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Archive for the ‘NWO’ Category

Why the Towers Fell: The Greatest Conspiracy of All Time (Videos)

NB Commentary: In this video I want to share my thoughts on the subject of a UFO being sighted during the destruction of the Twin Towers. The video in question is called  “UFO Sighting at Twin Towers 9/11 WTCAttacks – FindingUFO” It was produced by NewsNeverSeenOnTV and uploaded by  a YouTube Channel called “FindingUFO”. 

I responded to a comment that was posted under this video and I will read the comment and then I will read my response to the comment. Make sure you check out that video so you can follow the comment and my response to it.
The Title of my video is

Why the Towers Fell: The Greatest Conspiracy of All Time”.

“There were no places. Al the images of planes crashing into the towers were ONLY on media coverage. Again controlled. The actual buildings were destroyed by something else. Look for 9/11 ball on you tube. I believe the destruction of the towers was planned by a a group of human and extraterrestrial beings to bring around change that will pave the way for a bigger project.”

If you think like a military strategist or even a chess player… I don’t play chess but I heard about it. You always have contingency plans in the works. First there is the hatching of the plan and along the way it is tweak but the original goal is set in motion long before the final “dustification” takes place.
Then there is the strategy of putting all elements in place on a need to know basis. The right hand does not always know what the left hand is doing. And then among the participants is a host of misinformation and disinformation to keep things interesting and keep them battling among themselves.
The other contingency is to have several options or ways to get to the goal, if it’s total dominion over the entire world, well, that’s a big plot and will have embedded in it many tiny plots.

Then there are the false flags leading up to the big bang.. or the perceived big bang because power never concedes until it consumes itself so as long as there are powerful people in powerful place in government, they will continue, in their think tanks to hatch more and more plans to gain more and more power, until the Think Tank explodes in on itself.

Unfortunately, since human nature has been hardwired to destroy itself, another crop of corruptibles will emerge and thus the cycle will continue. But I digress.
The game plan(s) are put in place. A serious of strategic moves are made, some in sequence some not, The idea is to keep the level of confusion controllable but not easily assessed or revealed. Next step is through a few conspiracy theorists, controlled opposition and at the bottom of the pile a few folks who are whacky enough to figure it all out and who will most likely to be called Chicken Little because the real plot is so preposterous it could never be believed to be a reality.
Once this is all set up, they still must maintain and control the narrative. And what is that, Order Out of Chaos.
In this modern age, they have technology that can create anything we “think” we see as have been proven over and over again. More than likely, the technology at the disposal of the masses is decades behind what the Military Industrial complex has, so, like pawns in this game of chess, the shadow government, hidden hand, nefarious overlords or whatever you wish to call them can manipulate what we see, hear and even think.
And then, the event happens. A series of events lead up to it, to test the masses.

It’s a grand experiment, and like strategic scientists they have to have the double bind. The real deal and the placebo. The effects of the placebo are more telling than the real thing. If people can be fooled by propaganda, disinformation and misinformation, than the real thing can easily be covered by many false flags instead of the real thing till the masses are so apprehensive, that when the “real thing” happens some believe it and others don’t. More than likely most will believe, and because they have been primed, they will follow the dictates of the so called “CareTaker Government” give up all their freedoms for protection, etc., etc., etc.

Now, we must remember that this plan has to take thousands upon thousands of years before it can be fully realized. Therefore, various nefarious backroom deals and secret societies must be implemented in order to keep the chaos going among the members as well as the leaking of the information from various sources to keep the masses confused and chaotic as well.

The Master of this Plot is a genius when it comes to understanding human nature and how it responds to certain situations. It knows that it can set things in motion, like a spinning top and it will spin endlessly on its own steam because it has been hardwired to do so.

Not one single solitary human is averse to falling into the trap of lusting for power, influence and impact on his world around him. The Masters know this. Why do they know this? Because they created us that way.
We are living in a human zoo, a prison planet with bars on our minds, bodies and spirits that we cannot see. This is the nature of the Grand Conspiracy. All the Chess pieces are in place and operable. Anyone who determines the grand scheme is ignored, demonized, compromised or discarded as they are inhibitors and a threat to the status quo. Even the corruptibles are disposable as they are still players/pawns as well. None of them, no matter how much they pledge allegiance, will get to be a Master. They are given empty titles of grandeur, wealth, status and are sometimes feared but they never, never will become a MASTER. That is not part of the plan. So leaders, political figures, religious Evangelists, corporate moguls, scientists, educators and even those who have been authorized to sit in the Think Tanks and strategize, all have to be approved by a higher Power, the MASTER, the OVERLORD of this reality.
Finally, if there is a finality to this agenda, there is a major catastrophe or reset and it starts all over again. This may sound pessimistic but it is the nature of this 3d reality Earth Prison Planet we live in. Understanding that we live on a Prison Planet is the first step towards awakening to what is happening around us.


“UFO Sighting at Twin Towers 9/11 WTC Attacks – FindingUFO”
Bombs, Bush and booby traps: Bizarre conspiracy theories around the 9/11 attacks
More than 1,100 have cancer after 9/11 By CNN Staff  Updated 11:00 AM ET, Wed September 11, 2013
9/11 conspiracy theories – the unexplained questions!
Conspiracy theorists believe this video is proof the Twin Towers were brought down by a controlled explosion on 9/11
The Star Wars Beam Weapons and Star Wars Directed-Energy Weapons (DEW)
Saudi Press: U.S. Blew Up World Trade Center To Create ‘War On Terror’
Feeding Time at the Human Zoo: Why We Never Get Invited to Extraterrestrial Parties
We’re the puppets, the strings are in their hands –
UFOs and Aliens in the News

New World Order: Change Your Clocks!! (Videos)

People fuss and complain and make long videos warning us about the so-called New World Order. I say, it ain’t new!! Anytime a group of people can change the time on the clock and effect the entire world’s bio-rhythm, now that’s some power. I know that everyone in the “whole world” ain’t changing their clocks, but if they don’t change, and they have to interact with those who do, they still have to make an adjustment on some level. Now, that’s power.

Two times a year, a small group of folks get to determine “what time it is”! I think that highly signifies how controlled our world is. Imagine, just because you said so, billions of people adhere to your command. Now, that’s power!!

Lest we forget, we live in a controlled and manipulated world. This change alters our bio-rhythms, our sense of balance, our ability to manage our lives, our sleep cycles, our frequencies and our general relationships and interactions with all that goes on around us. Now that’s power!

Two times a year, a small group of folks get to determine that their “robots” go to their clocks and change them to fall in lock step with the “commands” of a hidden few. Now that’s power!

Imagine how they must feel when billions of people follow suit across the expanse of the entire planet. Everybody, particularly in the Western world, follows suit. Billions of hands on clocks around the world. Billions of people finding reasons to believe this disruption is fine. They make excuses, they warn, they intimidate, they complain, but in the final analysis, they all comply. Now, that’s power!

So the next time you feel you must point out that there is a “New World Order” ask your self, if you changed your clocks forth in spring and back in the fall. Ask yourself, were you effected, even in the slightest by others changing their clocks, ask if you were happy you didn’t have to change your computer clock, your cell phone and any other gadget you have that simply does the job for you.

 I’m just saying, we can’t escape it…. This world has been under a “World Order” since its inception, and so as I say, every year that I resist, complain, fuss and refuse to change my clock out of sheer rebellion, ain’t no such thing as a “New World Order”!

 It’s the “Same World Order” and some folks just happen to wake up to how it manipulates, dictates, determines, discriminates, and all the rest of it, but surely we are a ‘COMPLETELY CONTROLLED WORLD COMMUNITY!”

Now that’s power!!!!!!!



The Counter Coup…. By Ronald Chism (Videos)

NB Commentary: By permission I am reposting a message sent to me via email. I found Mr. Chism’s thoughts compelling and worthy of posting in my blog. Feel free to leave your comments below. Thanks you.

The Counter Coup…. By Ronald Chism

(I have made fairly significant progress on my book, Nine Keys to Superior Livingso I decided to take a little break and share my perspective on what has just occurred in the U.S.  Consider this a “post-election” analysis, although the impact of this election reaches far, far beyond the borders of the United States.)
Some 15 years ago, I told my wife that she and I would live to see a coup–perhaps a military coup–in the United States that would be a counter-coup against the forces that engineered the 1961 coup that was initiated by the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, a coup and assassination that I, at age 11, “witnessed,” at least on television, as well as a counter-coup against the neo-conservative forces that initiated 9/11.  
Yes, there have been two coup d’etats in the U.S., in modern times, and one counter-coup:
The coup that occurred at the assassination of JFK
The coup that occurred on 9/11.  
The counter-coup initiated by forces that picked Donald Trump to be the visible representative of that coup.

Now, Trump did not organize it himself, nor did he conceive of it.  He was picked by the major counter-coup organizers because of his unique status as a global businessman and, essentially, his status as a civil nationalist [He’s not a Republican, and merely ran on the Republican ticket because he would have had no chance to win had he ran as an independent.  Running as a Republican was a mere tool].  I will name the major organizers of the coup in this brief note.

