at least six components utilized earlier by Shamoon and DarkSeoul. “Even in such damaging scenarios, the cyber attacker’s tools are reused,” points out Sariel Moshe of CyActive. “For them, if it worked once, tweak it a bit and it will work again. The attack on Sony demonstrates quite clearly that this method works quite well.” Indeed, while Shamoon and DarkSeoul are the most commonly mentioned predecessors to the Sony hack, it is thought that this software has been used on several occasions in the past against multiple targets.

The software utilized in the Sony cyberattack is atypical for a nation state. “It’s a night and day difference in quality,” says Craig Williams of Cisco’s Talos Security Intelligence and Research Group. “The code is simplistic, not very complex, and not very obfuscated.”

Four files used in the attack were compiled on a machine set to the Korean language. That fact proves nothing, notes computer security analyst Chris Davis. “That is pretty weak evidence. I could compile malware code that used Afrikaans and where the timestamp matched JoBerg in about five seconds.” Any reasonably competent hacker would change the language setting in order to misdirect investigators. Had North Korean conducted this attack, it certainly would have taken the basic step of changing the language setting on the machine used to compile code.

What about North Korean resentment over Sony Picture’s tasteless lowbrow comedy, The Interview, which portrays the assassination of DPRK leader Kim Jong-un? It is doubtful that Americans would find themselves any more amused by a foreign comedy on the subject of killing a U.S. president than the North Koreans are by The Interview.

Among the emails leaked by the cyberattack on Sony was a message from Bruce Bennett of the Rand Corporation. Bennett was a consultant on the film and opposed toning down the film’s ending. “I have been clear that the assassination of Kim Jong-un is the most likely path to a collapse of the North Korean government,” he wrote, adding that DVD leaks of the film into North Korea “will start some real thinking.” In another message, Sony CEO Michael Lynton responded: “Bruce – Spoke to someone very senior in State (confidentially). He agreed with everything you have been saying. Everything.” Lynton was also communicating with Robert King, U.S. Special Envoy for North Korean Human Rights Issues in regard to the film.

The Western media portray North Korean reaction to The Interview as overly sensitive and irrational, while U.S. officials and a Rand Corporation consultant saw the film as having the potential to inspire the real-life assassination of Kim Jong-un. The scene of Kim’s assassination was not intended merely for so-called ‘entertainment.’

The mass media raced to attribute the Sony hack to the DPRK, based on its reaction to the Sony film. A closer look at the cyberattack reveals a more likely culprit, however. The group taking responsibility for the hack calls itself ‘Guardians of Peace’, and in one of the malware files the alternate name of ‘God’sApstls’ is also used. In the initial attack, no reference was made to the film, nor was it mentioned in subsequent emails the attackers sent to Sony. Instead, the hackers attempted to extort money: “Monetary compensation we want. Pay the damage, or Sony Pictures will be bombarded as whole.”

In an interview with CSO Online, a person represented as belonging to Guardians of Peace said the group is “an international organization…not under the direction of any state,” and included members from several nations. “Our aim is not at the film The Interview as Sony Pictures suggests,” the hacker wrote, but mentioned that the release of a film that had the potential of threatening peace was an example of the “greed of Sony Pictures.”

For two weeks following the cyberattack, the media harped on the subject of North Korean culpability. Only after that point did the Guardians of Peace (GOP) make its first public reference to The Interview, denying any connection with the DPRK. Yet another week passed before the GOP denounced the movie and threatened to attack theaters showing the film.

It appears that the narrative of North Korean involvement repeated ad nauseam by the media and the U.S. government presented a gift to the hackers too tempting to pass up. The GOP played to the dominant theme and succeeded in solidifying the tendency to blame the DPRK, with the effect of ensuring that no investigation would pursue the group.

For its part, the Obama Administration chose to seize the opportunity to bolster its anti-North Korea policy in preference over tracking down the culprits.

There are strong indications that the cyberattack involved one or more disgruntled Sony employees or ex-employees, probably working together with experienced hackers. The malware used against Sony had been modified to include hard-coded file paths and server names. System administrator user names and passwords were also hard-coded. Only someone having full access with system administrator privileges to Sony’s computer network could have obtained this information.

The GOP could have hacked into the Sony system months beforehand in order to gather that data. But it is more likely that someone with knowledge of Sony’s network configuration provided the information. Arguing against the possibility that critical information had been siphoned beforehand through a hack, cybersecurity expert Hemanshu Nigam observes, “If terabytes of data left the Sony networks, their network detection systems would have noticed easily. It would also take months for a hacker to figure out the topography of the Sony networks to know where critical assets are stored and to have access to the decryption keys needed to open up the screeners that have been leaked.”

