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Archive for the ‘sandy hook’ Category

Why So Many Mass Killings? Look in a Mirror

NB Commentary: Think about it. Whether real or contrived, the idea that it happens should cause one to pause and think. Why does this country thrive on this type of fanfare, violence, false flags, hoaxes or whatever you wish to call them? Over and over again, we see people die, or maybe not, killed or maybe not, but whatever the case may be, DEATH is the calling card and then the other is GUN CONTROL. Ironically, the Powers that Shouldn’t Be feel that if they do this enough times they will beat the public down so far they will cry for  two things.

1. More protection from the PTB, which is ironically not being very protective
2. Gun Control, which these events just make the sale of guns skyrocket.

So what is the real agenda here? Do they do this to keep the stock market booming with the gun sales, the consumers fear purchases, the media hype and tons and tons of views while they parrot the same story? Somebody is getting over like a fat rat and these events are milking the public of their sensibilities and wreaking havoc on the mental, emotional and physical health of the populace.
Please read this article, it says it all. Whether these events are true or false, the fact that they even happen says a lot about the American Psyche.

Why So Many Mass Killings? Look in a Mirror

By Joe Clifford
June 27, 2016 “Information Clearing House” – We will never understand the mass killings in Orlando, Aurora, Newtown, or any of the many others, until we take a long hard look at ourselves in a mirror. Why does this happen so frequently, and why is it such a rare occurrence in other industrialized nations?  We cannot comprehend this because we fail to come to grips with certain very hard realities about who we are as a nation and a people.
There are cries for gun control every time a massacre occurs, and never once has anyone pointed out the hypocrisy of trying to stop the flow of guns to the US public, while the US government floods the entire world with weapons.  We are the undisputed leader in selling killing weapons around the world, and no ever questions the hypocrisy of a government trying to take guns from its people, while our government and military industrial complex inundates the world with weapons. Government always sets the model for the people, and here we have a great example. 
Mass murderers have absolutely no regard or respect for law, and once again it is the US government who sets the example for its people, by defying international law and invading and bombing anyone in callous contempt of the law.  Government officials huddle secretly once a week to decide what individuals must be “taken out,” paying no attention to the legality of murder without charges, evidence, or a trial. Currently, Secretary of State John Kerry, the nations’ chief diplomat, is calling for regime change in Syria.  What gives the US the legal right to decide who will rule Syria? Nothing; there is no legal right that gives the US the power to determine leadership of another nation.  The US has sponsored untold numbers of illegal coups of democratically elected leaders, but again, so much for the law.  If the US government is so callous about law, and constantly sends the message that we don’t care about law, why would it be a surprise when citizens do the same? The government sets the example and the people follow.
The hardest thing for citizens to reconcile, is just how violent a nation we are. Our government is a mass killer.  The first people to get in our way were exterminated. We ethnically cleansed the American Indian from his own land. We then enslaved a race of people.  More recently, we killed 3 million people in southeast Asia.  Can you explain why?  We have killed about one million over the past 20 years in Iraq.  Do you know why?  We invaded Iraq based on a series of lies claiming they had WMD; a hoax that led to a needless slaughter. Iraq was a war of choice, which is illegal, but who cares about law?
Do you know how many nations the US is currently bombing? We have killed untold innocents in Afghanistan over the last 20 years. Can you explain why?  Do you know why we bombed Libya for 7 months, turning it into a completely failed terrorist state? Media, pundits, and presidential candidates, condemn Muslims, but the US government has bombed 14 Muslim nations, and perhaps has killed as many as 4 million Muslims in our never ending wars.  War has become the American pastime.  We are always looking for new enemies, and when none are around our government creates them up by demonizing leaders who might challenge our authority such as North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, Russia and China. We are dangerously provoking both Russia and China almost daily. The State Department has been taken over by war crazy neocons who are risking a nuclear holocaust.  It is no wonder that in a poll of 68 nations, the US was named the biggest threat to world peace.
Weapons of war are the leading export.  The military consumes the lion’s share of the US budget, and everything else is sacrificed to pay for the largest military in the history of the planet.  We spend more on security, war, and defense, than the rest of the world put together.  There is no money left for anything else, so kids go to college and acquire a mortgage, while college is free in most industrialized nations.  We have the worst health care in the industrialized world, paying huge sums for poor health care compared to the rest of the world.  Health care is a right in most civilized nations, but they don’t have the enormous cost of never ending wars that we do. They have luxuries such as free college, excellent government health care, high speed trains, great airports, and infrastructure. Other nations, because they have better health care, treat mental illness. We cannot afford it, as all money goes to support the military. Just about all of the mass murderers have been emotionally troubled, but because we do not treat mental illness, they take up arms and kill. We give lip service to our veterans, but let them live under bridges as homeless troubled people. Other nations, offer treatment to troubled individuals.
The murder rate in this country is light years ahead of other nations. We have an industrialized prison system with more people incarcerated than any other country in the world. War is glorified and neither the military nor the police can do anything wrong.  An entire new generation has known only war in their lifetime. African Americans are shot down in cold blood by police, with more than 1000 killed last year, with 50% being unarmed, and none of their killers are held responsible.  Without cell phone videos, those deaths would be swept under the proverbial rug.
So take a long thoughtful look in a mirror.  Government sets the example and we follow.  Our government’s prime concern is making war on others and killing those who get in the way.  We are a cold blooded violent nation led by a cold blooded government, so when all too frequently the blood of our citizens flows in the streets, why are we shocked?

25 Rules of Disinformation, Propaganda, “PSYOPS”, Debunking Techniques

25 Rules of Disinformation, Propaganda, “PSYOPS”, Debunking Techniques

PSYOP is the dissemination of truthful information to foreign audiences in support of U.S. policy and national objectives. Used during peacetime, contingencies, and declared war, these activities are not a form of force, but are force multipliers that use nonviolent means in often violent environments.

Can You Identify Which of these Rules are Still in Use by Our Leaders Today?
25 Rules of Disinformation – Possible rules of Operation Mocking Bird
Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation

1. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. Regardless of what you know, don’t discuss it — especially if you are a public figure, news anchor, etc. If it’s not reported, it didn’t happen, and you never have to deal with the issues.

2. Become incredulous and indignant. Avoid discussing key issues and instead focus on side issues which can be used show the topic as being critical of some otherwise sacrosanct group or theme. This is also known as the “How dare you!” gambit.
3. Create rumor mongers. Avoid discussing issues by describing all charges, regardless of venue or evidence, as mere rumors and wild accusations. Other derogatory terms mutually exclusive of truth may work as well. This method works especially well with a silent press, because the only way the public can learn of the facts are through such “arguable rumors”. If you can associate the material with the Internet, use this fact to certify it a “wild rumor” which can have no basis in fact.
4. Use a straw man. Find or create a seeming element of your opponent’s argument which you can easily knock down to make yourself look good and the opponent to look bad. Either make up an issue you may safely imply exists based on your interpretation of the opponent/opponent arguments/situation, or select the weakest aspect of the weakest charges. Amplify their significance and destroy them in a way which appears to debunk all the charges, real and fabricated alike, while actually avoiding discussion of the real issues.
5. Sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule. This is also known as the primary attack the messenger ploy, though other methods qualify as variants of that approach. Associate opponents with unpopular titles such as “kooks”, “right-wing”, “liberal”, “left-wing”, “terrorists”, “conspiracy buffs”, “radicals”, “militia”, “racists”, “religious fanatics”, “sexual deviates”, and so forth. This makes others shrink from support out of fear of gaining the same label, and you avoid dealing with issues.
6. Hit and Run. In any public forum, make a brief attack of your opponent or the opponent position and then scamper off before an answer can be fielded, or simply ignore any answer. This works extremely well in Internet and letters-to-the-editor environments where a steady stream of new identities can be called upon without having to explain criticism reasoning — simply make an accusation or other attack, never discussing issues, and never answering any subsequent response, for that would dignify the opponent’s viewpoint.
7. Question motives. Twist or amplify any fact which could so taken to imply that the opponent operates out of a hidden personal agenda or other bias. This avoids discussing issues and forces the accuser on the defensive.
8. Invoke authority. Claim for yourself or associate yourself with authority and present your argument with enough “jargon” and “minutiae” to illustrate you are “one who knows”, and simply say it isn’t so without discussing issues or demonstrating concretely why or citing sources.
9. Play Dumb. No matter what evidence or logical argument is offered, avoid discussing issues with denial they have any credibility, make any sense, provide any proof, contain or make a point, have logic, or support a conclusion. Mix well for maximum effect.
10. Associate opponent charges with old news. A derivative of the straw man usually, in any large-scale matter of high visibility, someone will make charges early on which can be or were already easily dealt with. Where it can be foreseen, have your own side raise a straw man issue and have it dealt with early on as part of the initial contingency plans. Subsequent charges, regardless of validity or new ground uncovered, can usually them be associated with the original charge and dismissed as simply being a rehash without need to address current issues — so much the better where the opponent is or was involved with the original source.
11. Establish and rely upon fall-back positions. Using a minor matter or element of the facts, take the “high road” and “confess” with candor that some innocent mistake, in hindsight, was made — but that opponents have seized on the opportunity to blow it all out of proportion and imply greater criminalities which, “just isn’t so.” Others can reinforce this on your behalf, later. Done properly, this can garner sympathy and respect for “coming clean” and “owning up” to your mistakes without addressing more serious issues.
12. Enigmas have no solution. Drawing upon the overall umbrella of events surrounding the crime and the multitude of players and events, paint the entire affair as too complex to solve. This causes those otherwise following the matter to begin to loose interest more quickly without having to address the actual issues.
13. Alice in Wonderland Logic. Avoid discussion of the issues by reasoning backwards with an apparent deductive logic in a way that forbears any actual material fact.
14. Demand complete solutions. Avoid the issues by requiring opponents to solve the crime at hand completely, a ploy which works best for items qualifying for rule 10.
15. Fit the facts to alternate conclusions. This requires creative thinking unless the crime was planned with contingency conclusions in place.
16. Vanishing evidence and witnesses. If it does not exist, it is not fact, and you won’t have to address the issue.
17. Change the subject. Usually in connection with one of the other ploys listed here, find a way to side-track the discussion with abrasive or controversial comments in hopes of turning attention to a new, more manageable topic. This works especially well with companions who can “argue” with you over the new topic and polarize the discussion arena in order to avoid discussing more key issues.
18. Emotionalize, Antagonize, and Goad Opponents. If you can’t do anything else, chide and taunt your opponents and draw them into emotional responses which will tend to make them look foolish and overly motivated, and generally render their material somewhat less coherent. Not only will you avoid discussing the issues in the first instance, but even if their emotional response addresses the issue, you can further avoid the issues by then focusing on how “sensitive they are to criticism”.
19. Ignore proof presented, demand impossible proofs. This is perhaps a variant of the “play dumb” rule. Regardless of what material may be presented by an opponent in public forums, claim the material irrelevant and demand proof that is impossible for the opponent to come by (it may exist, but not be at his disposal, or it may be something which is known to be safely destroyed or withheld, such as a murder weapon). In order to completely avoid discussing issues may require you to categorically deny and be critical of media or books as valid sources, deny that witnesses are acceptable, or even deny that statements made by government or other authorities have any meaning or relevance.
20. False evidence. Whenever possible, introduce new facts or clues designed and manufactured to conflict with opponent presentations as useful tools to neutralize sensitive issues or impede resolution. This works best when the crime was designed with contingencies for the purpose, and the facts cannot be easily separated from the fabrications.
21. Call a Grand Jury, Special Prosecutor, or other empowered investigative body. Subvert the (process) to your benefit and effectively neutralize all sensitive issues without open discussion. Once convened, the evidence and testimony are required to be secret when properly handled. For instance, if you own the prosecuting attorney, it can insure a Grand Jury hears no useful evidence and that the evidence is sealed an unavailable to subsequent investigators. Once a favorable verdict (usually, this technique is applied to find the guilty innocent, but it can also be used to obtain charges when seeking to frame a victim) is achieved, the matter can be considered officially closed.
22. Manufacture a new truth. Create your own expert(s), group(s), author(s), leader(s) or influence existing ones willing to forge new ground via scientific, investigative, or social research or testimony which concludes favorably. In this way, if you must actually address issues, you can do so authoritatively.
23. Create bigger distractions. If the above does not seem to be working to distract from sensitive issues, or to prevent unwanted media coverage of unstoppable events such as trials, create bigger news stories (or treat them as such) to distract the multitudes.
24. Silence critics. If the above methods do not prevail, consider removing opponents from circulation by some definitive solution so that the need to address issues is removed entirely. This can be by their death, arrest and detention, blackmail or destruction of their character by release of blackmail information, or merely by proper intimidation with blackmail or other threats.
25. Vanish. If you are a key holder of secrets or otherwise overly illuminated and you think the heat is getting too hot, to avoid the issues, vacate the kitchen.