First, a brief note.  There are two, cultural views within the United States, neither one of which touched upon the prime reality that has been happening in the U.S. and on the planet.  Those two cultural views are:
  • Leftist views that are limited to social issues, such as racism (anti-racism), feminism, the gay agenda, equal rights (including for the handicapped), etc.
  • Rightest views that center on right-to-life issues (anti-abortion), religion (e.g., prayer in school, the promulgation of “Christian values,” etc.), anti-immigration, etc.
But prime issue that has defined the trajectory of U.S. policy both in the U.S. and abroad has been the struggle between freedom and slavery; between ‘higher’ caste and ‘lower’ caste’ between a tiny controlling cabal, and the rest of us.  Although this type of struggle has been happening for thousands of years, it has manifested itself in a unique, and infinitely more dangerous manner in the modern age than in the past.  
And this was explained clearly, as a warning, by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in his famous Farewell Address.  The unique manner in which this struggle has manifested itself in the modern age is through what Eisenhower defined as The Military-Industrial Complex, which quickly became the tool by which global dominance [New World Order] would be achieved by a hidden elite (generally hidden from the common people.)  If you have not viewed his Farewell Address, you can do so by clicking here.  Here is a short quote from that address: 

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

Here are the major players that engineered the counter-coup that installed Trump into the Presidency as the visible representative of that coup (You will not find these people on The Internet, listed as part of a counter-coup.  I deduced this list through observation): 

A group within the Deep State that feared the impending social destruction of the United States by the forces that were trying to create the NWO.  The Deep State was never of one mind.  There were always divisions.  But it was 9/11, and the horrid results of 9/11 (both domestically and internationally) that swelled the ranks of those within the Deep State that became opposed to the methods of the others within the deep state whom they perceived as destructive to world and national order and peace.  The CIA, an arm of the Deep State, was also split, one force wishing to carry on the plans for NWO, the other force wishing to depart from those plans.

  • Dr. Steve Piezcienik
  • Roger Stone
  • Gerald Celente
  • Alex Jones (believe it or not )  And I’m not kidding.
  • General James Mattis
  • General John Kelly
  • General Michael Flynn
  • Dr. Steven Greer
  • Aware, anti-globalist, citizen-dot-connectors of the United States who, using The Internet, exercised a significant portion of the U.S. to the possibility that Trump was an anti-globalist. 
  • Julian Assange
  • What we have witnessed is a Civil War, which is still happening at this moment that has taken place chiefly in the shadows and on The Internet.  And it has not been a bloodless Civil War, unfortunately, because people have been killed.  But it is a relatively bloodless coup, waged mostly through The Internet, but also through the hard work of the above people and their assistants, some of whom do not live in the United States.

    [Oh, incidentally, I have no special knowledge about this.  No one has shown me “the secret files.” My claims are based on what I now perceive as the very obvious disclosure that a counter-coup has occurred, that disclosure appearing before our very eyes, in both the mainstream and alternative media, every single day now.  Some of this I pieced together on my own, some of it is information that I gathered from the analysis of others, including experts.  Only one individual, a serious expert in intelligence, Dr. Steve Piezcienik, has actually stated that a counter-coup has occurred].

    A few articles and YouTube videos that are helpful in seeing this counter-coup are:
    Trump – Enough of 9/11! , by Thierry Meyssan

    Now, all of the “right/left” commotion, in the streets, in the form of marches and counter-marches that you are witnessing has ZERO–nada–to do with what is really going on before our eyes. Trump, in order to get votes, held the mirror up before a significant number of disaffected U.S. citizens, and simply reflected, from that mirror, onto himself, what they wanted to hear.
    In short, he out-politicked the politicians.  I doubt very seriously if Trump is a committed racist (Mexican, African, or otherwise), misogynist, or that he hates the religion of Islam.  Roger Stone was his principal guide who fully understood the various factions in the U.S. that Trump would have to appeal to:
    • anti-globalists (including anti-NAFTA, anti-TPP citizens)
    • anti-leftists
    • pro-lifers
    • anti-Muslims (including anti-Muslim terrorists)
    • disaffected white unemployed
    • anti-DC politicians
    Regarding the last mentioned item, anti-DC politicians, remember: 40% of eligible voters did not vote.  This is a measure of the massive discontent, amongst the citizenry.  Trump’s handlers were excellent in mapping out a strategy for Trump, as well as appropriate messaging.

    When I say “appropriate” messaging, I’m not talking about morality.  I’m talking about messaging that was appropriate for appealing to the above-listed audience.  
    I’ll wrap this up now.  Does this mean that I believe Trump to be the real deal?  In a word, yes. And I won’t mind if I end up being wrong.  No problem.

    But understand what I’m saying that he’s the real deal about.  He’s the real deal in being the visible head of that side of this current Civil War (occurring in the shadows, on The Internet, and now, actually, partially in public) that is attempting to destroy the machinations of Deep State globalists, who are also called the proponents of a New World Order.

    (Before continuing, please understand the following: I will not argue or debate this matter with anyone.  That is a promise.  Say, or believe, whatever you wish.  I have analyzed the situation, and it is crystal clear to me what is going on.  I was correctly able to discoveron my own, what was happening inside Libya in 2011.  And I was proven correct.  I wrote 200 articles for, using a pseudonym, alerting people about what was happening in Libya.  Others did also, and that was because, in part, they were studying as hard as I was and we all, 32 of us, came up with the same correct conclusions.

    (Trump might not do all that he claims he’s going to do.  But there is a priority now.  And that priority he is addressing: Destroy the influence of the destructive Deep State, which artificially started a perpetual “war on terrorism” to exact money from ordinary citizens, through taxes, so that arms manufacturers, oil merchants (thieves), corporations, and others could fatten their bank accounts.  I believe that Trump is sincerely trying to put this to an end.)

    What shocked me (in a positive way) was Trump’s inaugural speech.  I was absolutely, 100% certain that he would give a speech that was totally almost the opposite of his campaign rhetoric. I assumed that he would “kick in” and bow down to the political status quo (composed of Democrats and Republicans) and deliver what his opponents would happily call a “conciliatory speech.”  He did not!!

    I was laughing my ASS off, because he stated the same things that he had stated during the campaign, which is totally not what politicians do.  They lie during the campaign, to get votes, and then, at the inauguration, they turn back and give the signal, to the political establishment, that, “Okay, guys, I’m ready to play ball.”  He didn’t do that.  I was shocked.

    Instead, he again lambasted all of the establishment, including the political establishment, and put his reputation on the line by saying that, Here is where it ends, meaning business as usual. I’m paraphrasing, but you can listen to his speech here, if you have not done so.  He openly talked, at the inauguration, about how the politicians had enriched themselves, but left Americans impoverished.  I do not remember, in my lifetime, any in-coming President saying such things at an inauguration.

    We, as ordinary human beings, particularly those of us that are citizens of the United States, have rightly grown almost totally cynical about the power-elite.  They are expert liars; expert promisers; expert do-nothings; expert exploiters; expert enslavers.  So, it is no surprise that we cannot get ourselves to believe, not to even mention trust, any politicians.

    I was suspicious of that guy all the way up to the inauguration.  I had hoped that he might be a true outsider, and a truly concerned person, that would go up against the Deep State.  But, I could not get myself to believe it.  But when he spoke at the inauguration, I thought, “This guy is the real deal!”

    I wonder his chances of staying alive for four years?  Since the inauguration, his moves have been directly against the Deep State, and obviously so.  You can research that in your own way. It’s virtually out into the public domain now, on The Internet.

    He dumped TPP.  He announced the re-negotiation of NAFTA.  He gave hints of working with Russia, in Syria, to destroy ISIS, although, characteristically, he’s not going to openly show his hand (as he had stated during the campaign).  
    And the hysteria against him is coming from all over the place.  When all elements of the establishment–the media, the upper echelon of the intelligence agencies, both political parties, the Executive Branch–go up against someone, then that person is obviously perceived by them to be an immense threat.

    At the first White House Press Briefing, his press secretary, Trump’s White House Secretary, Sean Spicer, laid out some dynamic plans that clearly indicated a huge break from Deep State culture. One such break was the announcement that Trump was setting up Skype Seats, which will be for journalist in other parts of the country that do not have the clout and “inside” power as DC journalists have, and that the mainstream media used to have.  This is an absolutely clear and direct swipe at one of the main control mechanisms of the Deep State: The mainstream press.