The most likely motivation for the attack was revenge on the part of current or former Sony employees. “My money is on a disgruntled (possibly ex) employee of Sony,” Marc Rogers of CloudFlare wrote. “Whoever did this is in it for the revenge. The info and access they had could have easily been used to cash out, yet, instead, they are making every effort to burn Sony down. Just think what they could have done with passwords to all of Sony’s financial accounts.”

Nation states never conduct such noisy hacking operations. Their goal is to quietly infiltrate a system and obtain information without detection. Sony had no data that would have been of interest to a nation state. Computer security blogger The Grugq wrote, “I can’t see the DPRK putting this sort of valuable resource onto what is essentially a petty attack against a company that has no strategic value.”

It would have been reckless for a North Korean team to draw attention to itself. Cybersecurity specialist Chris Davis says, “All the activity that was reported screams Script Kiddie to me. Not advanced state-sponsored attack.” Davis adds, “Well, the stupid skeleton pic they splashed on all the screens on the workstations inside Sony…is not something a state-sponsored attack would do…Would ANY self-respecting state-sponsored actor use something as dumb as that?” The consensus among cybersecurity experts is clear, Davis argues. “The prevalent theory I am seeing in the closed security mailing lists is an internet group of laid off Sony employees.”

Following his cybersecurity firm’s investigation, Kurt Stammberger of Norse echoes that view. “Sony was not just hacked. This is a company that was essentially nuked from the inside. We are very confident that this was not an attack master-minded by North Korea and that insiders were key to the implementation of one of the most devastating attacks in history.”

“What is striking here is how well they knew to exploit Sony’s vulnerabilities,” reports Nimrod Kozlovski of JVP Labs. “The malware itself is not creative or new; there are plenty of actors that could have manifested this particular attack.” The hackers “knew more about the company, Sony, and its vulnerabilities than they knew, or needed to know, about hacking.”

As an indication of the hacker’s real motivation, it should be noted that the first communications focused on a different issue than the Sony film. The content of an email sent by the GOP to the IDG News Service refers to Sony’s restructuring, in which thousands of employees lost their jobs: “Sony and Sony Pictures have made terrible racial discrimination and human rights violation, indiscriminate tyranny and restructuring in recent years. It has brought damage to a lot of people, some of whom are among us. Nowadays, Sony Pictures is about to prey on the weak with a plan of another indiscriminate restructuring for their own benefits. This became a decisive motive for our action.” In an email to The Verge, the GOP wrote, “We want equality. Sony doesn’t…We worked with other staff with similar interests to get in.”

Seeking to diffuse tensions, North Korea proposed to conduct a joint investigation with the United States into the Sony cyberattack. Predictably, the United States quickly rebuffed the offer. National Security Council spokesman Mark Stroh arrogantly responded, “If the North Korean government wants to help, they can admit their culpability and compensate Sony for the damages this attack caused.” North Korea can hardly be expected to accept blame for an act it did not commit. But getting to the truth of the matter was the farthest thing from the Obama Administration’s mind. Similarly, U.S. officials are ignoring requests from cybersecurity experts to be allowed to analyze the Destover code. “They’re worried we’ll prove them wrong,” Robert Graham concludes.

The Obama Administration’s outrage over the Sony attack contains more than a small measure of hypocrisy. It was the United States that launched the Stuxnet attack that destroyed many of Iran’s nuclear centrifuges. According to a Washington Post article published in 2013, the United States conducted 231 cyber operations throughout the world two years before. The National Security Agency, as is now well known, regularly hacks into computer networks, scooping up vast amounts of data. The GENIE program, the Post reported, was projected to have broken into and installed implants in 85,000 computers by the end of 2013. It was reported that GENIE’s next phase would implement an automated system that could install “potentially millions of implants” for gathering data “and active attack.” According to former deputy of defense secretary William J. Lynn III, “The policy debate has moved so that offensive options are more prominent now.”

Contrast the mild treatment the media gave to the recent large-scale hacks into Target, Home Depot and JP Morgan, in which millions of credit cards and personal information were stolen, with the coverage of the cyberattack on Sony Pictures. It is impossible to avoid the conclusion that political considerations are driving the media furor over the latter case.

After six years in office, the Obama Administration has yet to engage in dialogue or diplomacy with North Korea. It prefers to maintain a wall of hostility, blocking any prospect of progress or understanding between the two nations.