Obama Is The Greatest Gun Salesman Of All Time

NB Commentary:
Wow, finally an article that parrots my sentiments and what better way than to have some “Black Friday” statistics.
I often wonder what bag of beans this cry for gun control is really coming out of. No I don’t have time to research all the saber rattlers but for sure, the increase in gun sales after every shooting is something to make a note of. If there is someone out there who can track down those Sandy Hook folks who went around the country calling for stricter gun laws? Is there anyone who has the time to connect the dots of these folks to the NRA or the Gun manufacturers? Does anyone remember how the gun sales shot up after Sandy Hook?
It’s like anything that you like and it’s being threatened to be taken away. How many times has the looming diet to start tomorrow prompted the eating all day and night the day before? Nobody likes being deprived of what they like and enjoy. How about the sex on that night before the final break up?  How about the fear of failing a test you never studied for and cramming all night long so you could pass it the next day. How about that movie starring Queen Latifah when she was told she only had 3 weeks to live?
Fear will drive folks to extremes no matter what the threat as we can see with all the high handed security that we have gotten since 911. So yeah, it only makes sense that cries for “gun control” would send folks with their last dollar out to get those guns. Maybe we got it all wrong, maybe the so-called false flag shootings are being orchestrated by the gun manufactures who are looking at the decline in violent crimes and they need a boost in their stocks similar to what happens when the saber rattling for more war does to the Military Industrial complex budgets. Woohoo, more war, more sales of killing machines! More bets to hedge on Wall Street and more coffins for sale. Could it be that the dead make more money than the living for the elite banksters of the world?
Folks we need to think passed the smoke screen and the calls and pleas for “gun control” after incidences that are happening especially in gun free zones. Seriously, criminals don’t care about gun laws, so taking them from those who are law abiding is really not gonna solve the problem. How about we disarm the army, navy and air force and national guards and police force, they got the biggest most dangerous weapons.
For some reason, I keep hearing this eerie laughter in the back of my mind. Who’s laughing at our ignorance as they go to the bank and cash in?
Obama Is The Greatest Gun Salesman Of All Time: “There Were Two Background Checks Every Second On Black Friday”
Mac Slavo
December 2nd, 2015
 Okay, so this is photoshopped but still
(Image Source:
While most Americans who braved the annual Running of the Sheep celebration were stocking up on discounted veggie steamers and last year’s flat screen TV models, those who understand the threats to liberty and personal safety chose to spend their hard earned wages on personal protection.
According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation sales of firearms on Black Friday broke a new record. The agency processed 185,345 background checks, or roughly two per second. The previous record was set shortly after the Sandy Hook shooting in 2012 when President Obama and numerous anti-gun Senators proposed widespread bans and restrictions on “weapons of war,” prompting literal lines out the door from Americans fearing government driven confiscation initiatives.
Black Friday shoppers sought to buy a record number of guns on the nation’s biggest retail holiday — about two every second — eclipsing a previous record set in the days after the Sandy Hook massacre.
The FBI processed a terrifying 185,345 firearms background checks — the most ever on a single day — on Black Friday, the agency said Tuesday.
While a background check does not mean a gun was purchased, the mandatory National Instant Criminal Background Check System checks are seen as the best measure for U.S. gun sales. (NY Daily News)
Mainline news outlets like USA Today, the New York Daily, and the Huffington Postmade it a point to note that on the very day 185,345 Americans across the country were purchasing firearms a crazed individual killed three people and injured nine at a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic.
President Obama, who saw over 10,000,000 guns sold ahead of the 2012 Presidential election, weighed in after the shooting.
“Enough is enough,” Obama said in a statement on Saturday. He said the Planned Parenthood shootings showed the need to “to do something about the easy accessibility of weapons of war” for “people who have no business wielding them.” (Huff Post)
We assume he is referring to the millions of Americans who wield these weapons of war after being subjected to unconstitutional background check violations, attending multi-hour safety courses, studying their legal responsibilities in safe defense situations, and spending hundreds of hours at the shooting range ensuring they don’t kill innocent bystanders should they ever be forced to draw their weapons.
He couldn’t possibly be referring to people in positions of power who have initiated drone strikes that kill 90% civilians and control our nuclear strike codes, though they have never served in the United States Armed Forces, never held a private sector job, served as a state Senator for just two years with the only accomplishment to their name being a Harvard education for which no official records exist before becoming the highest elected official in the land.

At Least 14 Dead in California Shooting, One Suspect Killed

NB Commentary
What is the purpose of this? How is it that these cowards can get into buildings fully armed and kill people unabated, unobstructed,  and yet filled with keywords.
Get ready for all of your buttons to be pushed by these keywords,

    • Breaking News
    • Subject to Revision
    • Black SUV
    • Heavily armed
    • Bloodbath
    • Dec.
    • Sandy Hook
    • Human Tradegy
    • Targeted Attack
    • Worst since
    • Gun Control
    • The news as we have it coming in
    • Could it be International Terrorism?
    • Could it be domestic Terrorism?
    • Etc., etc., etc.
    • And let me not forget, there was a drill going on in the vicinity. Yes the infamous drill that went live, again.
    Are you surprised? Are you startled? Are you frightened? Are you ready to give up more than you gave up yesterday? Just plain, ole, are you ready for this again?
    Sometimes, I have to sit and wonder, what is the message they are trying to give Obama? For some reason all these breeches of security seem to be sending a deeper message. Like that dude that jumped the white house fence during their dinner party.  Can I get a witness? I mean how many of these events took place during Bush’s administration? I’m not counting but it surely does seem like more than I have ever seen before.
    It’s purely conjecture on my part but it certainly seems strange to have all of these killings and mass murders and disruptions and breeches of security during the Obama Administration.
    At Least 14 Dead in California Shooting, One Suspect Killed
    At least 14 people were killed and a suspect was dead Wednesday after up to three gunmen on a “mission” barged into a holiday party in a California conference room and unleashed a bloodbath, law enforcement sources told NBC News.
    The gunman or gunmen fled in a black SUV after the shooting about at 11 a.m. (2 p.m. ET), police said.
    About 4½ hours later, multiple police cars were involved in a high-speed chase nearby with three people in a dark truck or SUV, law enforcement sources told NBC News. Two of the suspects were shot, the sources said – one was killed, and the other was unresponsive after having been wounded in the chest.
     One suspect killed, one in custody in CA 2:39
    The location of the third person wasn’t immediately clear, but San Bernardino police Sgt. Vicki Cervantes said a third subject was believed to be “outstanding.” NBC Los Angeles broadcast video of officers ringing a black vehicle after the shootout.
    In addition to the 14 dead:
  1. At least 10 of 17 wounded are in critical condition.
  2. Police arrested at least one suspect after shootout hours later.
  3. The shooting erupted during a holiday party in a conference room.
  4. Federal agencies are assisting the investigation.
  5. Cervantes said that one officer was shot in the confrontation but didn’t suffer a life-threatening wound and that one suspect possibly remained at large.
    Seventeen other people were wounded when the shooting started inside the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, about 55 miles east of downtown Los Angeles, police said.
    Authorities said 10 of the 17 injured were taken to hospitals in critical condition. Fire Chief Tom Hannemann said three people were in serious condition.
    It appeared to be the worst mass shooting since the December 2012 slaughter of 20 first-graders and six staffers at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.
    “These people came prepared to do what they did as if they were on a mission,” San Bernardino Police Chief Jarrod Burguan said. “They were armed with long guns, not with handguns.”
    Burguan added, “The suspects have fled.”
    “We don’t yet have a motive,” the chief said, adding that the getaway vehicle was a black SUV of some kind.
    Burguan warned that the death toll could climb as investigators continued to search the building. “This is a tragedy,” he said.
    Read More: Click Here 
    • President Barack Obama restated his call for more gun control reforms in the wake of the mass shooting. Speaking to CBS News, Obama said Congress should act in a bipartisan manner to close loopholes, including one that allows people on the TSA no-fly list to legally purchase firearms
    Breaking: mass shooting, San Bernardino, plus “training exercise”
    by Jon Rappoport
    December 2, 2015
    (To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)
    KTLA reports—here’s a key quote:
    “The call first came in at 10:59 a.m. of multiple shots fired from the area of 1365 S. Waterman Ave., San Bernardino Police Department Lt. Richard Lawhead said. The department’s SWAT team was training nearby and was suited, ‘ready to roll’ and responded rapidly, Lawhead said.”
    —Yet another mass shooting where, by chance, a training exercise was going on during or prior to the event.
    San Bernardino, east of Los Angeles.  Reports state several shooters in a cluster of three office buildings that employ 600 people, 20 victims down, and shooters apparently at large.
    Here is a recent article I wrote about mass shootings paralleling training exercises:
     Watch Live: NBC Special Report on Shootings in San Bernardino, California.
    President Barack Obama called for stricter firearms laws as after a mass shootingin California that left at least 14 people dead, calling the spate of gun violence in the U.S. “unparalleled” to other countries.
    Obama spoke with CBS News Wednesday as the shooting at a center that serves the developmentally disabled in San Bernardino was still unfolding, and cautioned that much was still unknown.
    “It does appear that there are going to be some casualties, and obviously our hearts go out to the victims and the families,” Obama said.
    “The one thing we do know is that we have a pattern now of mass shootings in this country that has no parallel anywhere else in the world,” Obama said. “And there are some steps that we could take — not to eliminate every one of these mass shootings — but to improve the odds that they don’t happen as frequently.”