    This is an attempt to defang the mainstream press, although that job has been powerfully taken on by the alternative media also, and also to democratize it, for lack of a better word–to give remote news organs the opportunity to compete, in their localities, with the mainstream media (which is now being called, the legacy media, or the lame-stream media).
    I urge people again: Work on the metaphysics.  Because, the Deep State actors are not going to give up.  What we have to hope is that they do not conduct deadly false flag operations designed to force the new President to respond.  Or we have to hope that if such operations are being planned, that they be thwarted mystically by the metaphysical efforts of those of us that believe in such efforts, and also by whatever physical efforts can be made.
    Remember: All over the planet, even in Africa (east Africa, specifically) there are groups amongst the citizenry that are now fighting against the Deep State.  As Dr. Steve Greer has often explained: The Deep State is a trans-national entity, not an entity confined to the United States.
    Last, remember: There are priorities.  The biggest priority is to destroy the influence of the Deep State, and, eventually, to destroy the Deep State period.  I believe that this coup has happened directly for those purposes.  
    That’s the end of my analysis.  It’s going to be interesting.  
    Peace out,
    The Wizard

    US Embassy Says Gay Flag Was Flown At All Their Embassies Worldwide

    NB Commentary: How ironic on so many levels. Just one year ago, 9 people were killed in a mass shooting in South Carolina. I am sure they half mast the flag at the Capital, of course a US Senator was killed, but at every US Embassy around the world?
    I keep fighting this “gay agenda” bs. Battling with folks who believe it’s demonic and part of the New World Order; watching Jaden Smith’s gender fluidity and Kaitlyn Jenner’s transformation into  the”Woman of the Year;” attempting to defend people I know and love who are in same sex relationships and have children while others claim it’s genocide.
    Meanwhile, we have pedophiles who are behind the scenes raping and molesting children… which turns the focus towards LGBT community and still I am defending the beloved souls, the real deal, the genuine folks who are in same sexed relationships and they ain’t raping or molesting children, entrapping them or even kidnapping them and yet… I feel like a voice in the wilderness. And now this. 
    How utterly inconsiderate for the US Embassies around the globe to fly this flag. It doesn’t even fly this flag on federal buildings as a matter of course for any reason. What’s the nature of this statement? Screw you, we are on our own territory and we can fly any flag we want on our property we don’t care if you are totally incensed by it. 
    Typically, the folks who work at these Embassies are a combination of the natives and US diplomats and representatives. For all we know, even they are not in alignment with the Gay Agenda, same sex marriages, etc.
    What lives, culture, religion, practices, etc, really do matter to the US and its authorities and political leaders and administrators?
    It makes you wonder from this display of total intolerance of anyone’s belief system to do such a thing as wave the LGBT rainbow flag in foreign lands among people who are utterly against that lifestyle. A mark of incredible hubris…  is all I can say.


    Remembering the Charleston 9 June 16, 2015

    US Embassy Says Gay Flag Was Flown At All Their Embassies Worldwide

    Jamaica AG under fire for voicing disapproval of rainbow flag at US Embassy 

    The United States Embassy in Jamaica says the rainbow flag being flown at its consulate is also being flown “across the globe” at all its embassies.
    A tweet from the US Embassy this afternoon read: “Across the globe US Embassies flying our flag half-mast in memorial & rainbow flag in solidarity w LGBT our citizens.”
    The tweet comes hours after a controversial tweet from Attorney General Marlene Malahoo-Forte denouncing the flying of the rainbow flag in Jamaica, following a mass shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, on Sunday.
    “I strongly condemn #OrlandoNightClubShooting but find it disrespectful of Jamaica’s laws to have #RainbowFlag flown here. #MyPersonalView,” Malahoo Forte said in a post on Monday.
    Attorney General Marlene Malahoo Forte has come under criticism and is being asked to explain herself, after saying that the United States Embassy in Jamaica was disrespecting the island’s laws by flying a rainbow flag, following the massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida on Sunday.
    The rainbow flag, which is symbol of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community, has been flying at half mast next to the US flag at the Embassy in Kingston.
    But Malahoo Forte made it clear, in a post on Twitter, that she did not agree with that expression of solidarity.
    Stressing that it was her personal opinion, Malahoo Forte tweeted yesterday that while she condemned the gun attack by Omar Mateen, which left 50 people dead and 53 injured, she found it “disrespectful of Jamaica’s laws” to have to the rainbow flag flying there. Buggery remains illegal in Jamaica.
    However, the US Embassy replied to Malahoo Forte’s tweet, asking her to explain her “legal reasoning”.
    The Attorney General has also been harshly criticized by some on Twitter, while others agreed that she had a valid point.

    Washington Launches Its Attack Against BRICS

    NB Commentary: While the world mourns the death of a celebrity, a whole lot of shaking is going on behind the scenes, or maybe I should say, a whole lot of shaking up is going on. Who would have thought that the US had a “trump” card in their back pocket. Hegemony and world dominion has not left the mindset of US Government and its hinchmen. I truly believe the US is an experiment in NWO implementation with its massive military might, its covert intelligence and its seedy infiltrators all set in place all over the globe. Hugo must be turning over in his grave…..

    APRIL 26, 2016

    Having removed the reformist President of Argentina, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, Washington is now disposing of the reformist President of Brazil, Dilma
    Rousseff. Washington used a federal judge to order Argentina to sacrifice its debt restructuring program in order to pay US vulture funds the full value of
    defaulted Argentine bonds that the vulture funds had bought for a few pennies
    on the dollar.  These vultures were called “creditors” who had made “loans” regardless of the fact that they were not creditors and had made no loans.
    They were opportunists after easy money and were used by Washington to get rid
    of a reformist government.

    President Kirchner resisted and, thus, she had to go.  Washington concocted a story that Kirchner covered up an alleged Iranian bombing in Buenos Aires in 1994.

    This implausible fantasy, for which there is no evidence of Iranian involvement, was fed to one of Washington’s agents in the state prosecutor’s office, and a dubious event of 22 years ago was used to clear Kirchner out of the way of the American looting of Argentina.

    In Brazil, Washington has used corruption insinuations to get President Rousseff
    impeached by the lower house.  Evidence is not necessary, just
    allegations.  It is no different from “Iranian nukes,” Saddam Hussein’s
    “weapons of mass destruction,” Assad’s “use of chemical weapons,”  or in
    Rousseff’s case merely insinuations. The Secretary General of the Organization
    of American States, Luis Almagro, notes that Rousseff “hasn’t been accused of
    anything.” The American-backed elites are simply using impeachment to remove a
    president who they cannot defeat electorally.

    In short, this is Washington’s move against the BRICS.  Washington is moving
    to put into political power a rightwing party that Washington controls in order
    to terminate Brazil’s growing relationships with China and Russia.
    The great irony is that the impeachment bill was presided over by the corrupt lower house speaker, Eduardo Cunha, who was recently discovered to have stashed millions of dollars in secret Swiss bank account perhaps his pay-off from Washington) and who lied under oath when he denied having foreign bank accounts.  You can read the sordid story here.

    Kirchner and Rousseff’s “crimes” are their efforts to have the governments of Argentina and Brazil represent the Argentine and Brazilian peoples rather than the elites and Wall Street.  In Washington these are serious offenses as Washington uses the elites to control South American countries.  Whenever Latin
    Americans elect a government that represents them, Washington overthrows the
    government or assassinates the president.

    Washington is close to returning Venezuela to the control of the Spanish elite allied with Washington.   The presidents of Ecuador and Bolivia are also targeted.  One reason Washington will not permit its British lapdog to honor the asylum Ecuador granted to Julian Assange is that Washington expects to have its own agent back in as President of Ecuador, at which time Assange’s asylum will be repealed.

    Washington has always blocked reform in Latin America.  Latin American peoples will remain American serfs until they elect governments by such large majorities
    that the governments can exile the traitorous elites, close the US embassies, and expel all US corporations. Every Latin American country that has an American presence has no future other than serfdom.

    Paul Craig Roberts is a former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury
    and Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal. Roberts’ 
    How the Economy Was Lost is now available from CounterPunch in electronic format. His latest book is The
    Neoconservative Threat to World Order

    London mayor Johnson blasts Obama over Brexit

    Nana’s Commentary
    When the so-called terrorist attack hit Brussels, it made me wonder what message was being conveyed and to whom? This article helps put it into perspective. Call me a conspiracy theorist, I appreciate the title.. you have to think outside of the
    box. This article speaks loudly, Question: “Your safety? or Your Freedom?”

    I heard one announcer say, Europe was on lock down. Imagine that, it made me want to go look at a map and see how far the military lockdown of Europe could stretch. Then another announcer said, the United States was an experiment of the NWO, and it should not be called a new world order but an old world order with a new face.

    Think about it, the US an experiment for the NWO, established by well known and well established Freemasons. Illuminati anyone?

    After reading this article, this song played in my mind, so I am sharing it with you all. It has a message if you listen carefully.

    London (AFP) – London mayor Boris Johnson on Monday accused Barack Obama of “hypocrisy” following a report that the US president is heading to Britain next month to make the case for the UK to stay in the European Union.

    Barack Obama will visit Britain towards the end of April, around two months before a referendum when the country will decide whether to leave or stay in the 28-country European Union, The Independent on Sunday said (AFP Photo/Mandel Ngan)

    London mayor Johnson blasts Obama over Brexit

    “Coming from Uncle Sam, it is a piece of outrageous and exorbitant hypocrisy,” Johnson, a leading member of the campaign for Britain to leave the EU in a June referendum, wrote in his regular column for the Daily Telegraph.

    “Can you imagine the Americans submitting their democracy to the kind of regime that we have in the EU?” he asked, adding: “This is a nation born from its glorious refusal to accept overseas control.”

    Johnson went on to point out that the United States does not accept that its own citizens could be subject to the rulings of the International Criminal Court and does not recognize other jurisdictions.

    “In urging us to embed ourselves more deeply in the EU’s federalising structures, the Americans are urging us down a course they would never dream of going themselves,” he wrote.

    “That is because they are a nation conceived in liberty. They sometimes seem to forget that we are quite fond of liberty, too.”