Already, North Korean websites have been targeted by persistent denial of service operations. Whether the attacks were launched by a U.S. government cyber team or independent hackers inspired by media reports is not known. In any case, President Obama has already promised to take unspecified action against the DPRK. Actual responsibility for the Sony attack is irrelevant. Backed by media cheerleading, U.S officials are using the cyberattack as a pretext to ratchet up pressure on North Korea. Any action the Obama Administration takes is likely to trigger a response, and we could enter a dangerous feedback loop of action/counteraction.

Gregory Elich is on the Board of Directors of the Jasenovac Research Institute and the Advisory Board of the Korea Policy Institute. He is a member of the Committee to Defend Democracy in South Korea and a columnist for Voice of the People. He is also one of the co-authors of Killing Democracy: CIA and Pentagon Operations in the Post-Soviet Period, published in the Russian language.

Gregory Elich is on the Board of Directors of the Jasenovac Research Institute and the Advisory Board of the Korea Policy Institute. He is a member of the Committee to Defend Democracy in South Korea and a columnist for Voice of the People. He is also one of the co-authors ofKilling Democracy: CIA and Pentagon Operations in the Post-Soviet Period, published in the Russian language.

NB Commentary "Ebola outbreak: call to send in military to west Africa to help curb epidemic"

Medical workers of the John F Kennedy hospital of Monrovia
show the aprons they have been wearing during a strike.
Photograph: Dominique Faget/AFP/Getty Images

It seems that the militarization and military dominance of the Western World Powers are in full swing. Of course they experiment first on the least able to resist their control and then move towards the higher stakes.

There are many fields of conquest taking place at this moment, a sign that the steady plan by plan operations do not work reminiscent of how at the end of the battle all the ammo that is left is hoisted upon  the enemy. Western powers are losing their dominion over the world, economically, politically and spiritually. There desire for a New World Order by culling the masses has become exposed for all to see. As a result, they have found the need to resort to even more treacherous strategies. Ebola is bio-chemical warfare, hence the need for boots on the ground. They care not who they endanger as those wearing the boots are just as expendable as those who are affected by this virus.

Read Full Guardian Article Here

Ebola outbreak: call to send in military to west Africa to help curb epidemic

The design of worldwide population reduction is in full swing and they are now testing one of the deadliest man-made virus in recent history. When the initial outbreak occurred the loss of life was not astronomical. Now they have gotten to a people on the African continent who were already broken and now even more so, hence their inability to fight the infection. The human’s immune system can be render useless with varying conditions of stress, strife, struggle, heart break, wars and various other events that happen in the life of human beings on this planet.

From my point of view, it is quite clear that the propaganda campaign that has been launched against the virus and the African people is a clear indicator that this disease has been set loose on the African populations. We must also look at the natural resources in the areas hit hardest by the outbreak and connect the dots.

Western Powers are plummeting into the depths of despair. Economically, politically and spiritually they are losing control over the masses as seen by the many protests against their governments. Their economies are collapsing as we speak and once the great Euro-American Empires collapse all those entrenched in their way of life will collapse as well. It will go down in the annals of time as the True and Unequivocal fall of man. 

Africans who have lusted after the Western Way of Life, have forsaken their ancient values for Capitalism. Once a beacon in the world for Community and support for family and traditional institutions; Africa’s Leaders have become Westernized in their climb to the so-called top of the ladder. They are finding out slowly but surely that the Euro-Americans and their schemes for advancement cannot be trusted. 

While the “Obama Trojan” horse was set loose on

unknowing masses of Blacks in Africa, the Black leaders are lining their pockets with promises of riches, Western riches…. Ignoring their own profitability in their home grown resources as well as ingenuity. Euro-American Powers want to trump the advancement of China into Africa. This is a war on many fronts and all not done with weapons of mass destruction as they have been deployed in the past.

It is an insidious, creeping into the very fiber of the African being, a scraping away of all ethical and community connections; a masking of a great cancer that has rendered Africans in their quest for acknowledgement and acceptance by the beast who colonized it in the first place.

We are definitely living in some seriously trying times as wars wage across the planet. Our host Mother Earth has seen nothing like this before in her history, as we are much more populated and given to warring with each other than ever before.

Is there any hope? I am not too sure of that. In my opinion, attempting to gather together a Union of African countries numbering 50+ (as some countries have seceded and formed additional countries on the continent) the division among African people as a whole is daunting. Where are the true African leaders who will  or can bridge the gap? Qaddafi is gone along with so many others. Where are the true leaders of the African people who have the vision to see that their dependence on Euro-American assistance is a death knell?