Sandy Hook- Operation Open Eyes-Mind Control In America

Sandy Hook- Operation Open Eyes-Mind Control In America
Five Easy Steps
To Create
A Manchurian Candidate
Gunther Russbacher sent the original pieces of this article to his wife, Rayelan in 1996. In December of 1996, Rayelan pieced together Gunther’s many letters, and published the original article on “Mind Control in America” in the print edition of Rumor Mill News.
Several days before the Columbine shootings, a man from Austria came to California to meet with Rayelan and clear up some of the hard to understand passages in the original article. The man said he was Gunther’s boss in Austrian Intelligence. Since Rayelan had never met Gunther’s boss, the man provided information that only Rayelan, Gunther and Gunther Austrian Intelligence superior would know.
The Austrian told her he had helped Gunther write the first part of the article on “Operation Open Eyes.” The original article was hand written by Gunther and sent to Rayelan in several different letters. The man from Austria said that he had personal knowledge of the 5 Levels of programming, and that was the part of the article he had helped Gunther write. The second part of the original RMNews article was taken from other letters written by Gunther, alone. The man from Austria said he could only correct the part that he had helped write because he had no personal knowledge of Gunther’s own mind control experiences, or how the United States used this method of mind control.
Shortly after the Austrian met with Rayelan, the tragedy at Columbine happened. Rayelan now believes that the Columbine killings were the beginning of the final push to take all guns out of the hands of the American people. One month, to the day, after Columbine, another similar shooting occurred in Georgia. These killings are not random acts of teenage violence. These school killings are a planned, methodical attack on the American Constitution and the freedom which is enjoyed but taken for granted by citizens of the United States of America.
The method of the attack is designed to inflame anger and hysteria in the American public. The media whips up the anger and hysteria and keeps it fresh in America’s mind, with continual graphic, around the clock, “overkill” coverage and commentary of the dead and wounded victims, the pain and suffering of the families, and the traumatic scars left on America’s children. The President uses the hysteria of the moment to blame guns for the problems in Americas schools and with America’s children. In the heat of hysteria, Congress is pressured to pass more guns laws.
The hysteria and anger towards guns, propelled by the President and the media, continues to sweep across America. No one in media or being interviewed by the media, is allowed to speak rationally on the subject of guns. Rational people are shouted down by talk show hosts, as in the infamous Rosie O’Donnell interview with Tom Selleck. Members of Congress who try to point out the fact that existing gun laws don’t work, because the Clinton Administration doesn’t enforce them, are portrayed by the media as being “on the take” from the NRA.
No one is permitted to step back from the hysteria and consider, that no matter how many gun laws are enacted by governments, not even the total ban and destruction of guns could have stopped what happened at Columbine.
If there were no guns available to the two young men and their accomplices at Columbine, the killings would have happened anyway. A gun was not used to blow up the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City. Guns were not used to kill the 800,000 TsuTsis who were killed in Rwanda by the Hutus.
The children at Columbine and at the other schools across America were killed by other children. The “child killers” used guns, but they could just as easily used machetes or bombs. The man who drove his pick up truck through the window of Luby’s restaurant in Killean, Texas used a high powered assault rifle to murder dozens of people. He could just as easily thrown a bomb through the restaurant window. The bomb would have killed more people than the gun, and the killer would have escaped alive. But a bomb would not have accomplished the first step in the planned take-over of America. That first step is the elimination of all guns in the hands of the American public!
Many of the mass murderers in the recent decade have committed suicide at the site of the killings, or they are killed by a law enforcement officer, once the various government agencies arrive. In several cases of school shootings, the “child killers” have been stopped by teachers or principles who had guns. If the adult school officials had not had guns, by the time the law enforcement officers arrive, more victims would have been killed. It is also possible that the “child killers” would have “self destructed” by committing suicide. Dead men and boys, tell no tales.
With the “child killers” dead, there is no way to trace back, to its origin in mind control programming, the true cause of the killing spree. If these children have been programmed using a Manchurian Candidate type of mind control, that has been around since the 1920’s, and actively used since the Korean War, a trained psychiatrist can find the mind control tracks! For the psychiatrist to do his job, he needs a live “killer”, and he needs the cooperation of the local law enforcement officials.
The only way to stop these shootings is to make the public realize that “Manchurian Candidates” do exist, and the kids who are committing these tragic crimes are victims of government mind control. The purpose of the shootings is to inflame the public against guns so that they force Congress to pass restrictive gun laws.
Once the guns are out of the hands of the American public, another twist in random mayhem will begin. More programmed “Manchurian Candidates” will begin anarchistic attacks on the public using bombs, knives, fires, Molotov cocktails, baseball bats and any other item that can be used as a weapon. Anarchy will sweep the streets of the United States.
The public will be disarmed and unable to protect themselves. Therefore, the government will step in and become everyone’s protector and Big Brother! The government will do this by suspending the last threads of our barely surviving Constitution, declaring martial law, rounding up the dissidents, patrolling our streets with armed United Nations or NATO military, instituting curfew, and shooting anyone who disobeys any of the newly imposed laws. In other words, a totalitarian government will take control, and if you oppose them, you will be sent to the Gulags.
If the school killings escalate as a Rumor Mill News Source said they will, Congress will be bribed, blackmailed or threatened to pass the bills which will take away out guns. If this happens in 1999 or the year 2000, Bill and Hillary Clinton will be the permanent totalitarian rulers of the United States!
Programmed “Manchurian Candidates” as well as political and government leaders whose own personal agendas have been replaced with mind controlled New World Order “overlays”, will work in tandem to bring the United States under the iron fisted rule of a One World Government.
There is enough research on mind control to convince any rational person that mind control and programmed assassins exist. Congress will not investigate this. Our Congress is either bribed with money or promises of high positions in the New World Government, or they are blackmailed and/or threatened with death or the death or their loved ones.
The only hope America has of exposing this and stopping it, is for a courageous community to demand that their district attorney look into the mind control aspect of the shootings. This courageous community must stand together as a united front. If only a handful of residents try to force their local government to investigate and expose the mind control behind the killing rampages, then that handful can be broken and defused using simple techniques of “divide and conquer”, and “smear and attack” These courageous residents will be painted as mentally unstable, or as criminals and pedophiles. If these simple techniques of “breaking and diffusing the opposition” don’t work, then the heavier guns of bribery, blackmail, threats and murder will be used. Only a well coordinated and informed public, with NO LEADER OR SPOKESPERSON, can expose the horror of what is really happening in America.
Why no leader or spokesperson? Because you can never be sure you are not putting a government infiltrator in charge of the attempt to expose the truth. In other words, the only person whose agenda you can trust is your own. This means, if you want the truth exposed, YOU have to do it.
One of the places where an investigator can begin research is with Satanic cults and children’s mental institutions and in house drug rehabilitation programs. Almost all of the children involved in the school killings had attended a Satanic cult or had been in a mental hospital.. These are the two main ways of programming children without parental knowledge. The local authorities or researchers and investigators need to start there.
There have been many books written about CIA mind control programs, but no document or book has exposed the method used to create a programmed assassin. This article covers the basics of the program. Once you read this, you will understand how and why mass murders such as Columbine, take place. In the case of the mass murders using guns, these mind controlled assassins are being used to sow terrorism in order to force Congress to pass tougher, more draconian gun laws which do not stop terrorism, but take away freedoms Americans take for granted.
In the case of the children being murdered by children. This is a “CIA modified” “Hegelian Dialectic” technique. In other words, if you want society to become something different than it is, you must set up the conditions which will bring about the desired results. The German philosopher, Frederich Hegel called it: Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis. The CIA calls it: Crisis Creation, Crisis Solution, Crisis Control. (Navy Captain Trenton Parker describes how the CIA uses this technique in foreign countries to influence politics. See end of article for information.)
In the case of Columbine and other similar shootings the scenario is as follows:
An armed America
Horrific violence and mass murders committed by people with guns
Draconian antigun laws which disarm America
The CIA’s version of Hegel’s Dialectic omits the Thesis, their version starts with the antithesis:
Crisis Creation replaces Antithesis:
Horrific violence and mass murders committed by people with guns, who were either programmed or in the employee of the CIA or other government agencies
Crisis Solution replaces Synthesis:
Draconian gun laws which take the guns away from everyone, including law abiding citizens.
Crisis Control Becomes the New Thesis
In the case of gun violence, the new thesis will resemble a police state, where only the government will have guns
To further illustrate the point. America is a nation full of guns and guaranteed the right to own and bear arms, by the Constitution of the United States.
America cannot be taken over by the New World Order and their socialist/communist agenda, if Americans are armed, (this is the Thesis, an armed citizenry), therefore conditions must be created that will cause the American public to demand that their Constitutional right to bear arms be rescinded.
These created conditions are called “The Antithesis” by Hegel; it is called Crisis Creation by the CIA. In the case of an armed citizenry, the antithesis, or anti-thesis, is random, senseless and horrific murders using guns as the weapon.
When these two conditions, i.e.; an armed citizenry and horrific gun violence, exist simultaneously, public hysteria can be whipped up making the public demand that their Congressional representatives outlaw all guns. This is called “The Synthesis” by Hegel; or Crisis Solution by the CIA..
The “synthesis” then becomes the new “Thesis” for a new triad in Hegel’s Dialectic. In the CIA’s version of Hegel’s Dialectic, the synthesis i.e.; the Crisis Solution brings about the new Thesis which is called: Crisis Control.
When Hitler wanted to wipe Jewish DNA from all of Europe, he created similar “antithesis” conditions which allowed the passage of similar anti gun laws. If all Jews in Germany had been armed, how easy would it have been for Hitler to send them to concentration camps? An armed citizenry can protect itself from its government.
Hitler’s plan to eliminate all gun from German citizens was so successful that Connecticut Senator Thomas J. Dodd, father of today’s Connecticut Senator Chris Dodd, used Hitler’s model to frame the Gun Control Act of 1968. (More information at end of article.)
The Government’s Diabolic Plan Must Be Exposed
If this horrendous, diabolic plan to disarm America is not exposed, we can expect to see many more killings like the ones at Columbine. Each subsequent episode will be 100 times worse than the others. In Columbine, the real people behind the killings were sending a subtle message to anyone who can decipher it: The bombs that were found were not intended to go off. They were merely there to let “key people” in Congress know what will happen the next time. In other words, instead of 15 people being killed, hundreds, maybe even thousands will be killed.
More than likely, there was a “Control Officer” handling these boys. If an honest police unit uncovers him, he will be sacrificed, just like Tim McVeigh. He will be portrayed in the exact way the Tim McVeigh has been portrayed. In other words, he will be part of “The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy”, he will be a “gun nut”, he will belong to an Aryan Christian group.
Once you read how “Manchurian Candidates” are created, you will fully understand what is behind the incidents like the school killings, the crash of Ron Brown’s plane, The North Hollywood bank robbery, the massacre at Luby’s, and the killings at the Capitol, (Tom DeLay was the intended target at the Capitol. Maybe he would be interested in how his would be assassin was created.)
* * * * *
Government insiders reveal
How the United States Government
Finds, Chooses and Creates
Mind-controlled, programmed zombies, also known as:
Manchurian Candidates
An Overview of a Government Mind Control Program
How the Subjects are Chosen
A preset group of our people (from the intelligence community) canvasses the county hospitals and immigration centers in order to find viable candidates. We locate and select people who have no close family or friends. Once they have been selected, they are put under heavy, Level One hypnosis. At this time a clear and definitive pattern of their usefulness is determined by our psychiatrists and field officers. If the candidate possesses a relatively high IQ, he will be filed in a category file, called “call file. “
Levels One and Two
If the tested applicant has more than 120 IQ, a “recall” command and an accompanying “trigger” word will be written into his personality during the Level One hypnosis session. This “trigger” will activate his recall program when we are ready for him. We then systematically do a background search and create a file for future reference.
If there are no relatives, to speak of, the subject will be “recalled” and taken to a location of our choice. Further tests for vulnerability will be conducted at this location. If he passes these tests, he is then brought to Level 2 hypnosis where specific instructions are “written” (placed through hypnotic commands and suggestions) into his personality and he is given diverse small orders.
If the subject, upon release, shows that he has retained the instructions which were “written” into his personality, and if he carries out the small and unimportant work duties which were assigned under Level 2 hypnosis, he will receive a “recall service notice”.
The timing of a “recall service notice” depends on how quickly we can determine that the programming which was “written” into the subject’s personality has enabled him to complete his Level 2 work assignments properly. Once this determination has been made, a “recall service notice” will be given to him by a person, or “handler” to whom we have introduced him.
If the subject was not given a “trigger” word, the “handler” will use a quick and powerful form of hypnosis similar to Neural Linguistic Programming. The subject will be told when and where to report. The subject will have no memory of being given these instructions, he will just report on time to the proper location. IF the subject was given a “trigger” word or symbol. He will report to the designated location upon activation of the “trigger”.
Level 3
The next step is Level 3 hypnosis, where the subject will become an “overwrite” upon his own personality. An “overwrite” is a new identity or personality. It is similar to having multiple personalities, except the original personality is repressed or hidden under the “overwrite” and will not surface for a set period of time which is determined by the Programmer.