    The Independent newspaper on Sunday reported that Obama, who has already expressed support for Britain’s EU membership, was expected to come to London at the end of April.

    The visit would take place around two months before the June 23 referendum in which British voters will decide whether to leave or stay in the 28-country bloc.
    A spokeswoman for Prime Minister David Cameron’s Downing Street office on Monday declined to comment on the report.

    “Other people will set out their views, the choice for the British people is whether or not they listen to them but then they get to make up their own minds,” she said.
    – ‘Special relationship’ –

    But on a visit to Brussels, British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said it was important to hear from other countries as part of the debate ahead of the vote.
    “I think it’s important that we hear from those people in the Anglosphere, not just President Obama but the leaders of Australia, New Zealand, Canada and beyond the Anglosphere, Japanese and Chinese leaders,” he said.

    “Let’s just hear what they actually think about their relations with Britain, let’s just hear how much they actually value Britain’s membership of the European Union, just so that the British people are properly informed.”

    Obama is heading to Germany in late April to talk trade with Chancellor Angela Merkel and promote US exports at the Hanover industrial technology fair, which takes place April 25-29.

    Washington has long backed Britain playing a central role in the EU, the world’s largest economic bloc, and has warned the UK-US “special relationship” could be at risk if it were to leave.

    Cameron favours keeping Britain in the EU, following a renegotiation of the country’s relations with Brussels.

    Opinion polls indicate that the race is finely balanced, with those who want to remain at 51 percent and those in favour of leaving at 49 percent, according to a survey of polls by the What UK Thinks research project that excludes undecided voters.

    Up to 20 percent of voters have said they have not yet made up their minds which way to vote.

    Related Stories

    1. White House jabs London mayor over Brexit outburst AFP
    2. Boris Johnson says Brits should copy Canucks to trade MarketWatch
    3. Lawmakers accuse London Mayor Johnson of exaggerating arguments for Brexit Reuters
    4. Obama to visit London in bid to keep UK in the EU: report Reuters
    5. Report: Obama To Visit London To Discourage Brexit Huffington Post

    False Flag: Belgian Intelligence Was Warned About Exact Bombing Targets (Video)
    Saturday, March 26, 2016 11:34
    No matter how paranoid or conspiracy minded a person may be, what governments are doing is far worse than most of us can imagine. It is easy to understand however, how “normal” people who have fallen into the trap of actually believing the mainstream media must be nauseated at this point by alternative media outlets purported to be filled with “conspiracy theorists” always crying “False Flag,” after each and every horrific event where there are mass casualties. 
    I base that assessment on my own nausea of actually BEING one of those alternative media outlets always crying “False Flag” after each and every horrific event where there are mass casualties. As one who studies these events, I roll my own eyes every time I hear the words “false flag,” but the evidence always keeps their attention once I begin following the evidence, so it goes without saying I don’t care for the term, “Conspiracy Theorist.” We conspiracy theorists aren’t crazed, tin foil hat wearing loons, but rather we are people with the conviction to stand up and question the statements of those who are known liars. 
    First, let’s be clear about what a “False Flag” event means. It does not mean that all the deaths reported are fake. In most alleged recent false flags, the overwhelming majority of carnage appears to be legitimate. Wikipedia defines a “False Flag” event as:
    The contemporary term false flag describes covert operations that are designed to deceive in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by entities, groups, or nations other than those who actually planned and executed them.
    In the modern era, false flags are repeatedly being carried out by shadow governments for one primary purpose: To promote the lie that an increasing and far overreaching militaristic police state is advantageous citizens because to achieve safety, all they must do is give up “a little liberty.” Our Founding Fathers were students of history, something modern Americans are the antithesis of. That is why as far back at 200+ years ago, people like Benjamin Franklin once warned us: 
    “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve NEITHER Liberty nor Safety.” 
    The police state benefits only the political class, not the governed, and as you’ll learn below, there are enough holes in the narrative being told about Belgium to drive a fleet of 18 wheelers through. 

    US Media Shows Footage of Russian Airstrikes Passed Off as American

    US Media Shows Footage of Russian Airstrikes Passed Off as American

    Nana’s Commentary:
    It appears that everyone is rejoicing in Russia’s efforts to cause the downfall of “ISIS” which is ironically being call DAESH for some reason and it’s notable that the “ISIS” people hate that name and would rather be called “IS” but that is not really the crux of this commentary.

    Yes, Russia has entered with flying colors, the so-called “War On Terror” and supposedly that is a good thing but for some reason it does not feel good at all. In fact, it is reminiscent of what happens when you exterminate roaches. You may definitely get them out of your house or apartment, but they migrate, pardon the pun, to the house next door, or the apartment above or below, only to wait out their time for when they can return. We have seen this throughout history over and over and over again. Where do these dissidents actually go in the long run? Without justice there’s no peace but is justice merely the bombing of the militants? Can you actually “kill” them all? Why do Militants exist in the first place? Drugged up, gunned up and escaping poverty, these Mercenaries are of a certain ilk that cannot be destroyed by bombing their predecessors. In fact, those they kill will become heroes to their progeny.
    We are we so short sighted when it comes to resolving our differences that we impose death and destruction instead of mediation and resolve? Why haven’t those countries that support the militants after seeing the damage come to an agreement to cease and desist in propping them up? Do they have two faces? One that appears to be against them militants and one that is hidden that supports them because they help their imperial plans?

    I do think they have gotten in a little over their heads this time. This is not 50 years ago, 100 years ago. Technology has advance so much in the past 20 years that for sure these folks can communicate quickly and with ease across wide swaths of the planet and mobilize within days. Guerrilla warfare is second nature to them. Boots on the ground is their clarion call. They are not flying through the air with bombs and missiles and yet they are hard to exterminate. Why is this? What do they want, and why do they fight so hard for it?
    Am I being too sensitive to think that these folks have families and loved ones? Am I being to naive to think of the karmic and spiritual impact of killing thousands more, destroying more territory and infrastructure and as one journalist mentioned, hiking the price of oil? Is this what this is really all about or has this “War On Terror” become a flashpoint for the whole world to get a piece of the action, either for or against the terrorists.
    Our world and its global politics is in a shambles. It’s a marriage made in hell, where nobody really wins but that doesn’t stop the fighting. And of course, it’s Russia’s turn to avenge its demise in Afghanistan via the help, support and assistance of the Mujahideen funded by the US. Shortly after which, Russia’s control over a large area and several countries came to a screeching halt. Countries left the USSR and Russia was left weak and ineffectual in a region in which it had reigned supreme for decades, posing as a Global power and threat to the tiny US military might. Russia has done what the 33rd Hexagram in the I Ching Oracle talks about. It retreated and gained in strength so that it could come back even more powerful on the international scene and take back control or at least gain some Western Allies.
    How ironic is that? Now the West is supporting Russia and while the US propaganda machine and talking heads attempted to vilify Russia at every opportunity, the fact that Russia has taken out more IS militants in a few months than the US and its allies have done in 4 years is notable. It reminds me of how I would tell my children (sons) to go clean up their room and hours later it looked like nothing had been done, and yet I could go in there and within 30 minutes get the job done.
    In essence, Russia has made the US and NATO look like chumps in this “War On Terror.” But is that a good thing?
    I feel very uneasy about this. Part of it has to do with the whole barbarism of war and bombing and blowing shit up. But the other part has to do with the reign of destruction and its impact on the ethereal level. That level that we cannot see with our naked eye but that part of reality that tells us that we are all connected. So every death and destruction and destitution and abandonment that hits those folks hits us too even if we don’t see it or experience it personally. So I am wondering if drawing Russia into this, well I guess they didn’t exactly draw them in, Russia has had enough of the BS playing around and supporting the militants and in fact, it is getting quite close to home and affecting Russia’s sovereignty and while other countries look the other way as this occurs, Russia saw the shenanigans that the US and its allies pulled with the Ukraine and that was a bit too much and taking things a bit too far.
    As one journalist mentioned, the US is not even part of that part of the world, so why are they even meddling in the business of those people? The US considers itself apart of the West but in actuality it is not. This explains the adage the US and it’s Western allies because quite frankly, the US is in North America and pretty darned far from the European Nations. It cannot be part of the EU and frankly Russia has more right to be.
    Russia is flexing its muscles, it is pulling away from the USD, it is forming a strong alliance with Brazil and China, it supporting Syria and standing with it against a  gas pipeline going through its country to the West. It is making a comeback!
    Yet, it feels ominous to me. I am not sure if Putin is NOT part of the NWO (which I call the Old World Order with a New Face). I am not sure if this new presence of Russia on the scene is going to bring these terroristic threats and creations of terroristic threats to a close or if, like roaches, they will simply escape to a quiet arena and begin strategizing for their next assault. Will the US and the 40 other nations that have been funding IS and other groups simply stop and give up their plan for world hegemony or will they devise another plan, create an alternative, design another scare to strike fear into the heart of the masses. Is it now time for the so-called “Last Card” the “Alien Threat?”
    Although Putin is doing the “Job” in Syria, I am reticent to applaud it. Personally, I cannot imagine living somewhere that has been bombed tens of thousands of times!!! Maybe if Putin works with his allies to help rebuild Syria so that the Syrian people can come back home, I may feel a little better about this, but I am having a hard time adjusting to this level of violence and seeing it as a good thing.

    © Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation
    21:18 21.11.2015(updated 03:54 22.11.2015) Get short URL
    PBS NewsHour, a daily US television news program shown on the US Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), used footage of Russian airstrikes against ISIL targets, claiming that they were US airstrikes, an Information Clearing House article revealed.
    Earlier this week, the US government said it would intensify anti-ISIL airstrikes and bomb the terrorist organization’s oil infrastructure, which is ISIL’s primary source of income.
    After that, on November 16, the US military said it destroyed 116 trucks carrying illegal oil in ISIL-controlled territories.
    “On Monday, 295 trucks were in the area, and more than a third of them were destroyed, United States officials said. The A-10s dropped two dozen 500-pound bombs and conducted strafing runs with 30-millimeter Gatling guns. The AC-130s attacked with 30-millimeter Gatling guns and 105-millimeter cannons,” the New York Times colorfully described the US military operation that allegedly took place on November 16.
    Well, it sure sounded like a major anti-ISIL operation in the wake of the Paris attacks. But so far, these are just claims, not backed by any evidence.
    Two days later, on November 18, the Russian Air Force destroyed 500 oil trucks that had been illegally transporting oil from ISIS-controlled territories.
    Unlike the US Air Force, which didn’t provide any video evidence from their alleged operation, the Russian Defense Ministry promptly released videos of what exactly happened to terrorists and how the operation unfolded.
    On November 19, PBS NewsHour ran a program on ISIL and “showed” how their oil trucks were destroyed by US airstrikes.
    It’s all fine and dandy, but the US public broadcaster used the footage of Russian airstrikes, passing them off as US airstrikes, without revealing the true source.
    “For the first time the US is attacking oil delivery trucks,” the voice-over said between 2:30 — 2:35, while showing a clip of exactly the same video published by the Russian Defense Ministry the day before.
    The PBS shows footage of Russian airstrikes against ISIL targets, passing them off as US airstrikes. The PBS program neither mentioned the Russian military operation nor revealed the source of the footage.
    What the US channel did was just outright lying, because millions of viewers would certainly think the video footage showing the explosions of oil trucks was from US airstrikes about which the New York Times ran an article on Monday.    

    About 500 terrorists’ fuel trucks that had been illegally transporting oil from Syria to Iraq were destroyed by Russian aviation in a few days, Col. Gen. Andrei Kartapolov, Chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, said.
    “Just in the first few days, [Russian] aviation destroyed about 500 fuel tankers. This greatly hampered the militants’ possibility to illegally export energy resources and, accordingly, their income from oil smuggling.”
    “Just in the first few days, [Russian] aviation destroyed about 500 fuel tankers. This greatly hampered the militants’ possibility to illegally export energy resources and, accordingly, their income from oil smuggling.”

    Read more:

    Don’t Thank Me for My Service, by Camillo Mac Bica

    Nana’s Commentary:

    All my life I loved fireworks. I would go to the 4th of July display every year that I could. I would lie down on the ground and just take it all in. Then I read about the impact that they have on some veterans. I stopped going.

    I think that veterans should be given every single thing they need to make it back to civilian life and then given anything they ask for. They go off and fight a rich man’s war and come back to very poor treatment and little consideration for their PTSD. High rates of domestic abuse, drugs and alcohol use, homelessness, poverty and suicide should not even be mentioned in the same sentence when speaking of a Veteran.

    I am totally against the barbarism of war, but if these folks are going to go out there and cause all kinds of devastation to themselves and others for the benefit of the elite, then the elite should take care of them to the utmost degree!! Any country that does not take care of its veterans is truly degenerate and completely lacking of empathy, gratitude or compassion. And that’s what I have to say about that!!

     Don’t Thank Me for My Service

    Sunday, 03 June 2012 08:23By Camillo Mac BicaTruthout | Op-Ed
    I do not want to appear disrespectful or ungrateful, but should we meet on the street one day, do say “Hello,” or “Fine day” or other such nicety, but please do not thank me for “my service” as a United States Marine. I make this request because my service, as you refer to it, was basically, either to train to become a killer or to actually kill people and blow shit up.
    Now, that is not something for which a person should be proud nor thanked. In fact, it is regrettable, and for me a source of guilt and shame, something I will have to live with for the rest of my life, as the past cannot ever be undone. So, when you thank me for my service, it disturbs me … a lot. First off, it brings to mind my wasted youth and lost innocence, and the horrible and unnecessary deaths of good friends and comrades. Second, it reminds me of my responsibility and culpability for the pain and suffering I caused innocent people, again something I would rather forget, but cannot. Third, it reinforces my belief that you have absolutely no idea about the nature and reality of the wars in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, because if you did, you would understand that thanks are inappropriate. Fourth, it reminds me that many of those who feel the need to offer thanks were apathetic about – or even supportive of – the war, while they refuse to participate themselves or did little or nothing to end it. And lastly, I have to admit that I doubt the sincerity of these expressions of supposed gratitude, as “Thank you for your service” is just something to say not because you care about what I did or sacrificed, but only to demonstrate your supposed good character, or patriotism and/or “support” for members of the military and veterans.

    In making this request not to be thanked for my service, I am, of course, expressing only my opinion, and, perhaps, my idiosyncrasy, and I make no claim to be speaking for other veterans. I would wager, however, that many, perhaps even most, who have experienced the horror of war and have the courage and presence of mind to think about and evaluate what the war they served in was truly about would understand and probably concur with this request. Those veterans, however, who may not agree, who cling to the mythology of heroism, glory, honor and nobility of war, do so in large measure from fear that acknowledging war’s reality would somehow diminish their sacrifice and the sacrifices of those whose lives were lost. Perhaps understandably, they view such sacrifices and loss as difficult enough to live with when they had value and purpose, and as intolerable if they were misguided and unnecessary. To these brothers and sisters, I would offer the following questions and observations for them to ponder.

    First, what was accomplished by your sacrifice and by the waste of lives and treasure in Vietnam, in Iraq and in Afghanistan? Where is the honor, glory and nobility in killing and dying for greed, incompetence, and paranoia? Second, the mythology you cling to for comfort is a tool of political leaders to make war palatable, to garner support for their militarism and abandonment of diplomacy. It is what motivates future idealistic, perhaps naive, young people to “heed the call,” to seek honor and glory, by enlisting in the military to fight for a cause they have been deceived into believing is right, just and necessary, but which is, in reality, a string of wars for corporate greed, power and hegemony. All who are touched by war are tainted and require readjustment, perhaps even rehabilitation, but in order to truly come home from war, to make the perilous journey of healing, one must face the realities of one’s own war experience head on, as no healing is possible from fantasy, myth, rationalization and distortion of truth.
    So, in the future, if you really insist on thanking me for something, do not thank me for

    the eight years I spent as a Marine, but for the 45 or so years following my discharge from the military that I have spent as an activist fighting for human rights and social justice and to end the insanity of war. Frankly, however, I would prefer that you just say hello, or fine day or other such nicety. You see, my activism all these years warrants no praise or merit, as it is not something I choose to do. Rather, I do it because I must, perhaps as penance for my culpability for the sacrilege of war. And if you truly want to demonstrate your good character, patriotism, and support for the troops and veterans, rather than merely mouth meaningless expressions of gratitude for something you don’t truly understand or care much about, do something meaningful and real. Do what is truly in the interest of this nation and of those victimized by war.

    Make some demands.

    “how can we still have troops in other countries and we celebrate with “bombs”… it would be lovely if we decided not to do them in honor to our troops… That would be a great way to say THANK YOU!”

    Demand, for example, an immediate end to the corporate takeover of our “democracy” and to the undue influence of the military-industrial-Congressional complex. Demand sanity in Pentagon spending and a reallocation of finite resources to people-focused programs such as health care, education and jobs rather than to killing and destruction. Demand an immediate end to wars for corporate profit, greed, power and hegemony. Demand that we adhere to the Constitution and to international law. Demand accountability for those who make war easily and care more for wealth, profit and power than for national interest or for the welfare of their fellow human beings. And finally, demand the troops be brought home now, and that they be adequately treated and cared for when they return. So, should we meet on the street one day, do say Hello, or Fine day, and as you talk to me about your efforts to make this country and the world a better and more peaceful place in which to live, I would be happy to thank you for your service.

    CAMILLO MAC BICA, PhD, is a professor of philosophy at the School of Visual Arts in New York City. He is a former Marine Corps officer, Vietnam veteran, longtime activist for peace and social justice, and the coordinator of the Long Island Chapter of Veterans for Peace.

