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The Anatomy of a False Flag Event

This are article examines three critical aspects of a false flag event and then applies what is known, and typical of a false flag event to the murder of five Dallas police officers earlier in the week. By the way, the above picture strongly suggests that there is a lot more to the official narrative than the public is being told.
The three areas of concern are:
  1. Rehearsal of certain aspects of the event by either First Responser, LEO, or both.
  2. If the false flag event consists of an assassination(s), the narrative includes acting alone, the “discovery” of a diary or a mainfesto which states the murderous intentions of the “patsy”, and the labeling of the so-called perpetrator as being insane so the act can be referred to as a random act of insane violence so the subject of a conspiracy never enters the discussion by the media and the authorities investigating the crime.
  3. Disguise the purpose of the event.
Rehearsal for the Event
History is replete for rehearsal of a false flag event. In some cases, the event flows from the drill/rehearsal. This practice make s a great deal of sense, because complex agendas need rehearsal in order to produce the desired effect, which is always the opposite of the truth.
The following events represents a history of major false flag attack in which there were drills preceding the attack. This list is not exhaustive and it not intended to be. Rather, it shows a distinctive pattern in which the event was preceded by a drill closely associated with the nature of the false-flag event
  • Oklahoma City
  • 9/11
  • The Estonia Catastrophe
  • The Oslo Shooting
  • London Subway Bombing
  • Virginia Tech Shooting
  • Taft Union High School Drill gone live
  • Boston Marathon Bombing
  • In the case of the Dallas shooting, we see the same type of drill preparation only a few days prior to the murdering of five Dallas police officers
According to CBS Dallas Fort Worth an active shooter drill took place in Argyle Texas just 41 miles north of Dallas on June 29 2016.  
FROM CBS DFW: “The sights and sounds are scary, but not dangerous. Members of law enforcement, along with fire and EMS personnel conducted an active shooter exercise at a North Texas high school on Wednesday.
Emergency vehicles could be seen responding with lights and sirens at Argyle High School. Local hospitals also participated in the disaster drill.
The event includes realistic scenarios that have actors playing victims and officers using fake gun rounds.
The sights and sounds are scary, but not dangerous. Members of law enforcement, along with fire and EMS personnel conducted an active shooter exercise at a North Texas high school on Wednesday.
Emergency vehicles could be seen responding with lights and sirens at Argyle High School. Local hospitals also participated in the disaster drill.
The event includes realistic scenarios that have actors playing victims and officers using fake gun rounds.
Argyle ISD Police Chief Paul Cairney said officials are taking every consideration and realize a shooting event can happen in a small town. “We’ve been thinking about that. But one of the things that we need to make sure that we do, if something were to happen, is we need to have the whole response coordinated and coordinated well, because we don’t want to have anymore people that are hurt,” he said.”