I believe that Africans swallowed the Euro-American belief systems, religious, economic and political. These systems are antithesis to what ancient traditional Africa stood for. It flies in the face of the Ancient Ancestral traditions. It is a divide and conquer mechanism that has destroyed the very “immune” system of the Continental African. Ebola is just a sign of a deeper and more shattering phenomenon. Africa is infected with Western ideology, and as a result, Africa will fall ill with its disease and suffer a great loss until the cure is discovered. What is the cure? 


Self Reliance! 

Deporting any and all Euro-American ideology in all its forms. Taking back its true nature from the vulture who consumed it. 

Until then, Africa will drown in the sinking ship of Western Imperialism.

NASA Documents Reveal “Climate Change” Caused By Covert Weather Weapons

November 5, 2013

NASA Documents Reveal “Climate Change” Caused By Covert Weather Weapons

Little Known NASA Documents Reveal Mission of Military and Federal Agencies to Modify the Climate

It’s unacceptable that the UN/IPCC continue to push CO2 as the cause for climate change but refuse to acknowledge the military has been actively engaged in Climate Warming Weapons Technologies for more than 20 years.

TITLE: “Present and Future Plans of Federal Agencies in Weather-Climate Modification”

This set of documents from 1966 reveals a network of government agencies in perpetual and secret collaboration with each other and the military to Modify the Global climate. Created by the elitist National Academy of Sciences – decades of an inter-agency culture of secrecy explains why
the issue of covert aerosol Geoengineering is a taboo topic to be degraded to the status of “conspiracy theory” by a matrix of complicit bureaucrats at every opportunity. This is why your local TV “meteorologist” will rarely make a helpful comment about an unusual sky filled with persistent jet trails.
TITLE: “The Evolution of a Weather Modification R&D program Into a Military Weapons System”. A 1986 Critique of the 1966 initiative.
This document appears as an anonymous draft intended as a critique of the US Weather Modification Program that the author characterizes as hijacked into a military weapons system…..

Denial ain’t just a River in Egypt.

 Conspiracy Theories are NOT Theories After all? 

Investigator Doug Hagmann Exposes Alarming Truths! 


Published on Jul 19, 2012 Investigator, Doug Hagmann (from Hagmann and Hagmann) exposes that the top conspiracy theories are not theories after all! The Middle East, Government watch list, Money Manipulation, Privacy, TSA, and even the conspiracy that the government in Washington D.C. isn’t actually our government.!

I find it interesting how like this one and many other so-called patriotic programs seem to overlook the very essence of why this stuff is happening now. They mention the founding Fathers and their intent over and over again, but these so-called Founding Fathers DID NOT intend for their “document” to include blacks, native Americans or women….. it was a document created for White Anglo-Saxon aristocracy.

They also forget to mention the atrocity of the Slave Trade and the Institution of Slavery, Racism and White Supremacy that sustained it for 300+ years. To me they miss the ELEPHANT in the room by overlooking these simple facts of history.

A nation built on the backs, blood, sweat and tears of an annihilated enslaved people can not stand for long. The European was given the false notion that he was superior to his “Slave” and therefore it was hardly a thing to mention the “rights’ of these enslaved people. The indigenous people were considered savages, therefore, no mention of them or their rights. The Constitution/Bill of Rights is an exclusive document written specifically for those intended not for the so-called “We the People”. Until this is identified, the now “We the People” will continue to grope in the dark for an answer as to why their “Freedoms” are being taken away.

Instead take a hard long look at how these “Freedoms” were taken away by force from the Indigenous People and the African people who were captured and brought thousands of miles from their homeland. These atrocities were perpetrated by the Forefathers of those who now complain about their “Freedoms” being taken away.

How long could such a house of cards last? Once this is faced with an open and serious eye, folks will continue to complain about how their “rights” are being taken away. Now, the descendants of the perpetrators of colonialism, death and destruction here in North & South America are seeing what it feels like to be discriminated against because of the way they think, act, believe or social status.
These Patriots need to take a long hard look at what their Forefathers and Founding Fathers did and continue to do; to Indigenous and African peoples over the past 500+ years and then they will see why, as Malcolm X once said, “The chickens come home to roost.”

I often wonder if when these Patriots spout out their patriotic dribble, do they have the same tunnel vision as their Forefathers? Are they willing to address the discrimination, oppression, racism and white supremacy that has spearheaded this train wreck? Are they brave enough, willing enough, capable enough to speak truth to power and admit that they are in the same hell their Forefathers perpetrated on other human beings? Can they honestly write an narrative that demonstrates how the present day Patriot got himself/herself in this cycle of oppression? Without looking at the root cause of the destruction of America/Western Society.. they will continue to bark at the Moon about the rights they are denied while ignoring how these same rights were denied others.

Denial ain’t just a River in Egypt.