    The Things They Cannot Say

    More Than Human? The Ethics of Biologically Enhancing Soldiers

    Fireworks, Triggers, PTSD, and Veterans

    Ebola, the African Union and Bioeconomic Warfare

    Ebola, the African Union and Bioeconomic Warfare » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

    Health Questions and the Challenges for Africa  Weekend Edition October 10-12, 2014

    Ebola, the African Union and Bioeconomic Warfare


    As the Ebola outbreak rages, and there are projections of more than 1.4 million persons infected in the next few months, the African Union and the regional bloc ECOWAS have taken a back seat as the international media uses this virus to stigmatize Africa and Africans. Pious statements have been made by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the World Bank warns that could Ebola could have “catastrophic” economic costs on the region of Western Africa. This same World Bank has not yet accepted any reasonability for its role in promoting neo-liberal politics that degraded the health care facilities of Africa. This degradation will be called in this article economic warfare. Bioeconomic warfare is the combination of economic warfare and biological warfare. In the midst of this tragedy, Britain, France and the United States use the deaths of thousands to remilitarize West Africa. Characteristically, this militaristic intervention with the division of the three societies between USA (Liberia) France (Guinea) and the United Kingdom (Sierra Leone) ensures that the media attention is placed on the military deployments of the western states and not on measures for public education. 

    The kind of international response that will be needed for countering bioeconomic warfare requires a different kind of public education and mobilization than what the AUand ECOWAS have so far called for. Liberia, Sierra Leona and Guinea are the societies that are at the epicenter of the outbreak of the Ebola hemorrhagic fever (EHF) that some writers have said has spun out of control. [1] These three territories are members of the Economic Community for West Africa (ECOWAS). ECOWAS is one of the five regional organizations that make up the AU. Six months after it was clear that this epidemic was widespread, in August 2014, there was a meeting of ECOWAS held in Ghana to address the outbreak. At this meeting, it was stressed that the best approach to curbing the spread of Ebola and bringing the disease under control remained effective quarantine, isolation and public education. There is no indication that either the AU or ECOWAS is working at their maximum effort to bring this disease under control. In the same month of August, the Director General of the World Health Organization stated that, the outbreak is “the largest and most severe and most complex that we’ve ever seen in the nearly 40-year history of this disease.” 

    One of the priorities of public education is for citizens to have a fuller understanding of the source or sources of Ebola and the kind of responses that can bring this pandemic under control. Citizens need to understand everywhere that Ebola is not particularly contagious. There should be the clarification that there is no cure for Ebola. All of the therapies and vaccines being used so far are experimental. The simple requirements of control are robust public health infrastructures, clean water facilities with sanitation and a clean environment. In short, Ebola can only be contained with robust health facilities. The very same institutions and organizations that have been at the forefront of bioeconomic warfare in Africa cannot lead the mobilization against Ebola. This mobilization requires nonmilitary, civilian medical leadership. Ebola presents one more challenge for a new kind of leadership in Africa that can value the lives of the producers. 


    From the varying press reports this current strain of Ebola broke out in Guinea at the end of 2013 and was brought to international attention by the time it had spread across West Africa by March 2013. The symptoms of Ebola haemorrhagic fever begin 4 to 16 days after infection. Persons develop fever, chills, headaches, muscle aches, and loss of appetite. As the disease progresses, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, sore throat and chest pain can occur. The blood clots and the patient may bleed from injection sites as well as into the gastrointestinal tract, skin and internal organs. The mortality rate is usually very high. This virus is not spread through the air via coughs or sneezes like the common cold. It is spread through frequent contact with bodily fluids and can be spread only by someone who is showing the symptoms. 

    It should be stated from the outset that Ebola is not one of those illnesses known to the majority of healers and doctors in Africa. Scientific journals of all continents attest to the profound ignorance about this virus. Fifteen years ago the internationally respected International Journal of Infectious Diseases stated that “Filoviridae is the only known virus family about which we have such profound ignorance.” [2] What accounts for this profound ignorance on the part of the top researchers in the West?

    Inside Africa, the most experienced, the traditional healers have no experience in dealing with this illness. The reports in the mainstream media place the first outbreak of Ebola in Africa in 1976. This virus was named for a river in then Zaire, where Ebola was allegedly first detected. Then, according to information released by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta,” Ebola is a member of a family of RNA viruses known as filoviruses. When magnified several thousand times by electron microscope, these viruses have the appearance of long filaments of threads. Although the CDC places the first outbreak of Ebola in Zaire in 1976, the leading scientific journals such the Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine placed the first outbreak in Marburg, Germany.

    One of the most profound requirements of public education is to diminish the racialization of Ebola to clarify that the first recognized outbreak took place not in Africa, but in Marburg Germany, hence the name given to Ebola as Marburg Virus. In 1967 an outbreak of haemorrhagic fever occurred simultaneously in laboratories in Marburg and Frankfurt, Germany.

    Thirty-one people became ill, initially laboratory workers followed by several medical personnel and family members who had cared for them. Seven deaths were reported.


    According to the CDC, the first Outbreak of Ebola was in 1976 in Zaire. In their website, the CDC stated the first Outbreak of Ebola“occurred in Yambuku and surrounding area. Disease was spread by close personal contact and by use of contaminated needles and syringes in hospitals/clinics. This outbreak was the first recognition of the disease”. [3] Why is it necessary for the CDC to place the evolution of disease in Africa? [4] The website of the CDC differs from the Journal of Infectious Diseases that stated, “Biomedical science first encountered the virus family Filoviridae when Marburg virus appeared in 1967.”

    The reporting on the number of deaths in the Zaire outbreak differs according to differing sources. One fact is indisputable. This was the largest number of deaths at that time in 1976. There were 550 cases and 340 deaths. In the third outbreak in 1979, in Sudan, there were 34 cases and 22 fatalities.


    The fourth outbreak of Ebola was in the United States. The strain of Ebola Reston is so called because of an outbreak which occurred in Reston, Virginia, in late 1989. Very few following the present outbreak of Ebola know that there was an outbreak of Ebola in the Washington Suburb of Reston, less than 20 miles from the United States Capitol. There were two other small incidents of the Reston outbreak after 1989.


    Six years after the first Reston outbreak there was a major outbreak of Ebola at Kitwit, again in Zaire. There were over 200 fatalities. Up to then, the Kitwit Ebola outbreak had been the deadliest. The outbreaks were usually controlled when appropriate medical supplies and equipment were made available and quarantine procedures used.

    Since those days there have been periodic outbreaks in Uganda, Angola, Gabon, Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) and other parts of Africa, but nothing compared to the scale and depth of the present pandemic in West Africa.

    In the most popular book on this virus published over 20 years ago by Richard Preston, The Hot Zone: The Terrifying True Story of the Origins of the Ebola Virus [5] readers are exposed to the twenty years of  research by the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRID) on a family of viruses that are lethal. This book came out before the Kitwit outbreak but we know from press reports that the USAMRID, the CDC, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other international research organizations used the Kitwit outbreak to study this virus. The book concentrated on the three ways which the scientific community attempts to deal with a virus: vaccines, drugs and bio containment. This book by Preston came out in a moment when the tabloid press was making great claims about the airborne possibilities of Ebola and was whipping up anti-African hysteria.

    It was in the same period when Robert Kaplan had written his celebrated article, “The Coming Anarchy. “ It was this sensationalism that set the tone about the so-called failed and fragile states in Africa. Robert Kaplan wrote extensively on how scarcity, crime, overpopulation, tribalism, and disease were rapidly destroying the social fabric of our African societies. [6] Kaplan’s work was part of the psychological warfare against Africa and Africans at the moment when the peoples of world were celebrating the victory over apartheid.


    The U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick, Maryland, is supposed to be the frontline research institution for the USA in its bioshield preparations, which is the preparedness of the US government to fight against biological threats. President Richard Nixon had ended the offensive biological warfare program of the USA with his “Statement on Chemical and Biological Defense Policies and Programs” on November 25, 1969 in a speech from Fort Detrick. The statement was supposed to put an end, unconditionally, to all U.S. offensive biological weapons programs. The United Nations Convention on the Prohibition of the Development,
    Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction was signed in 1972. Even after the signing of this international convention a number of countries, including the USA, continued research on designer viruses.

    Despite the UN convention, the explosion of scientific research on genetically modified organisms gave a boost to the research being carried out by both military and civilian agencies that were chasing profits from developing dual use pathogens. Biological agents that were being experimented with as bioweapons accelerated and the one bioweapon from this school of dual use pathogens that has come to light has been the experimentation on anthrax.

    Characteristically, the use of anthrax on civilians by the military was in the case of the racist Rhodesian military who unleashed anthrax spores in feed cakes for animals killing over 80 Africans in what was then Rhodesia. Years later Timothy Stamps, the Minister of Health in Zimbabwe, drew a connection between the anthrax outbreak in Rhodesia, the Ebola outbreaks and the experimentation that had been carried out under South Africa’s Chemical and Biological Warfare (CBW) program.

    This South African apartheid CBW program has now received international notoriety through Project Coast where the apartheid regime was experimenting with biological agents that could be specifically targeted at Africans. The government of the United States has gone to great lengths to distance itself from the experimentation of Project Coast even though at the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC of South Africa), Dr. Wouter Basson testified how he was warmly embraced by US intelligence elements. The full implication of the work of Wouter Basson and Daan Goosen is still to come to light. [7]

    The attractiveness of the weaponization of biological agents increased in the era of genetically modified organisms. Because Africa was the space of the most diverse genetic materials, scientists and bio anthropologists from the West traversed the rural countryside in Africa looking for plants with unique characteristics. In the era of massive research in the life sciences, many universities became involved in dual use research.