The “overwrite” is not a complete new identity. There is just enough information written into the subject’s personality for us to determine his viability.
In the case of a Field Operative, Level 3 hypnosis is how the operative is prepared for a covert mission which requires a temporary new identity. Just enough information will be written in for the operative’s alias and story to be believable by everyone, including law enforcement officials. In the case of a field operative who will be using this alias for only one occasion, his normal personality is not repressed, it is made recessive, but left alert.
For the field operative who is being prepared for a deadly covert mission, a Level 3 “overwrite” can eliminate all fear and nervousness, and allow him to function under the nose of his enemies without the added stress of being discovered. All operatives have to go to, and through these 3 Levels before they are fielded! Sometimes they go through Level 3 many times.
During Level 3 programming sessions, the new subject is told that anything his “friends”, i.e. programmers, ask him to do, is okay, even though it may be against all laws of the land. At Level 3, the subject is also programmed to believe that he must and can do everything his “friends” i.e., programmers ask him to do.
Once Level 3 Programming has been “overlaid” upon the new subject’s own personality, he/she is once again given a “recall service order” and is then discharged. The subject will be monitored to see how well he functions with his new personality. If everything goes well, he will be recalled for further programming.
The higher the IQ of a given subject, the further the programming goes! If the IQ is high enough we will study his abilities and our needs, and determine how the subject can be further used. Once this determination is made, the subject will be brought to “The Farm” or one of our numerous facilities throughout the U.S. and Canada for further and final programming. (Doctors Hospital in Dallas, TX is one of our main centers!)
Level 4
Once at the facility, we will put the subject into Level 4 hypnosis, a place where he no longer differentiates between right and wrong. The subject will be told he is a “Super Human” and all laws are written for other people. The subject’s moral code, respect for the law, and fear of dying is replaced with new “Super Human” feelings.
This is the Level that turns a subject into a “Clear Eyes”, i.e., a fully programmed “sleeper” assassin, who can commit crimes as serious as murder, and afterwards have no shame, guilt, or remorse.
The Level 3 Super Human “overwrite” replaces the subject’s own morality and/or religious ethics with a program that makes him believe he is beyond all human laws. If the intent of the programming is to create a programmed assassin who will kill on cue, all morality, fear, and revulsion of bloody body parts must be eliminated. The Super Human “overwrite” eliminates both. The Super Human “overwrite” also gives the subject the feeling of immortality and invincibility.
If he has to perform a particularly suicidal or important assignment we do our job at Stoney Mountain facilities.
At Level 4, diverse programs can be written/or overwritten into the brain. Any command is accepted at this level. At Level 4 you can give the test subject a completely new personality and history. You are able to make him/her believe anything the program requires for the accomplishment of the desired project. In this case, a completely new person is being created, not just a partial personality as is Level 3.
Once the Level 4 programming is complete, the subject will be a different person with no memory of his former life. He will not be an amnesiac, he will have memories. Ones which we gave him. He/she will be relocated to a new state and town and given a new life. Everything to complete the construction of the new person will be provided. Items such as driver’s licence, car, bank accounts, passport, credit cards, and birth certificate will be created or supplied by us and will be valid and legal.
The subject will also be provided with all the small things that ordinary people have in their lives, such as photos of his family. His family won’t really exist, but he won’t know this. He will have all the feelings of love, hurt or anger that normal family members feel for each other.
The photos of family and friends will be of deep cover agency personnel. If ever a mission goes “sour” and the news media starts looking for his family, the “agency created family” will be produced for a news conference or an interview. Agency personnel have been well coached and are trained actors and actresses. They will fill their roles perfectly, usually letting the public know that the “Clear Eyes” subject has always had a deeply troubled and violent past. The media will present the “Clear Eyes” as a nut case who went on a tragic and senseless rampage. Within a month, the public will have forgotten the incident.
Completing the new life and home, will be souvenirs from trips the subject has never taken, but yet remembers. There will also be small mementos of a life he has never lived, yet believes he has. Upon the completion of Level 4 Programming, the subject and patient (one and the same) now has an agenda that he believes is his own.
In other words, if the subject is going to be used to infiltrate a patriot group, religious commune, political campaign or environmental movement, the subject will be given all the knowledge and beliefs that are commonly held by people in his targeted group. The subject will believe that his fervently held opinions are his own. He will be believable to other members of the group.
Many politicians and government officials on a world wide level have been given “new agendas” through the use of Level 4 programming. Their own beliefs are replaced with the agenda of the programmers. They are given super human talents such as a photographic memory, and the ability to lie convincingly.
President Clinton is an example of a world leader who has been programmed with this technique. Senator John McCain and Secretary of State Madeline Albright are two other examples of an “agenda overlay” being “overwritten” onto the subjects own personality. In the cases of these people, their own personalities and memories are still present, to a large extant, although childhood and early adolescent memories are sometimes erased when this technique is used.
Once the future government leader is programmed, he will be recalled on a yearly basis and given hypnotic reinforcement of the original programming, or new programming will be “inserted” to modify the original programs. If no new programming is needed, the reinforcement programming can be done on a mass scale. In other words, “programmed sleepers” who are part of a lecture audience or a “think tank retreat”, can have their programming “reinforced” through a lecture or film. The rest of the audience, such as wives and children, will notice nothing out of the ordinary.
Upon completion of Level 4, the subject who has been chosen to become a “programmed sleeper assassin” is fully prepared for Level 5.
Level 5
At Level 5, the “trigger” which activates the program is inserted.
At Level 5, very carefully, a code word, sequence of numbers, or a voice imprint is “etched” into the subject’s brain. This is commonly known and referred to as the “trigger” which will activate the subject into action. At this time, the subject will also be implanted with a coded tracking device so that his location will always be known.
Once Level 5 programming is complete, the subject is released to live a very normal and sometimes useful life. The subject will have no memory of being involved with the intelligence community, and will have no memory of the hypnosis sessions.
The “sleeper” who has been given a complete new identity will have no memory of his “former” life, therefore he will never question who he is. The subject will live a normal life as a doctor, an airline pilot, a politician, an eccentric loner, or a movie star until the subject is required to perform the missions for which he was created.
These missions or programs were implanted/written into Level 4 hypnosis. Once the the Level 5, programmed “sleeper” assassin is finished with the programming , he is referred to as a “Clear Eyes”. A “Clear Eyes” is a “sleeper assassin” who is capable of being triggered, i.e. activated.
Once a “Clear Eyes” is “triggered”, accidently or on purpose, the subject is beyond recall. A Level 5 “Clear Eyes” can only be approached after he carries out his program or operation.
Because of the programming, the subject will not be able to associate with the crime he has just committed. Such a programmed subject is Sirhan Sirhan, the assassin of Robert Kennedy. To this day Sirhan cannot recall anything about shooting Senator Kennedy.
Only psychiatrists trained in our method of sub mental behavior programming, overwrites and overlays, will be able to find any tracks leading to post Level 1 or 2 mind control. In other words, a regular psychiatrist may discover that the subject has been hypnotized in the past, and may even discover the original personality. But a regular psychiatrist will never be able to discover the location in the brain or memory, where Levels 3, 4 and 5 programs are stored.
Without an activation “key”, a normal psychiatrist will never uncover the programming unless by accident.
If the programmed subject is told to walk into an armed camp and assassinate an enemy leader, the subject will carry out his program with no regard to his personal welfare, whether he lives or dies, or how he is supposed to escape. In most cases of programmed “Clear Eyes” who commit murders or assassinations, the subject is killed on the spot, either by an innocent bystander who kills only to end the killing, or by an agency operative who is on site to insure nothing goes wrong, in other words, that the subject “self destructs” or is killed.
In some cases the subject is captured and not killed. Due to the type of programming used in “Operation Open Eyes”, the subject will not be able to divulge any information. Even if the subject is brutally tortured, he will not be able to remember the actual killing or terrorist act, let alone why he did it. This is because all programming is buried deep within long forgotten childhood memories which were recalled under Level 3 hypnosis. (This is the level where real childhood memories are accidently destroyed in politicians and other officials who have agendas “overwritten” on their own personalities.)
Even under the ‘truth serum” drugs, the subject cannot reveal the truth because his conscious mind has no access to it. Using “Operation Open Eyes”, the government can create the perfect assassin, saboteur or terrorist. One who will perform on cue, not be able to remember anything, or self destruct before being captured.
Five Easy Steps To Create A Manchurian Candidate by Gunther Russbacher From his own Experiences
I have personally witnessed Levels 1-5 programming, and was myself a subject of level 3 programming. In Level 3 programming five different sets of primary aliases were created for me. It takes two years to fully create a new personality. All the small gestures, such as grimaces, laughs, smiles and frowns have to be created, as well as an accent, a specific way of walking and carrying himself… his bearing.
If a subject has a high IQ, around 130-140, the subject is very quick to learn anything fed to him/her during the programming sessions. All major patriot groups, government offices and. government contract corporations have at least one or more “sleepers” attached to them.
Project Clear Eyes
This is the placing of a “sleeper” or “sleepers” in radical groups, religious communes, or any other place that a “sleeper” is needed. The the bombing of the Murrah Building was a clear cut case of project “Clear Eyes”.
Tom Valentine’s radio show as well as the Spotlight newspaper are vehicles we have employed in the past to trigger our subjects. In other words, the “Clear Eyes” subject has been given the suggestion to listen to certain shortwave broadcasts or read certain newspapers. Knowing that the “Clear Eyes” has been programmed to listen, religiously, to a certain radio program, a guest or caller will give the “trigger words” that will activate the “Clear Eyes.”
If the subject has been told by his “programmers” to subscribe and read a certain newspaper each day, or week, the “trigger” will be a classified ad or letter to the editor. If the newspaper happens to be an Agency creation or proprietary, the “trigger” word or phrase will be worked into an article. There are some “sleepers” who are kept active by the constant re-enforcement of their programming through key words and phrases that are published in Agency newspapers. These “Agency Papers” are usually publications of new age cults or Christian Identity groups. They usually have a readership of less than five thousand people.
Waco was a “Open Eyes” operation. There were seven “sleepers” in the compound. These seven “sleepers” had been programmed to carry out a specific job. The specific mission was written into their personalities during Level 4 programming. They had not yet received their Level 5 programming, and should not have been capable of being triggered to carry out their the Level 4 programmed mission.
The Davidian group was created to perform a terrorist acts similar to the sarin gas that was released in the Japanese subway by the Aum Shin Riko cult.
Shortly after the Waco holocaust, attorney Paul Wilcher was briefed on the Waco mind control operation by members of the Delta Force Group that oversaw the programming operation. These men were sent in to neutralize only the 7 “sleepers”. Their programming had somehow been prematurely activated, and they were creating a device for mass destruction.
Randy Weaver, of the Ruby Ridge incident, was a control subject that ended up “out of control.” (RMNews: Russbacher never gave further information on this.)
Robert Hunt is a sleeper that was put on hold. At some, not too distant date, you will see Bob Hunt performing his true and final role.
(RMNews Editor: Bob Hunt is a Navy SEAL and covert operative who was instrumental in leaking classified documents to Rodney Stich. These documents confirmed that the government operatives who came forward and broke their cover to tell the truth, were indeed who they said they were. Whenever a government covert operative breaks his cover and begins to tell the truth, he/she is either jailed or killed. Robert Hunt is currently in prison. Others, who are listed on the documents he released are either dead, in prison or in hiding. Robert Hunt is quoted on p. 10 of the November issue of RMNews. He is discussing a group of programmed assassins that he personally trained at Camp Perry. When you combine the information he released plus other information on the Pegasus Assassination Unit, you begin to understand that the men and women who make up these units have all been programmed at least up to Level 3.
Some, who are trained for suicide missions, are programmed up to Level 4 and 5. The man who killed all the people in Luby’s restaurant in Killean, Texas was probably programmed to Level 5, but he could have been accidentally “triggered”. The Tasmanian mass murderer was also programmed to Level 5 and to self destruct, but he didn’t. If the governments of the world really were serious about getting to the bottom of random acts of terrorism, they would take apart this man’s brain, one engram at a time, until they discovered the “Open Eyes” program. But since the Australian government is using the massacre in Tasmania as an excuse to confiscate all the guns, it is unlikely that they will want to let anyone do a psychological profile of the Tasmanian killer. In fact, if any country tries to press the issue, the killer will probably just commit suicide, or be “suicided”.)
Gunther Russbacher continues:
“I hope it is becoming clear to you the various levels that are used by the Intel community to get their job done. Remember Jonestown? It was one of ours that went sour because a “Clear Eyes” was in the group.
“When he, the “Clear Eyes”, began firing on the runway, it all self destructed. Congressman Leo Ryan, who was killed, knew it was a government operation. The “Clear Eyes” was accidently, through a lone sequence, activated! There was no way to stop the killings.
All members of the cult were programmed to at least level 3. There were only 3 deaths attributable to cyanide, the rest died of gunfire. Now you know little more about our line of work. I am glad I am out of it.”
(RMNews: On p. 14 on the September 1996 issue we printed a letter called: Jonestown: The Whole Story, Project Blue, The Guiana Operation. The letter is attached at the end of this article.)
Russbacher Continues:
How Sleepers are Produced