The Dallas event definitely fits the profile of so many other false flag events with regard to a preceding drills which comes close mimicking the actual event.
If this were the only similarity to so many false flag events, one could argue that this is just a tragic coincidence. However, the evidence trail which strongly suggest that this fits previous false flag events, almost perfectly.
There is no question that the rehearsal aspect of a false flag event was satisfied in this case.
When the False Flag Involves Assassination, the Following Characteristics are Present
When direct assassinations are involved we see the following narrative:
  1. Lone gunman with no second shooter in order to avoid allegations of a conspiracy.
  2. A discovered diary or manifesto declaring the intentions of the lone gunman. In each of the following cases, the perpetrator (i.e. patsy) had a diary/manifesto stating their murderous intentions and the target of the hostility.
    1. JFK assassination
    2. RFK assassination
    3. Martin Luther King
    4. In 9/1l, the discovery of Mohamed Atta’s passport was miraculously found, despite the fact that neither of the two planes had their black boxes found. But the government found Atta’s passport. Swamp land in Florida anyone? The found passport served the purpose of a diary with stated terrorist intentions, for placing the blame on Muslim terrorists, to cover up the fact that this was a false flag event.
    5. In regard to the most recent terror event, the shooter has been identified and he has, you guessed, a manifesto with stated intentions to go along with a discovered document on military strategy tactics. In regard to the most recent terror event, the shooter has been identified and he has, you guessed, a manifesto with stated intentions to go along with a discovered document on military strategy tactics. Micah Xavier Johnson went on a shooting rampage against Dallas police, officials said Friday.
From the official narrative from the LA Times
“Investigators have discovered bomb-making materials, rifles and a “personal journal of combat tactics” in the home of the black former Army reservist who is identified as Micah Xavier Johnson, 25, a Dallas-area resident, was a “loner” with no criminal history who “wanted to kill white people” and “especially white officers,” said police, who are still investigating whether he acted alone in perpetrating the deadliest day for law enforcement since the Sept. 11 terror attacks in 2001.”
 Please note that Johnson was not a man of many means. Where did he get the money to acquire such a vast amount of military hardware?  This is strongly reminiscent of the Aurora Batman Shooting for the exact same reasons. 
The Purpose of the False Flag Event
I have been writing this for years, the following order will be followed to take world into a third world war in which the goal is to cull the population  by 90%. The people don’t want war, they have to be convinced by false flag events. The following three steps are now in play and will culminate in World War III
  1. The creation of domestic false flag terror events (e.g. the Dallas police shootings designed to start a race war), in which the government, for the good of the people, must step in  and declare martial law.
  2. The elimination of all political and religious dissent under the martial law. This means gun confiscations and roundups (e.g. rehearsed by Jade Helm.
  3. When goals one and two occur, World War III will commence and the New World Order will complete its mission of the elimination of all national sovereignty.
We are are present in stage one moving quickly toward stage two.
This is the anatomy of a false flag event.

    How Russia is Smashing the Turkish Game in Syria

    NB Commentary:
    Okay, so somebody done pissed Putin off! Seriously, to say that the US should have known what was going on with the oil smuggling all the way across the water is a bit disingenuous to me. For surely them folks right there on that side of the world should have known about it as well.  With Russia spilling the beans on the corrupted enterprise called “War On Terror” he is showing the hand of all the perps.
    So why is Putin all of a sudden being “Mr. Tattle Spill the Beans” on the whole European NATO BS terrorist, kill job that they ain’t really trying to kill?
    Could it be that Putin’s Russia is sick and tired of being pushed around, bossed around, threatened with sanctions, blamed for shit they didn’t do and seriously played like a punk? How about the line that has been used over and over again, Protecting our National interests” for certainly the interests of Putin’s Russia is much more endangered by Turkey’s Terrorist than anyone else over here.
    Is Putin sick and tired of being sick and tired? And have you seen his approval ratings lately?? Personally, to me Putin is a Mobster who has finally got his time to shine. And the walls will come tumbling down cause last I heard mobsters don’t play. They will give you an offer you CAN’T REFUSE.”
    Just change the Name from “Bill” to “Putin” and sing along…

    And the questions remain as stated in this Counter Punch article by  Vijay Prashad..

    DECEMBER 3, 2015

    ISIS Oil


    The Europeans want to solve the refugee crisis. They believe that their bombing will advance their interests. It is likely to increase the displacement in Syria. The Turkish government’s demand for a “buffer zone” is of interest to the Europeans. They believe it is for refugees. But it could just as well be to protect the tankers from the Russian bombing raids. It is precisely what makes Corbyn’s demand so important – to hold a thorough investigation of the ISIS oil pipeline. Such an inquiry must ask the following questions:

    1 Who is carting the oil from Mosul to the Turkish border? Who owns those trucks?

    2 Who is carting the oil from the Turkish border to Ceylan? Who owns those trucks?

    3 How does ISIS oil go through Ceylan, a port owned by the Turkish government?

    4 Who owns the ships that cart the ISIS oil out of Turkey and to ports afield?

    5 What banks handle the transaction between the sale of ISIS oil and the foreign buyers? Should they also be implicated in the smuggling of ISIS oil?