    Dual use research (DURC) is life sciences research that, based on current understanding, can be reasonably anticipated to provide knowledge, information, products, or technologies that could be directly misused to pose a significant threat with broad consequences to public health and safety, agricultural crops and other plants, animals, the environment, or national security. In short, dual use research was research that could be used to assist in advancing human health and security or at the same time be used for biological warfare.

    We have learnt from research carried out by UNESCO that “military interest, in harnessing genetic engineering and DNA recombinant technology for updating and devising effective lethal bioweapons is spurred on by the easy availability of funding, even in times of economic regression, for contractual research leading to the development of bioweapons.” [8] This is the research environment within which to grasp the present outbreak of Ebola in West Africa.

    On the day before President Barack Obama spoke to the world on the Ebola pandemic, the White House on Wednesday September 24, 2014 issued new guidelines intended to strengthen the oversight of federally funded biology research that could inadvertently produce bioweapons. According to the report in the New York Times carried on Thursday September 25, “The new policy shifts the burden of finding and disclosing the dangerous aspects of research from the funding agency — usually the National Institutes of Health — to the scientists who receive the grants and the universities or other institutions where they work.” On the same day, the National Public Radio (NPR) was more specific that the ruling related to dual use pathogens and research being carried in government funded laboratories. This report came three years after the controversies about bird flu research that was being carried out for bioterror purposes. 

    In 2011, there had been a fierce debate in the media about the use of biological research for terror, in short bioterrorism. Then as NPR reported, “Scientists and security specialists are in the midst of a fierce debate over recent experiments on a strain of bird flu virus that made it more contagious weapons. In September of 2011 at a scientific conference in Malta, one scientist made a stunning announcement at a flu conference “he’d done a lab experiment that resulted in bird flu virus becoming highly contagious between ferrets — the animal model used to study human flu infection. It seemed that just five mutations did the trick.” This report on NPR in November 2011 did not reappear but in the same broadcast one noted bioterrorism expert and director of the Center for Biosecurity at a national university stated that,

    “It’s just a bad idea for scientists to turn a lethal virus into a lethal and highly contagious virus. And it’s a second bad idea for them to publish how they did it so others can copy it.”

    So far no expert or whistle-blower has come forward to speak openly about experimentation with viral haemorrhagic fevers, which are now lumped under the name of Ebola. Today as a vital component of prevention and public education there is the need for scientists and researchers to speak out about the laboratories in the West or elsewhere that have been experimenting with dual use pathogens. It is also necessary for the international community to know whether any of these research teams or university personnel associated with dual use pathogens has been active in the countries of Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea or Nigeria before the present outbreak of Ebola. At the minimum, ECOWAS and the AU should pressure the UN Ebola Fund to focus not only on fund raising but to also make Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to fully develop the measures to properly organize against outbreaks of the current type.

    From the reports coming in on the numbers of people who have been left to die without attention or a decent burial, the figures on the number of deaths in West Africa from WHO have been a clear undercount to minimize the extent of the devastation by Ebola. In contrast to the numbers being broadcast by WHO, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta reported on Tuesday September 23 that “Ebola cases could increase to between 550,000 and 1.4 million in four months, based on several factors including how many people are infected by Ebola carriers. 

    The report questioned whether the official number of deaths recorded by WHO, 2,800 out of at least 5,800 Ebola cases, has been underreported. CDC has said it is likely that 2.5 times as many cases, or nearly 20,000, have occurred so far.” [9] On the same Tuesday that the CDC issued its dire warning of the prospect of 1.4 million persons dying, the New England Journal of Medicine also weighed in and stated that “if the disease isn’t adequately contained, it could become endemic among the populations in countries hardest hit by the outbreak — Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia. …. “Without drastic improvements in control measures,” researchers say, “the numbers and cases and deaths from [Ebola] are expected to continue increasing from hundreds to thousands per week in coming months.”
    According to the WHO, “Extensive, immediate actions – such as those already started – can bring the epidemic to… a rapid decline in cases.” 


    The extensive and immediate action referred to by WHO concerns the deployment of military forces by the United States, Britain and France to the countries most affected. The US has deployed over 4,000 military personnel to West Africa to assist in the fight against Ebola. The fight against Ebola cannot be a military effort. It must be an effort that is based on seeking to bring back the health and safety of the peoples whose communities have been destroyed with hundreds of families losing loved ones. The US plans to quickly increase its presence in Liberia, where military personnel are deploying to help the people halt the advance of the worst Ebola epidemic on record but we also need to know what the private security contractors have been doing in Liberia over the past ten years. President Obama has stated that the military is required to set up the medical and transportation infrastructure needed to deploy health workers. Why could this infrastructure work not be carried out by civilian agencies?

    From India, Sreeram Chaulia noted correctly in an article entitled ‘Foreign Pulse: Viral Politics’, that “As the Ebola epidemic ravages West Africa, a familiar act with troublesome connotations is playing out. The international response to the conjoined public health crises in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea is following imperial patterns of tutelage and patronage, wherein each of these three countries has been exclusively taken over by its respective former master from America and Europe through targeted humanitarian aid…….An erstwhile colony established by American citizens freed from slavery, Liberia is back to being literally a ward of the US, which faces no competition from any other Western donor there. 

    Washington is deploying up to 4,000 military personnel to set up hospitals, medical laboratories and treatment centres on a war footing. This mission, codenamed “Operation United Assistance”, is being overseen by the controversial US Africa Command (AFRICOM).”

    In a context where the international news media is dominated by the western news agencies, ECOWAS has also called for military mobilization to respond to Ebola. In the opinion of this author, ECOWAS and the AU have dropped the ball because the militarization of the international response will make it difficult for countries such as China, Cuba, India, South Korea and other societies to properly harmonize the medical response to this Ebola outbreak. The AU and ECOWAS need a new kind of medical diplomacy which is rooted in the valuation of black bodies. Chaulia noted that “if the US, UK and France were driven by humanitarian motives, why did they not contribute to the multilateral UN Ebola response fund that would have distributed the funds more equitably among the three worst-hit West African countries? Thus far, only India and Australia have made sizeable donations of $10 million each to the UN Ebola fund that is woefully undersubscribed.”

    PROJECT 112

    In North America, the Fox news organization and its affiliates have been at the forefront of the racialization of the present outbreak of Ebola. When the Liberian national was hospitalized and later succumbed to Ebola, the conservative media whipped up an unprecedented hysteria about the possibilities of an Ebola outbreak in the United States. (This patient, Thomas Eric Duncan, has since passed away). Within this hysteria, there are questions in the media whether this virus could go airborne. Some readers will remember that the possibility of the airborne transmission of Ebola was the theme of the film Outbreak that was produced by Hollywood. What has not been in the public domain is the fact that it was the US government that from 1962 to 1973 carried out a biological and chemical weapon experimentation project called Project 112.

    This was specifically conducted so that those who were being experimented with did not know that they were guinea pigs. In 2000 when US television network CBS made known the existence of this biological warfare program, it was also revealed that apart from testing on individuals in the USA there were tests carried out in countries where “The US Department of Defense (DoD) conducted testing of agents in other countries that were considered too unethical to perform within the continental United States.”


    We are yet to know which African societies were considered ripe for the testing of toxins by the US Department of Defense. After the anthrax scare in the USA in 2001 and the war against the people of Iraq in 2003, the US Congress passed the Project Bioshield Act in 2004 calling for U.S. $5 billion for purchasing vaccines that would be used in the event of a bioterrorist attack. There has been a ten-year program to put money into the same forces that were experimenting with dual use pathogens. In the words of the Congress, Project Bioshield was a ten-year program to acquire medical countermeasures to biological, chemical, radiological, and nuclear agents for civilian use. The US government has been working on countermeasures against biological warfare. Is it by accident that the top three threats that the Bioshield program is meant to defend the citizens of the US from are Anthrax, Ebola and Bird Flu?


    Africans have faced bioterrorism from the time of colonialism and apartheid and this is well documented in the book Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present. Author Harriet Washington went into great details about the bioterrorism against black people. The Tuskegee experiment is now the most well-known case of using black bodies as guinea pigs for medical experimentation. The book on Hela Cells (Henrietta Lacks) is another devastating account of the use of black bodies. [11]

    Harriet Washington placed chemical and biological warfare under the larger category of “bioterrorism,” which “employs chemical or biological agents such as microbes and poisons in the service of terrorism…weapons often consist of disease-causing organisms, usually microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, or derivatives from humans, animals or plants” [12] Another important aspect of biological warfare that Harriet Washington brings forth is the fact that it can be both direct and indirect when used against populations. In other words, chemical agents can be used to kill people directly by physically harming them with something such as nerve gas, or biological warfare can be used to pollute the environment in which someone lives in order to cut off their source of food (plants, livestock), water, or both.

    Cuba is one society outside of Africa that has been forced to develop the medical and biosafety capabilities after the outbreak of Dengue fever in 1977. We now know from the new book, Back Channel to Cuba, that Henry Kissinger had organized a plan to ‘smash’ Cuba. [13] This was because Kissinger was angry about the Cuban intervention in Angola in 1975-1976 to beat back the racist South African incursion. Kissinger who had overseen the authorship of the National Security Memorandum 39 of 1969 which predicted that whites were destined to stay and rule in Southern Africa was upset that a small island committed to an alternative mode of economic organization could ruin his plans for Africa. It was reported in the recent New York Times article that in the discussions between Kissinger (then Secretary of State) and President Gerald Ford, Kissinger used “language about doing harm to Cuba that is pretty quintessentially aggressive.” [14]

    The Cubans have exposed that the Dengue fever which broke out in Cuba in 1977 was linked to biological warfare by the US government. This has been corroborated by press reports from the United States. At that time the US government blocked efforts by the Cuban government to purchase fumigators and chemicals to control the Dengue spread. As a small island, Cuba has been able to develop quarantine measures but more importantly develop the scientific capacity to research the root of outbreaks such as Dengue.