“The initial stages of hypnosis are derived by subconsciously distracting a person to where he/she does not realize that hypnosis is taking place. If the procedure is done in a doctor’s office, or in the emergency room of a hospital, a Level One hypnosis, with a post hypnotic suggestion, to return for another session on a specified day, time and location, can be all be given in less than five minutes.
At an emergency room, the doctors have to be far more cautious because of the others (emergency room workers) who are about him. At any rate, a second and far more detailed appointment is made where Levels Two and Three can be attained within a matter of 2-3 sittings.
At Level Two, a light program is already in place, that makes the subject pliable to the will of the hypnotherapist. At Level 3, the program is expanded to include specific trigger words; i.e. “stepdown”.
A Level Four program can only be attained by completely removing the already altered, conscious state of Level three. This procedure is done under drugs! The needle is inserted into one of the veins of the lower legs, sometimes on the back of the leg. The needle is never inserted in an easily visible spot where it can be seen and questions asked as to where such a needle stick came from.
With the IV fluids of the drugs and the 3 levels already attained, brainwashing takes effect. Complete blocks of intact memory are taken out and removed. The “overwrite” is generally placed next to and/or in addition to childhood memories. The area we choose to attach our program to is pre puberty. It can range from age 9-12. That’s where the “overwrite” is placed.
A complete set of instructions are then entered into the void space and are assimilated immediately, by the brain as belonging there–and having always been there. At this point the complete instruction package has been set. It is no trouble at all to create an unspace (an emptyness of several days time–time being removed and rewritten into the main brain.) lasting up to several days or a week. The team, performing the “erase”, “new program” and “transfer of data”; at random, choose a period of time where there was no event of special interest to the patient.
The Level Four stage permits the team to go back, one day at a time, in the victim’s life. It is an easy accomplishment to find such an ordinary fragment of time where nothing occurred. Remember that the brain assimilates the “rewrite” immediately as its own.
The program entry can be so well covered and truly hidden that if you were to revive the patient-without a level 5 trigger in place to bring the subject to that spot of their lives, the complete program would be lost forever.
Since the brain has continual wave lengths, level 5 is implanted as a trigger command (just like in a computer) to bring that person, instantly (by preplanted hypnotic suggestion) to that moment of their lives where this violent or non-violent program is located. If it is to be a one time mission (with suicide built-in) a complete remake of the victim is made at level 4.
We can take Subject-A, and impose on them all personality traits, customs and beliefs of a person we call subject-B… or reverse them. That means my subject will have to remain in the lab until a complete recycling has been achieved. At that point I can make him believe anything 1 tell him.
Example: If I tell him that he is a construction worker, and feed him all the data required to perform the job, he will believe just that. If I tell him to take another name, change his entire being, leave his family and become someone else in another town, he will follow through on the command, but only if I insert a level 5 trigger command instructing him to do that when he hears certain words; i.e., a nursery rhyme or any trigger word that I implant.
Certain major corporations and Madison Avenue advertising agencies have a long history of working with the government. Nursery rhymes such as “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” can be worked into the advertisements that are played on television and radio. These ads can be targeted to population areas where programmed “sleepers” or “sleeper” are living, thereby activating only certain sleepers without having to have personal contact in any manner.
The other viable alternative, for most of the case subjects under our control, is to implement a “rider package” that will compel him/her to fulfill the functions of our level four programming, by placing an appropriate trigger in his mind. He or she will continue to lead a perfectly normal life until made active by a command from a command file. Any number of unrelated triggers can be implanted hypnotically–just in case the first one has been lost in the deep fog when you bring the subject back to the Pre-Level One stage (state).
We always have a least 300-400, one way mission, Level 5’s running about leading relatively functional lives in the different cities where we have placed them. At times a man will leave his wife (or vice versa) and just move away. We don’t take into consideration if these men have children. We use them, because they are tailored to a specific task we see coming up in the foreseeable future.
However, please bear in mind that most of our level 5 cases lead very normal lives until they are activated. At that point, the Level Four program takes precedence in the subject’s life, above all else, such as family or job
(RM Editor; One of our Sources told us that the pilot of Ron Brown’s airplane was a “sleeper.” Up until the moment he was “activated” by a “trigger” word, the program to crash the plane was activated, he was just an average, ordinary person. The “control” who gave him the “trigger” word, was the ground radio operator at the Dubrovnik airport, who was later found shot to death… suicided? ” None of the other so-called explanations for the crash make any sense, until someone uncovers the real cause of the Ron Brown crash, RMNews will believe that the pilot was a “sleeper” who was “triggered” and a preset program was activated which made him fly the plane into the hillside.)
Russbacher Continues:
“To fully create a new person; give them a history or something that they can cling to when sad or lonely, it takes a team of lab experts numerous weeks or even months. I don’t know the name of the chemicals (several of them) used by the teams but they can hold a subject comatose for a few days to even months. A total transfiguration requires a catheter in the neck, urinary and digestive track, to keep their physical balance. Usually a Level 5, complete transfiguration will require a cover story like a serious automobile accident or something of similar nature. We have never been exposed for any of the Level 5 subjects we created.
Most liable to exposure are level 3 subjects who can remember bits and pieces of their downing after not have been to the “shop” (lab) for a couple of years. (RMNews: Randy Weaver?)
Level 3 Operatives will always know that they have been worked on or modified- -because they sign a document that goes into their personnel file. All case officers and field operatives are Level 3 clan.
The chemical used for Level 4 is not merely a hypnotic drug but also contains proportionate levels of anesthesia. The idea is to keep the subject at the very edge of consciousness during the programming.
One last set of statements about Operation Open Eyes. There are some aspects (areas) of the United States. One, and the first of them, is Project
Fallingrock; Project Behemoth; Project Tinyrock; Project mountainside, just to name a few. All of these projects fall under the auspices of “Operation Open Eyes”.
Project and/or Operation Monarch was a completely fictitious series created and released to the public simply to side track serious investigators. You can always judge the authenticity of serious reporters or investigative journals by paying attention to the things they have said about Project/Operation Monarch. This does not mean that the “victims” of Monarch are not real, what it means is that the entire Project was created as a cover story to keep people busy following the Project Monarch leads, while the real work went on in hospitals and doctors’ offices around the country.
There are government sponsored investigative journals which are designed to sow misinformation or disinformation. I have been able to spot the newspapers that are putting out bogus information by paying attention to how they treat Operation Monarch.
Afterthoughts From Gunther Russbacher:
The poor guys/gals who are forced to leave family and all behind in order to fulfill their one way program, sadden me. Although they have a completely new set of memories, they are all usually such bad memories, that they gladly jump from area to area to avoid the direct pain of these memories. They seek company in sleazy bars and are usually limited to one night stands. By day, they work, and by night, they usually sit–frustrated as hell– in front of their TV’s. This is why the trigger words presented in television ads are so effective.
More Afterthoughts:
In the event that you have any interest in how my Level 3 programming was done, and how it was found by the therapist here, (in Austria) I’ll be glad to give you a run down.
First of all, bear in mind that I went in on my own. I wasn’t one of the other cases I have so often made reference to in my letter. They gave me 2-mg. of Valium to calm my nervous system. Then I was hooked up to a polygraph machine, and the hypnotherapist led me to Level One–deep sleep. Then at that stage a color combination pattern was fed to my mind. Then I was dropped to level two. Outside monitors, such as an EEG, were attached to my head. I was fed music or better said, winding jungle rhythms to concentrate upon. (RMNews: Similar colors and rhythms are found in some of the video games our children play.)
“At that state ( Level 2), it was determined that I was patriotic enough to be of use to them. A film, between a good agent and Joe Blow down the street, was played to determine my threshold to cross (under specific orders!) from being a full legal to being an instrument for their causes. All the patriotic nonsense in the world was fed to me at Level 2. Then came the “what if situations.”
What if you had to sanction a man because of the good for the country?
(In the October 1996 Issue of RMNews, p. 1, “Black Operations Commander Implicates Presidents in Drug Smuggling,” you will find reference to an order to kill Ross Perot. Fortunately for Ross Perot, Chip Tatum, was not a Level 4 or 5 “Sleeper”. He was able to overide the command.)
“What if it (the order) meant willfully breaking the law in order to do as your employer asks? After hour upon hour of this play, a recall program–reaching me anywhere’ a voice could travel–was pounded into my skull. Always, the wishes of the employer had to come first. Then I was covered with the ability to slip in and out of many aliases, during and after doing my job for them.
The Level 3 program consisted of more loyalty bullshit and a number of specific triggers that would activate my mode which made me believe that I was indestructible. I went back for up-dates on the programming every 2-3 years. I was also polygraphed 3 times in the field office, and annually at the main center. Sodium Ambutal was their drug of choice at that time. I would be pulled out of circulation 2 days at a time, when I went in for my annuals.
The hypno-therapist over here (in Austria,) accidentally hit on the entire program because they subjected me to all these color combinations. I began to talk during the session and they key was found quite by accident. They researched up and down this Level 2 stage until I disclosed, under deep hypnosis, the entire program, inclusive of all parts.
The trigger mechanism was less easy to find because it was cloaked by an Oklahoman Thanksgiving party. (RMNews: Russbacher was raised from age 12 to 17 in Oklahoma) The therapists over here had never heard of such a thing. I talked until they found the mental file that contained all my triggers.
They told me the whole thing, and in a conscious state, I repeated it all to them. They now have a big thick file on what has been done to me, and regretfully, the means to replicate it on others.
I knew a great deal of what had been done to me at the Center. After all, I saw them doing Level 5 work on others. I also know that they had various ways and means to get the job done. I knew all along that I was a Level 3 sleeper. Hell, I signed so that it could be legally done to me. The Agency doesn’t employ Level 5 sleepers as Case Officers or Operatives.
Additional Information on Project Open Eyes
Single words are the designation for a single Project. Two words are the way to title an Operation. See: Operation “Open Eyes” or Project “Behemoth”. “Clear Eyes” was an exception to the standard rule of title in our coding a project. All phrases that have two words are ongoing Operations. (This is the reason for the apparent misspelling of Project Fallingrock.)
Project Mirror
An Above Top Secret Project
In Mind Control and Assassination
This is a very covert operation. Only 30-40 people know of its existence.
Project name: Mirror (NSA operation number DOM 3416-A-2)
Project priority: To establish/create a force of no more than 30 individuals who are capable of perceiving pre-set, or configured circumstances where certain leaders of nations are rowed according to their specific cause and importance.
Project Order: Liquidate certain individuals according to rowed importance.
Project Assumblage: Seek and find: prediagnosed individuals of various schizophrenic attributes. Gender of individual of no import. Age of subject must range 18-35. Coded for Operation Open Eyes.
Test individuals must meet the criteria as being of good health, and compatible with standard Level (4) preconditioning.
Language–no barrier
Such individual will receive orders to activate upon visually seeing prestated ranged figures on all media accessible to the average citizens of the media country or nationality of the subject.
Subject will follow Level (4) preconditioning, as well as Project Mirror required staunchness of being. Upon such ranged assembly of members of diverse and pre indoctrinated aspects of Project Mirror, “recall” and “discern target” pre-conditioning is “overwritten”.
Subject will then be activated to “restore about the 26 tranquility” (or as such described in DOM 3416-A-2) Upon termination of target, subject shall, according to medical advice–return to a rehabilitation center for initial debriefing, or shall in accordance with Level (5) instructions, proceed with self sanction or destruction.
It is imperative that all data retrieved during the case of medical rehabilitation be forwarded, via preordained method to DOM personnel. There shall not be more than 5 prime candidates in waiting, during the course of any fielded operation of stated project.
The remains of self sanctioned personnel are to be cremated upon notification, by local or regional sources
Operations Nu: 6317-ABL-4
Project team leader: DOM 3416-A-2
The Directive to form and proceed with this operation comes out of Ft. Meade, MD. Signatory to the project order was originally Stansfield Turner. Project Mirror is still on the books.
End of Russbacher’s Story
* * * * *
Excerpted from page 4 of The Wilcher Report: Mass Murder at Ranch Apocalypse
“Thursday, March 11th, 1993–12 days after the initial BATF raid on Sunday, February 28th-when I received initial information: 
(1)That “cult” leader David Koresh had an extensive CIA background. 
(2) That he was known in CIA circles as a ” sleeper” –someone who had been subjected to extensive CIA “mind control” training and programming. 
(3) That it was not just a mere coincidence that all these events were occurring in or near Waco, TX–since Waco is a major center for such CIA “mind control” experimentation and programming-with much of this activity occurring at the CIA’s Leadership Management Institute (LMI) in Waco.”
RMNews: Paul Wilcher was an attorney living in Washington D.C. As a result of being a victim of Chicago’s crooked bankruptcy courts, Wilcher had moved to the Capitol trying to expose the fraud and corruption in the bankruptcy courts around the nation. He sadly discovered there was nothing he could do, alone. He began researching government crimes, corruptions and cover-ups.
Wilcher made contact with Gunther Russbacher, the ONI and CIA operative who was currently in prison. Russbacher claimed he was in prison because the Bush Administration was trying to silence him regarding the October Surprise. Wilcher was the only person to conduct an exhaustive debriefing of Russbacher, which he recorded on 53 ninety minutes tapes.
Russbacher introduced Wilcher to members of his SEAL team. These men and others are the government employees who gave Paul Wilcher the information he put into the 100 page letter he wrote to Attorney General Janet Reno. In the letter he explained, as well as he could, various government mind control experiments. He felt he had to give Reno the background on mind control operations in the Waco area so she could fully understand what was really going on at the Branch Davidian compound.