    An investigation along these lines is overdue. It is not enough to accept or dismiss the Russian accusations. These should be used as an opportunity to clarify the actual pipelines for ISIS funding. Bombing the Omar fields in Syria – as the UK has done today – might not be sufficient. It might dust over the evidence of much greater complicity in ISIS oil.”


    How Russia is Smashing the Turkish Game in Syria

    DECEMBER 3, 2015

    So why did Washington take virtually forever to not really acknowledge ISIS/ISIL/Daesh is selling stolen Syrian oil that will eventually find is way to Turkey?
    Because the priority all along was to allow the CIA – in the shadows – to run a “rat line” weaponizing a gaggle of invisible “moderate rebels”.
    As much as Daesh – at least up to now – the Barzani mob in Iraqi Kurdistan was never under Washington’s watch. The oil operation the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) runs to Turkey is virtually illegal; stolen state-owned oil as far as Baghdad is concerned.
    Daesh stolen oil can’t flow through Damascus-controlled territory. Can’t flow though Shi’ite-dominated Iraq. Can’t go east to Iran. It’s Turkey or nothing. Turkey is the easternmost arm of NATO. The US and NATO “support” Turkey. So a case can be made that the US and NATO ultimately support Daesh.
    What’s certain is that illegal Daesh oil and illegal KRG oil fit the same pattern; energy interests by the usual suspects playing a very long game.
    What these interests are focused on is to control every possible oil asset in Iraqi Kurdistan and then in “liberated” Syria. It’s crucial to know that Tony “Deepwater Horizon” Hayward is running Ug Genel, whose top priority is to control oil fields that were first stolen from Baghdad, and will eventually be stolen from Iraqi Kurds.
    And then, there’s the Turkmen powder keg.
    The key reason why Washington always solemnly ignored Ankara’s array of shady deals in Syria, through its fifth column Turkmen jihadis, is because a key CIA “rat line” runs exactly through the region known as Turkmen Mountain.
    These Turkmen supplied by Ankara’s “humanitarian” convoys got American TOW-2As for their role in preserving prime weaponizing/ smuggling routes. Their advisers, predictably, are Xe/Academi types, formerly Blackwater. Russia happened to identify the whole scam and started bombing the Turkmen. Thus the downing of the Su-24.
    The Turkmen fifth column
    Now the CIA is on a mission from God – frantically trying to prevent the rat line from being definitely smashed by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) on the ground and Russia in the air.
    The same desperation applies to the Aleppo-Azez-Killis route, which is also essential for Turkey for all kinds of smuggling.
    The advanced arm of the “4+1” alliance – Russia, Syria, Iran, Iraq, plus Hezbollah – is taking no prisoners trying to re-conquer these two key corridors.
    And that explains Ankara’s desperation – with a little help from His Masters’ Voice – to come up with an entirely new rat line/corridor through Afrin, currently under Syrian Kurd control, before Damascus forces and Russia air power get there.
    Once again it’s important to remember that a gaggle of Turkmen outfits are Ankara’s fifth column in northern Syria.
    Most Turkmen live in Kurdish territories. And here’s the ultimate complicating factor; the majority happens to live in the Jarablus region, currently controlled by ISIS/ISIL/Daesh. It’s exactly this area that is cutting the geographic connection between the two Kurdish cantons, Kobani and Afrin.
    So imagine a continuous Syrian Kurd control/autonomy/corridor all across the Turkish-Syrian border. For Ankara this is the ultimate nightmare. Ankara’s strategy is to move its Turkmen pawns, with added “moderate rebels”, all across the Jarablus region. The pretext: wipe Daesh off the map. The real reason: prevent the two Kurdish cantons – Afrin and Kobani – from merging.
    And once again Ankara will be directly pitted against Moscow.