    In August the President of the US called the first US-Africa Summit in Washington. Although the Ebola pandemic was already killing more persons than the four episodes discussed in the website of the CDC, White House was not focused on the devastation that was being wrought on West Africa. In Africa, Ebola has exposed the porousness of the so-called borders. The AU has so far failed to take the lead in mobilizing to fight this pandemic. Does the African Union have in place any kind of bioshield preparation? At the time of the outbreak of the HIV AIDS pandemic it was significant that western pharmaceuticals placed their profits before human lives. It took the massive organizing of a grassroots movement such as the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) of South Africa to pressure the pharmaceuticals to allow for the production of generic drugs to treat AIDS patients in Africa. This TAC campaign influenced the cooperation between India, Brazil and South Africa which later merged into BRICS.

    A similar grassroots mobilization is now needed in West Africa to break the slow and lackadaisical response of ECOWAS and the AU. ECOWAS has been able in the past to intervene in Liberia and Sierra Leone to bring peace. Collectively, ECOWAS and the AU possess the technical and medical capabilities to be more vigorous in response to Ebola. There is the mistaken perception abroad that Africa does not have the medical personnel to fight this epidemic. However, the ability to mobilize the resources in Africa for a more robust response depends on political will. Nigeria alone has over 40,000 doctors with thousands having experience in infectious diseases. 

    In the economic warfare against Africa the medical profession of Africa was assaulted and there was a massive brain drain of African medical personnel to Europe and North America. African governments have been very clear about their objections to the wholesale migration of their physicians to rich countries. Despite these objections there are more than 10,000 international medical graduates from Africa in the USA and Western Europe. The US received more than 7,000 doctors from three countries: Ghana, Nigeria and South Africa. Progressive Africans will have to mobilize for a change of course so that the AU and the United Nations can demilitarize the response to Ebola.

    Already it has been demonstrated in Liberia that the pandemic can be contained. Nigeria and Senegal have been able to contain the virus. The western media has drawn attention the fact that Firestone Company in Liberia was able to contain and control the virus on its rubber plantation. [15] This author is no fan of Firestone. At the recent Empowered Africa Dialogue in Washington during August, workers at Firestone spoke of the low wage and exploitative working conditions on the rubber plantation. Thus this company cannot be held up as an example, but the important point is that Ebola can be controlled and there is no need for the pandemic to spin out of control. The Firestone story also demonstrates that the military is not needed to organize the medical and transport infrastructure to contain the escalation of the deaths.

    This author has been critical of saviours from outside but this Ebola pandemic provides an opportunity for the true humanitarian doctors to separate themselves from the militarized response to the Ebola outbreak. The African Union must take the lead so that those medical responders can find a non-military infrastructure to work with. There is the need for full-scale mobilization in all of the countries where health workers, traditional doctors, scientists, civilian agencies and the military will be crucial in the fight against bio-economic warfare. Global health experts have declared the Ebola epidemic ravaging West Africa an international health emergency that requires a coordinated global approach.

    Although the media has racialized the Ebola pandemic, there is an urgent need for the international community to come together for this coordinated global approach. The Ebola virus presented a real challenge to Africa and the deployment of scientists, community health workers, volunteers and health brigades to combat this virus is one of the most important tasks of reconstruction in Africa.

    Horace G. Campbella veteran
    Pan Africanist is a Professor of African American Studies and Political
    Science at Syracuse University. He is the author of
     Global NATO and the Catastrophic Failure in Libya, Monthly Review Press, 2013. 


    [1] Evan Horowitz, “How the Ebola Virus Spun Out of Control,” Boston Globe, October 8, 2014.

    [2] C. J. Peters, J. W. LeDuc, “An Introduction to Ebola: The Virus
    and the Disease,” The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Vol. 179,
    Supplement 1. Ebola: The Virus and the Disease (Feb., 1999), pp. ix-xvi

    [3] Outbreaks Chronology: Ebola Virus Disease, CDC, Known Cases and Outbreaks of Ebola Virus Disease, in Chronological Order:

    [4] See Centers for Disease Control, “Known Cases and Outbreaks of Ebola Virus Disease, in Chronological Order:”

    [5] Richard Preston, The HotZone: The Terrifying True Story of the Origins of the Ebola Virus,” Anchor books, 1995.

    [6] Robert Kaplan, “The Coming Anarchy,” The Atlantic, February, 1994

    [7] Helen E. Pruitt, Stephen F. Burgess: South Africa’s Weapons of Mass Destruction. Indiana University Press, Bloomington 2005

    [8] Edgar J. DaSilva,” Biological warfare, bioterrorism, biodefence
    and the biological and toxin weapons convention,” Electronic Journal of
    Biotechnology,Volume 2, No 3, December 1999. See also Wright, S. (1985).
    “The military and the new biology. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

    [9] “Estimating the Future Number of Cases in the Ebola Epidemic—Liberia and Sierra Leone, 2014–2015,”

    [10] Sreeram Chaulia, “Viral Politics, Foreign Pulse, October 8, 2014.”

    [11] Rebecca Skloot, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, Broadway Books, New York 2011

    [12] Harriet Washington, Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of
    Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the
    Present, Anchor Books, New York 2008 page 365

    [13] William M. Leo Grande and Peter Kornbluh, Back Channel to Cuba,
    University of North Carolina Press Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 2014.

    [14] Frances Robles, “Kissinger Drew Up Plans to Attack Cuba, Records Show,” New York Times, September 30, 2014

    [15] National Public Radio, “Firestone Did What Governments Have Not: Stopped Ebola In Its Tracks.”

    Aliens May Destroy Humanity to Protect other Civilisations, Say Scientists

    Aliens May Destroy Humanity to Protect other Civilisations, Say Scientists

    Rising greenhouse emissions could tip off aliens that we are a rapidly expanding threat, warns a report.

    It may not rank as the most compelling reason to curb greenhouse gases, but reducing our emissions might just save humanity from a pre-emptive alien attack, scientists claim.
    Watching from afar, extraterrestrial beings might view changes in Earth’s atmosphere as symptomatic of a civilisation growing out of control – and take drastic action to keep us from becoming a more serious threat, the researchers explain.

    This highly speculative scenario is one of several described by a Nasa-affiliated scientist and colleagues at Pennsylvania State University that, while considered unlikely, they say could play out were humans and alien life to make contact at some point in the future.

    Shawn Domagal-Goldman of Nasa’s Planetary Science Division and his colleagues compiled a list of plausible outcomes that could unfold in the aftermath of a close encounter, to help humanity “prepare for actual contact”………….
    Continue reading…….Source:

    Nana’s Comment

    LOL, this article is comical.

    It’s saying maybe the threat of being annihilated by ETI could stop humanity from destroying itself and the planet. Baa Humbug, I say to that. Where were they thousands of years ago before Atlantis was destroyed? Where were they when the so-called great flood happened? Where were they when Mars, supposedly destroyed itself? What about their intercession when Venus was in trouble?

    Too funny, if they are smart, they will not bother us, cause we can take em on!!! And we can still destroy our planet and move out into the Cosmos with our diseases in the mind, body and spirit.

    Don’t they know that they cannot wipe us out??We are like roaches.. We will come back as we have done over and over again. We have suffered through all types of calamities. Wars, hunger, drought, wars, pestilence, death and destructions, wars and atom bombs, mini nukes, Fukishimo,  Oil Spills, fracking, tornadoes, volcanoes, hurricane Katrina.. wars and starvation, Ebola and Boko Haram. We will survive ISIS and the New World Order. Don’t they know that is how we got here in the first place.

    Don’t they know that they sent the worse of the worse here because we were so incorrigible we couldn’t make it there?

    Silly, Aliens, they think they can deter us from destroying our planet, filling our seas with plastic and drying up our water supplies. They oughta know we will take them vaccines, plug all kinds of micro-chips in us, become cyborgs, and travel to other planets for safe refuge.

    Don’t they know that our underground bunkers are no match for their stupid technology. Don’t they know we been hiding out here on the edge of our Galaxy for eons just so we could show them how powerful and resilient we are?

    Who cares how big they are? We tame the wildest and biggest beasts in the jungle. Ain’t nobody scared of no darned Aliens.

    We got weapons in space and we can see them coming and we are practicing on downing asteroids before they hit the planet. We are holding them off already in space, and every time we get one of them, we hear weird sounds all over the place on earth, they tell us we are winning.

    Don’t they know that we are covering the earth with chemtrails so that their stupid technology can’t pierce through our cloud of barium, aluminum and nano particles of blood plasm. Shucks, them Aliens better wake up and find some other planet to mess with, cause we ain’t going out like that!!!!!

    Silly Aliens, SMDH!