Wilcher was told that something had gone wrong at Waco. The “sleepers” were waking up from their programming. Not only were they waking up, one or more of them had been accidentally “triggered”. The Waco “Sleepers” were programmed to make and deliver, a biological or chemical device that could kill everyone in a city the size of Oklahoma City or Houston. Information received by their “handlers” stated that the program had been accidently triggered and the 7 “Sleepers” had started building the device.
According to information from a government “plant” inside the compound, the device was only days from completion. A CIA/Delta Force team was fielded to go into the compound and “neutralize” the problems. When the BATF learned that a CIA/Delta Force Group was going into the Branch Davidian compound, the BATF decided to raid the compound first. The BATF had no idea why the CIA/DFG team was going in. The BATF had been carrying on an independent surveillance of the compound.
It would not have been unheard of for the BATF to have discovered the mind control project that was going on at the Davidian Compound. Mind control operations are common near the Waco area. Waco was the first major center for CIA mind control schools. No one has ever known if the BATF knew that Koresh and a few others were mind control subjects, or if they had just been tracking David Koresh because he dealt in guns. The Source who provided this information to RMNews said he had not been able to access the BATF records to discover why the Davidians were under BATF surveillance. Our source commented, “they (the BATF) had no idea what they were walking into.”
According to our Source, by the time the FBI got involved, Janet Reno had already been briefed about the device. Her orders to the FBI were to contain and destroy the device. On the day of the Waco inferno, a Delta Group Force was inserted into the compound. Their orders were to kill the seven “sleepers” and disarm the device. The “sleepers” were killed, but the DFG group never had the time to find the device and disarm it.
The compound exploded in flames. The DFG team barely made it out alive. It was their belief that the FBI, the Department of Justice and the Clinton Administration intended to kill them also. This is why they gave their story to Paul Wilcher. In an operation like this, each person is “compartmented” and only told their part of the mission. The DFG team had no idea that Janet Reno knew about the existence of the device. It is not known if she knew about the mind control project or just thought the Davidians were a terrorist group with a device that could wipe out hundreds of thousands of Americans.
When the DFG group briefed Paul Wilcher, they did not tell him Reno knew about the device, because they did not know this. After Wilcher was briefed, he wrote a 100 page letter to Janet Reno. In the letter he described various government mind control projects, and described what had happened at Waco. He made an appointment to hand deliver the letter to Attorney General Reno.
The morning of his meeting with the Attorney General, he was met outside her office by two men who threw him up against the wall and beat him. The 100 page document was taken from him and he was threatened. He disappeared shortly after this incident. His body was found one month later.
Wilcher’s good friend, Sarah McClendon, the senior White House correspondent, was the one who alerted the Washington DC police that Paul had been missing for a long time. When the police broke into his apartment, they discovered his body.
The FBI immediately sealed the apartment and confiscated all of Wilcher’s research. When they finally returned the computer and discs to Wilcher’s family, everything had been wiped from them. There was no record whatsoever of the 100 page document that Paul had tried to deliver to Janet Reno.
Over a year after Paul had been murdered, Sarah McClendon was going through her papers and discovered a bunch of documents Paul had given her. They appeared to be documents he had written when he was helping Gunther Russbacher, the October Surprise pilot. McClendon is a friend of Russbacher’s wife, Rayelan. Sarah called Rayelan and asked her if she wanted Wilcher’s papers. Thinking they were reports he had prepared for the October Surprise Taskforce, Rayelan asked Sarah to send them to her.
When the documents arrived, Rayelan realized immediately what she had. She knew she had the only copy, outside of the FBI, of Wilcher’s 100 page report. When she called Sarah to thank her for the documents, she purposely referred to them as the October Surprise documents. Then she said no more to anyone about them. She didn’t even tell her husband, Gunther, what she had. She believed that her telephone lines were still bugged by the government. Gunther was in prison at the time, and she did not dare put this information in a letter and mail it to him.
She hid the document in a safe place and waited for a chance to make copies of it. During the years that she and her husband were trying to expose George Bush for the October Surprise, Rayelan had been followed everywhere she went. At the time she received the Wilcher Report, she was unsure if she was still being followed. She was also unsure if her home was still bugged.
Her schedule was routine and dull at that time. She went to work at the same time, came home at the same time. The only reason she went out was to shop for groceries. Going to a copy shop to make copies of a hundred page document would have been out of character for her at the time. She figured that if anyone was watching her, they would wonder why she was taking a large document to a copy shop.
She waited until a appropriate opportunity arose. And it did. One of her friends mentioned that her husband had just bought a new copy machine for his office. The friend told Rayelan that she was welcome to use it anytime. One afternoon, after lunch, Rayelan and her friend made many copies of the document. Some were left with her friend, and some were put in pre addressed priority mail envelopes and mailed anonymously to people or groups that would copy and distribute the letter.
Rayelan never told anyone she had the original copy of the Wilcher Report until she was sure that there were many copies in the hands of many different people, and the existence of the Report was well known.
* * * * *
p. 14
Dateline: September 17, 1996
Jonestown: The Whole Story 
Project Blue
Operations Directorate of State Department, Section 6
Project Blue was/is the Guiana operation. Project Searchlight was the cover name for Project Blue: Resettlement of 34 Level 4 subjects. Level 4 refers to the degree of mind control that the subject has been programmed to. Level 4 “sleepers” are programmed assassins, the co-called Manchurian Candidate.
Jim Jones was only one of the project leaders. The actual project was headed by Wessley Baker of the Department of State. He introduced Jim Jones to Gary Monroe in the States. Hallucinogenic drugs, supplied by DOS, were put on the consecrated communion hosts. The doses of Trichloral-trimital was fed, in limited form to the entire church population.
Mass hypnosis and the drug laced communion “hosts” were the primary tools used to determine the candidates for the inner circle. All experiments were produced within the church walls. They used no outside sources or vehicles. The first doctor, flown in, and made a member of the congregation, came from Baltimore, and was a family practitioner of Martin, Delahny and Danvers. The doctor that was sent to be part of the select team was Dr. Danvers.
Danvers was approached by AGENCY personnel in Tran Loc, Viet Nam. (He became one of the first US Army majors to join the Company as a consultant. He was, again approached in 1969 to participate in Operation Strike Back, where he treated RVN soldiers as well as V.C. and sent them back into the field. This too, eventually fell under Operation Open Eyes (the overall name for the government mind control operation) It is still carried on the original Operations page.
Dr. Danvers was a close associate of Jim Jones, and the inner circle of cult members who had arrived, already trained, in part. Each member was assigned a group of three congregation members, whom they put through their paces until complete obedience was achieved. The congregation grew very slowly. The majority of those who went with him to Guiana, came from other church sites.
Programming was only applied to those past the age of eight. The manual that they used to program the children up to age 20 was a book called “Cornflower”. It is part of the CIA training manual used in Honduras and Belize. It is still used in San Salvador today.
Project Blue was/is a systematic program used to continue and maintain the level of programming already installed in the small churches, from which the members came, from all over the U.S. and Canada. Then, the DOS sent 65 trained field experts down to oversee the daily programming and training schedule. Leaving the actual number of people on site aside for the moment, there were often 450-500 of our people in the encampment at a time.
Three 10 ml (milliliter) vats of potassium cyanide were delivered from Ft. Meade on a C-123 transport. This amount would have only provided lethal does for 10 men/women.
The actual danger to the camp people, was a self styled chain link fence with shooting platforms. The entire project went sour as some of the “less” programmed began to rebel against Jim. The selection process for membership was faulty, as all congregational members had not received a full dose of Level 3 and 4 programming prior to being brought on site. They rebelled against his “way of life”, and wanted to take their young and leave.
No one was permitted to ever leave before they were fully programmed to performed specific tasks. (Ranging from small tasks to tasks of vital importance.) Gun positions were mounted around the entire perimeter to prohibit the flight of any camp member. After two attempts at escape, security was ordered to deal with problems by “fire on sight”. Trips out of Jonestown were only permitted by armed escort. No phones were allowed for anyone other than Jim and his closest staff.
The program was monitored closely by DOS. They even sent numerous delegations to “Jonestown”, to monitor the process of this mass “type” experiment.
The Project deteriorated from week to week. Soon Jones’ own council began to supercede his orders. Jim originally came into our (CIA) hands because of his cocaine and heroin (speed balls) addiction. We didn’t clean him up, we merely put a heavy Level 4 program in his head. The Level 5 trigger was to activate programming which would annihilate the entire group through gun fire. Nowhere was potassium cyanide part of his trigger. Task Force 151 supplied the arms, AK-47’s and AR 15’s with silencers.
The revolt and the massacre took place more than 3 hours before the C-127 touched down in Jonestown. His own council was liquidated the day before–one person at a time-gun shots in the back of the head. The Congressman and his group weren’t fired upon as they deboarded. He saw what took place before he was gunned down, and brought by jeep back to the plane. He was a direct representative from Project Blue.
Jones and 12 of his guards were still alive at that time. An Englishman then took the cargo from the plane. 4 pounds of cyanide in plastic. The cyanide canister bore the usual markings and the name of Union Carbide of India. Parts of the shipment was produced by our company called Shalimar (the chemical weapons and munitions part of Shalimar perfumes). The Englishman waved to the crew to take off before dusk set in. All twelve of the shooters fled the country on an English cutter called the M.S. Dunbar. The cyanide kool aid was then put in the open mouths of many of the dead. Cyanide was not the cause of any death.
Contrary to what has been written, Jim destructed on his own using a .357 Python. At that time Project Blue was canceled. The autopsies were all a big cover-up. That experiment failed, but the data they gathered was integrated into new projects.
The next year Project Phoenix was born. It is the same as today’s Contact Operation. It was run by DOS (at the beginning, and funded with AGENCY money.) An operations fund of $400,000 was granted to Project Phoenix by the DIA. That’s when it changed hands.
Contact/Phoenix books and newspapers contain subliminal type of programs designed to keep the programmed “sleepers” walking the Company line, years after the programming was put in.
The Jonestown experiment was one that had gone sour and had to be terminated. However, enough was learned from the Jonestown experiment to use on other “cults” around the world. Waco was one that was successful, so successful in fact that they were just about to carry out their programmed “terrorist” act, when the government sent in a Delta Force team to neutralize seven “sleepers” who were part of the Branch Davidian Church and had been accidently “triggered”.
Somehow, the NWO part of the FBI and BATF decided that they were going to take over the operation and use it to teach America some lessons. The rest of the Waco story is history now.
The cult in Japan was financed by the same NWO part of the CIA that experimented with Jonestown. The Temple of the Solar Order in Switzerland and Canada were also terrorist sleepers who were programmed to release biological and chemical weapons in targeted cities.
Programmed terrorists are used by the NWO governments around the world to cause the citizens to give up their freedom and demand a police state to keep them safe. Once the police state is in place, the lessons learned from experiments like Jonestown can be used to program and re-educate the population in concentration camps, or as they will be called “Re-education and Training Camps”. This is part of the “school to work” legislation that is being rammed through Congress. Those people who have not been indoctrinated in the schools of today, will not be allowed to get a job unless they go back for re-education. The techniques used in Jonestown-like mind control experiments will quickly shape and mold people into good little NWO robots.
If they don’t agree to enter one of these re-education camps, they will not be able to get a job, therefore, they will not be able to support themselves or buy food or shelter. If they become homeless they will be forced to enter a homeless camp in which they will be “taught” skills. All the forests and wild lands will have become part of the world’s biospheres, there will be no place for dissenting citizens to run.
Those citizens who cannot be reprogrammed will “disappear”.
Children will be separated from parents, and husbands from wives. You will be sent to whatever area of the country that your skill is needed. Old and useless people will be sent to “nursing” homes, and will “disappear”. Families will be split asunder, and as a result of the programming, no one will even notice that they no longer have their loved ones around them. No one will ever be missed.
Jonestown may have been a failure, but what they learned from it has been incorporated into the plan for the One World Government. 1984 should be must reading for everyone these days, because Big Brother is upon us.
Gunther Russbacher was Source for this information
* * * * *
The February, 1999 Edition of The Liberty Pole ran the following:
Nazi Nexus
The gun control Act of 1968 was mainly framed by Senator Thomas J. Dodd of Connecticut. This is significant, for have managed America’s prosecutors at the Nuremberg trials of Nazi war criminals, Dodd was intimately familiar with Der Fuhrer’s methods of people control.
Adolph Hitler had made effective use of Weimar Republic gun owner registration lists. Senate records from mid-July 1968 reveal that Dodd asked the Library of Congress to translate his own fifty-year-old personal copy of the Third Reich’s gun control law passed 18 March 1938.
Section 25(1): “It is forbidden to manufacture…. and to import: Firearms which fold down, break down, are collapsible, or are speedily dismantled-beyond the common limits of hunting and sporting activities.”
One obvious purpose of GCA ‘68 then, was to wench the right to arms from its constitutional moorings and philosophical root.
Repeated evidence of success is revealed every time the president of the United States (whom no one seems inclined to ask what type of weapon the Secret Service uses to defend him and his family) declares unchallenged, “You do not need an Uzi to go deer hunting and you do not need an AK-47 to go skeet shooting.” … as though our illustrious Framers had in mind target shooting or hunting when articulating that most sacred palladium of individual liberty.
Germany’s pre-war citizen disarmament laws also help answer the question of how many Jews with guns walked into Nazi ovens.”
The Liberty Pole is the publication of The Lawyer’s Second Amendment Society, Inc.
18034 Ventura Blvd. No. 329
Encino, CA 91316