    The Russian strategy rests on very good relations with Syrian Kurds. Moscow not only supports the Syrian Kurd canton merger, but qualifies it as an important step on the way to a new Syria rid of takfiris. Russia will even officially recognize the PYD (Democratic Union Party) and allow them a representative office in Russia.
    Ankara regards the PYD and its paramilitary arm, the YPG (People’s Protection Units) as branches of the PKK. It gets curioser an curioser when we know that both Moscow and Washington are cooperating with the YPG against ISIS/ISIL/Daesh.
    The predictable All-Out Ankara Freak Out came in the form of Sultan Erdogan declaring the Euphrates a “red line” for the YPG. If they try to move westward to fight Daesh, sending them out of the Jarablus area, the Turkish Army will strike.
    It’s absolutely key for Turkey to control this area between Jarablus and Afrin because here is the site of the would-be “safe zone”, actually a no-fly zone, which Ankara dreams of implementing using the 3 billion euros just extorted from the EU to house refugees but also control northern Syria. Turkmen would be in charge of the area – as well as the Azez-Aleppo line, assuming the SAA does not clear it for good.
    The case for UEBA
    So Ankara is looking at two very unpleasant Turkmen-filled scenarios to say the least.
    Turkmen instrumentalized by Ankara to become gatekeepers against the Kurdish YPG; that means a nasty sectarian divide, orchestrated by Turkey, whose greatest loser is the unity of the Syrian nation.
    Meanwhile, the SAA and Russian air power are on the verge of total control of Turkmen Mountain.
    This will allow the “4+1” to go much deeper fighting against the so-called Army of Conquest and its twin-headed reptile, Jabhat al-Nusra (a.k.a. al-Qaeda in Syria) and Ahrar al-Sham, the whole lot “supported” and weaponized by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
    The “4+1” inexorable advance comes with extra benefits; the end of all rat lines in the region, and no more possible threats to Russia’s air base in Hmeimim.
    Make no mistake that Moscow will inflict as much pain on Sultan Erdogan as possible.
    As Turkish newspaper Radikal quoted him, Prof. Abbas Vali of Bogazici University confirmed, “The PYD was pleased about Russia’s intervention in Syria. An alliance between the PYD and Russia is inevitable. Russia’s bombardment of the radical Islamist groups on the ground will have a huge impact on the PYD operations.”
    So no matter which way we look, Turkey and Russia are on a serious collision course in Syria. Moscow will support Syrian Kurds no holds barred as they push to link the three major Kurdish cantons in northern Syria into a unified Rojava.
    As for Washington’s “strategy”, it now boils down to the CIA need of a new rat line. That could imply sitting on the – weaponized – sidelines watching Turkmen and Kurds slug it out, thus creating an opening for the Turkish Army to intervene, and the Russian Air Force to prevent it, with all hell guaranteed to break loose.
    The fact remains that Sultan Erdogan badly needs a new CIA-secured rat line to weaponize not only his fifth column Turkmen but also Chechens, Uzbeks and Uyghurs. And Bilal Erdogan, a.k.a. Erdogan Mini Me, desperately needs new oil smuggling routes and a couple of new tankers; Russia is watching their every move. The latest news from Russia’s Defense Ministry has struck like a volcanic eruption; the Erdogan family mob was branded as “criminals”, with Moscow presenting only an appetizer of all the evidence it has in store.
    So we have the Afghan heroin rat line. The Libyan oil racket (now over). The Ukraine fascist rat line. The Libya to Syria weapon rat line. The stolen Syrian oil trade. The northern Syrian rat lines. Let’s call them UEBA: Unregulated Exceptionalist Business Activities. What’s not to like? There’s no business like war business.
    Pepe Escobar is the author of Globalistan: How the Globalized World is Dissolving into Liquid War (Nimble Books, 2007), Red Zone Blues: a snapshot of Baghdad during the surge and Obama does Globalistan (Nimble Books, 2009).  His latest book is Empire of Chaos. He may be reached at