MK-ULTRA Links To The Sandy Hook Assault

MK-ULTRA Links To The Sandy Hook Assault

By Yoichi Shimatsu  12-20-12

My long-distance interest in the Sandy Hook events is based on ongoing work with a team of anti-pedophile journalists and activists who for over a decade have tracked and exposed American pedophile rings from Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam) to Beijing, China.

In all cases so far, our team discovered that these frontline pedophiles supply children for sexual services to VIPs traveling in Asia, including diplomats from the highest levels of the White House and State Department, top executives of major corporations, and heads of universities and aid agencies. Nearly all the patrons involved in this cruel pastime have backgrounds in US intelligence ­ the CIA, NSA or State Department intelligence. The individuals are from diverse religious backgrounds ­ Catholic, Jewish and Orthodox – while the core facilitators are often priests with Jesuit order, and to a lesser degree Franciscans and Benedictines.

At an orphanage in Cambodia, it took three years for our multinational team ­ against death threats from armed policemen and undisguised hostility from NGOs ­ to realize the expulsion of a pedophile coven, which included a former US ambassador to the United Nations, the celebrated head of a new media program at an Ivy League campus and a renowned correspondent based at the Tokyo American Club. When the police shut down their strong-encryption computer center and satellite uplink, used for sweetheart messaging and exporting child-porn videos, the American pedophiles stripped out all the programs, rendering a room of Apple computers inoperable. Later, at a celebration for the “liberation” of the orphans from the grip of these abusive men and their compliant wives, the teachers told me that the average age of the boys and girls who had been invited to sleep over at weekend parties was “10 years old.”

One member of our team who resided in Cambodia suffered an “accident” in a cowardly act of retaliation by that viscous coven ­ with all the fingers on both hands broken and bleeding from his ears as he lay unconscious along a highway. It’s taken our brave friend three years to regain his formidable intellectual powers as a former political speechwriter. I use the term “coven” because these predators work as families ­ parents, children and grandchildren ­ indoctrinated from infancy that inflicting trauma on helpless children is life’s greatest pleasure.

Pedophilia is a psychiatric illness that is spreading worldwide because the globalist elite, much like a deranged fraternity from hazing hell, use it to control their peers and underlings through the commission of shameful and often lethal crimes. The photos are enough to prevent defection, informing to the police or sending leaks to the media.

The American power elite’s predilection for young boys has always been a privilege as shown in past scandals involving White House pages. One of the first postwar American ambassadors to Tokyo was a voracious pursuer of teenage boys inside gay bath houses frequented by rightwing Japanese militarists, the very same war criminals who had committed unspeakable atrocities against civilians ­ for example converting Christian boys schools into male brothels. The shared lust of the former soldiers from both sides corrupted and ultimately reversed the attempt by a victorious Allied Supreme Command to transform Japan into a peaceful democracy. Authoritarian perversion remains in command.

In recent years with the rise of Internet file-sharing, a major shift in pedophile profiles has appeared in the increasingly lower age of pedophiles. It is shocking that college-age men, who should be involved in same-age affairs (with either sex ­ we are not being judgmental about preference) are instead eager to abduct kids who are barely out of infancy and videotape brutal rape scenes to share with their online fellows. Today, young men of college age serve as procurers, pimps and producers of child porn for their sugar daddies.

These younger pedophiles, at least while in Asia, are often studying abroad on US government fellowships, CIA grants or working for Soros-funded NGOs. In Beijing, I had a verbal sparring match with a young American video producer who was making a documentary on child abductions by Chinese adoption rings. He had no intention of saving kids from these criminals, since his stated ambition was to launch a pornography industry in China. This was the son of a leading faculty member at a Connecticut prep school, which sponsors troubled boys and prepares them for a life of male prostitution with dormitory screenings of videos showing the gang rape of preteen girls ­ with the knowledge and sometimes approval of teachers, according to testimony submitted to court.

After first being a victim of sexual assault and then acting as a perpetrator against younger boys or girls, many of these young men develop passive-aggressive personalities. When challenged, they tend react with suppressed rage under a blank expression and then get their revenge with a strange prank against their accusers.

Many women might nod in agreement that men are awful creatures, but from our experience in Southeast Asia, there are also many female predators. On an early-morning visit to a Peace Corps camp on the Laotian border, a friend in the U.S. Army was stunned to discover that every American women ­ all graduates of elite East Coast colleges ­ was asleep with a 12-to-14 girl tucked inside her bed. Americans are not alone in this sickness of mind and body ­ Europeans, Australians and Japanese are among the notorious child molesters. Sexual domination of weaker individuals, especially children who cannot defend their rights, is a hallmark of imperialism.

There is one more element involved in the pedophile industry: the organized crime groups that finance the purchase or kidnapping of children. These gangsters are not just low-life elements but also include professional gangsters – “businessmen” with connections to politicians and bankers.

A point that needs mentioning is that during youth, I spent a summer at a prep school in Connecticut on a National Science Foundation program ­ but it had nothing to do with MK-ULTRA.

Mind Control in Connecticut: Catcher in the Rye

In 1942, at the start of World War II, the Jesuit order opened Fairfield University in southern Connecticut. The new Catholic college was erected on the country estate of Brewster Jennings, then chairman of the Socony Mobil Oil Company, which after a series of mergers became ExxonMobil. After serving as a naval officer in World War I, the Hartford-born oil executive graduated from Yale and became closely associated with the OSS and CIA. He founded the Avalon Foundation, since renamed the Mellon Foundation, which has funded pacification programs inside American society. (Outed spy Valerie Plame worked under cover at the Brewster Jennings “brass plate” company, which acted as the CIA’s counter-proliferation department.) Although the information remains classified, it had to be OSS chief Bill Donovan who prompted the formation of Fairfield University as an intelligence training center for potential CIA recruits vetted from the elite preparatory schools in Connecticut.

During the war in Europe, a non-commissioned office of Russian Jewish descent assigned to U.S. Defense Intelligence worked on Operation Paperclip (the transport of Nazi scientists to U.S. laboratories) and Project Artichoke (smuggling German Jews into Palestine in support of a Zionist state). His name was J.D. “Jerry” Salinger. Later, he served in the Counter-Intelligence Corps, debriefing and reassigning Nazi officers, including those who had conducted psychiatric experiments on prisoners of war.

At war’s end, Salinger lived in Tarrytown, New York, but was soon ordered to move across the state border to Stamford, Connecticut, close to Fairfield University. He resided in a converted barn, out of  public view, presumably to continue his special area of intelligence work, the field testing of the MK-ULTRA methods refined by the sadistically clinical Dr. Sidney Gottlieb (the pseudonym of Joseph Schieder), who ran the main mind-control lab at Jesuit-run Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., which is also a finishing school for diplomats in the State Department.

In the Connecticut countryside during his “lost years”, Salinger penned “The Catcher in the Rye”, which contains the command code-words for MK-ULTRA assassins. The protagonist Holden Caulfield is a study of a paranoiac passive-aggressive character, whose favorite expression is: “You’re killing me.”

CIA Partners with Organized Crime in New England

Around 1950, while Salinger was in Stamford, the CIA recruited a South Boston convict nicknamed “Whitey” Bulger to supply young runaways for mind-control experiments under the fast-expanding MK-ULTRA programs being set up at 44 universities across the United States. The centers for the New England drug experiments were probably the Whiting Forensic Facility at the Connecticut Valley Hospital in Middleford, Connecticut, and Bridgewater Hospital in Massachusetts, the region’s psychiatric facilities for the criminally insane.

With CIA backing, Bulger built up his Winter Hill Gang, composed mainly of Irishmen, who strong-armed their way to control over the Boston’s gambling scene and drug trafficking. While little is known about the political activities of the Bulger gang, its rise to crime dominance coincided with the expansion of weapons smuggling into Northern Ireland in support of the IRA. A parallel cross-Atlantic traffic in drugs (and illegal immigration in the reverse direction) began at the same time. The predominantly Irish political machine of Boston ­ from the Prohibition Era smuggling tycoon Joseph Kennedy Sr, to House Majority Leader Tip O’Neill ­ gave their blessings to the flourishing organized crime network and voiced support for the patriotic IRA “freedom fighters,” who returned the favor to Washington with murderous attacks on American-loathing British figures such as Lord Montbatten.

Connecticut, under control of the Patriciarca crime family, was off-limits to Bulger. The day-to-day operations of the Sicilian immigrants were run by Bill Grasso, head of the clan that later produced Connecticut’s first female governor.

Starting in the 1980s, the DOJ, FBI and CIA launched an all-out war against the Patriciarca mob ­ in order to install their puppet Whitey Bulger as crime boss of New England. FBI agent John Connelly took credit for infiltrating and busting up the Patriarca clan, but later he was exposed as a mole for Bulger. By the early 1990s, Bulger set up his Jai Alai Associates, a betting syndicate based in Connecticut and Florida. Finally, all of New England was safe for CIA smuggling, support for terrorism, money-laundering and mind-control operations.

Whitey Bulger

In 2011, Bulger made headlines with his arrest in Malibu, California, where he had lived for more than a decade “undetected” despite being on the FBI “most wanted” list – on a long vacation thanks to his relationship with the CIA. If there was one point of irritation, however, between the Irish mobster and his controllers, it was his opposition to drug use by teenagers. After seeing first-hand how MK-ULTRA had destroyed the minds of his young recruits, Bulger ordered his gang members never to sell drugs to teenagers. Even a ruthless mobster has more decency that the self-styled “patriots” who run the intelligence services.

Child Porn Hub for New York and Washington

Whatever its genteel image of colonial homes and autumnal foliage, Connecticut has a sleazy underside embedded in its servant pool, welfare households and the chronic unemployed. Bridgeport, with its low-income Puerto Rican population, is a major center for prostitution and recruitment of prostitutes for VIP clients in New York and the nation’s capital.

The pedophile rings have a social-economic hierarchy ­ at the top are the VIP clients, then the intermediaries, often Catholic priests or social-services managers, further down the ladder the operatives ­ losers recruited from prep schools and college campuses – and finally the supply itself – money-hungry willing parents and the unwillingly abducted children.

Newtown, like Fairfield and Stamford, is part of the Diocese of Bridgeport, which got into legal trouble in 2001 due to lawsuits by 23 victims of pedophilia committed by priests. Bishop Edward Egan, then diocese head, was a protector of sexual offender priests, sending them to other areas when parental complaints reached the ears of the police. After the plaintiffs won an out-of-court settlement, the Diocese petitioned the US Supreme Court to quash the thousands of documents detailing the beastly sex crimes. In 2009 Opus Dei honcho Justice Antonin Scalia determined that the court records should not be made public.

In this past year’s pedophile scandal at Penn State, another Opus Dei leader, former FBI director Louis Freeh, was hired as a consultant by the Nittany Lions football team. His whitewash report put most of the blame on head coach Joe Paterno, while suppressing the names and backgrounds of the wealthy and powerful boosters who were provided sexual services from the young football players.

In Connecticut, the Vatican had an interest in wiping the slate clean, and so did the CIA. The clean slate turned out to be a bloody mess.

Agency-Spawned Pedophiles

The MK-ULTRA program that reached into campuses across Connecticut quickly created a human garbage heap of wrecked minds and twisted souls. The child abuse and drugs routinely administered to young trainees led to a permanent social fixture of sadism and sexual abuse throughout New England from the gutter up to the governing class.

In 2011, a Newtown resident named Edwin Wilson was arrested for having a months-long sexual relationship with a 4-year-old girl and producing child-porn videos of their sexual encounters. The arrest was a part of a wide crackdown order the state attorney general, Richard Blumenthal ­ which boosted his successful campaign in the U.S. Senate race. Other cases included: a 24-year-old Hispanic male in Hartford who shot videos of sex with a pre-teen girl; a DJ in Plainfield arraigned on similar charges, an older theater and film teacher accused of using Taft school’s equipment to make kiddie porn ­ the list goes on in sickening detail. Fairfield University, where MK-ULTRA was implanted into New England, recently saw two staffers implicated in the rape of 23 Haitian boys during the earthquake relief effort.

Adam Lanza fits the profile of a pedophile-ring recruit ­ young enough to approach children at the local schools and in the churches, possessing the computer skills to produce child-porn videos and typically passive-aggressive in personality. The Lanzas attended the Saint Rosa of Lima Church, where eight child parishioners were among the shooting victims. Santa Rosa is the very same order that sponsors the western-state hospital that employed Michael Jackson’s physician Dr. Conrad Murray. As in the case of Jackson’s Neverland, after a child-sex experiment blossoms, it must be shut down.

The Lone Gun-Boy Theory

Nancy Lanza kept an arsenal of firearms, and ordered her son to be constantly under watch by older boys. She must have had good reason for being armed to the teeth. Judging from her hoard of rifles and hand guns, she was expecting an all-out assault from a coven of pedophiles, not an attack by a single shooter. The lone gun-boy theory is sheer nonsense ­ her son may have been an accomplice in giving the assailants access to his home but ended up murdered as a patsy.

The coven is larger and more powerful than Mrs. Lanza could ever have imagined. Sexual violation is the key to creating intelligence agents and assassins who are impervious to reason and mercy, lacking any original thoughts or moral qualms. Plus a supply of children is needed in Congress and the White House to entertain the satraps and moguls from Colombian drug lords to Israeli weapons dealers and French money launderers, not to mention America’s own homegrown pervs.

 The rabbit hole then gets deeper, as we look into another resident of Newtown is Suzanne Collins, author of The Hunger Games… A movie about children murdering eachother… Ironic, no ? 

The Motive: Payback for a Double-Cross

If the culprits had been Adam Lanza and his pals, then their response to grounding would have been something like posting photos and addresses of naked children. The method of the shooting ­ point-blank execution-style gun shots ­ indicate that the assailants were professional hit men, probably allied with the Winter Hill Gang.

The Sandy Hook assault happened probably because of a split between competing institutions and diverging policies. On one hand, the gangland figures who cooperated with CIA mind-control program that promoted child-sex as a means of ensuring obedience and secrecy were being challenged by politicians playing up parental demands to clean up the scandalous child-sex problem in Connecticut.

The dirty FBI agent John Connelly was more of a double agent and go-between for the Feds and not simply a Winter Hill mole as portraying at his sentencing. The arrest of Whitey Bulger was a pure-and-simple double-cross by the FBI and CIA, who had used him as an ally in MK-ULTRA and informant for more than a half-century. In his ambitious drive to win a U.S. senatorial seat, state attorney general and now Senator Blumenthal broke the basic rules of mob cooperation. And now that has led to a war on the streets and in the schools.

Unlike the Sicilian crime families who went down easy, the fighting Irish criminals can be counted on to put up a street battle with the same flair as in the movie “The Gangs of New York.” The gangsters have no shortage of allies in the pimps, drug dealers, pedophiles, punks and deranged freaks who have been caught up in the sudden dragnet. The police are outnumbered and easily outgunned. It’s happened before, as in Fort Apache in the South Bronx. Sandy Hook is just the first installment of a payback. If the Feds push any harder, then Bridgeport and Boston will soon be looking like Belfast during the troubles or Beirut in the bad old days.

Stop Drugging the Kids

The mass media is under pressure to cover up the incident with sympathetic blather instead of a sustained probe. Forensic evidence is being literally buried. America is moving on ­ where to, nobody knows. The politicians and cops are now silent and glum. Relying on arrests and wiretapping, they have forgotten that the fight against crime begins with addressing social justice, economic fairness and education ­ and in some unfortunate cases, psychiatric care.

I am Adam Lanza’s Doctor by Rima E Laibow, MD

Was a Senate seat worth the lives of all those children and teachers?  Blumenthal, who paints himself as a clone of the erstwhile New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, will have to live with that question for the remainder of his life. Is the CIA satisfied that its mind-control techniques that have created hordes of homicidal monsters from Iraq to Libya and now Connecticut?

Richard Blumenthal

The lesson of Sandy Hook is that mind-control cannot itself be controlled. Programmed killers are like robots without power-off switches. The process of transforming innocent children into robots through sexual abuse is inhumane and a crime. Whatever MK-ULTRA is called today – since we know it still exists after seeing the Abu Ghraib Prison photos – it must be shut down forever or the murderous nightmare will go on and on. And mind-altering drugs are not just for sinister purposes, since at least 60 percent of U.S. children are on a pharmaceutical dosages long before they can learn how to think. Even parents act as mind-controllers against their own kids.

Now, with the investigation terminated, comes the diversionary exercise of “gun control”, a national effort led by Joe Biden, a member of the Knights of Malta, a politician with an intelligence background who is sworn to protect the interests of the Vatican. Say it ain’t so, Joe. Leave intact the right of armed self-defense or the gangsters will take over everything, but get rid of the drugs and end the mind control ­ and America will be a safer place, especially for its children.

Yoichi Shimatsu, a science writer based in Hong Kong, provides herbal therapy and health counseling to the victims of the Fukushima radiation crisis.