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Archive for the ‘falsehoods’ Category

Christmas & White Supremacy/Capitalism/Consumerism

Is it just me? 
How is it that having a European looking man, with blonde hair and blue eyes, from the middle east elevated to the status of God, is NOT promoting white supremacy?
For the next 30 days folks will be peppering their house, lawns, schools and churches and every where else with the image of a “white” child in a manger purported to be GOD incarnate. A so-called Christmas celebration that really is a cloak for white supremacy. 


Ida B. Wells
 Think about it, from now on it will be quite alright for Jesus to be depicted as White! All over the world from the deepest jungles to the highest skyscraper, Jesus will not represent every racial group or ethnicity, he, his parents and most of everyone around down to the angels will all be white. What a mind f***ck that must be for every body! They get to promote White Supremacy unabashed and take your money in the process. People keep saying folks are waking up, but this time of year makes me wonder on the real.
What do I suggest?
I suggest the truth, the real story… 
No trees in houses; 
No more tree farms for the purpose of chopping them down for folks to drag into their houses; 
No more high electric bills from burning lights all day and night. 
No more competitions about who’s house is burning the most Christmas lights in the most beautiful way; 
No more suicides because of feeling unloved during these times; 
No gifts given to folks when it ain’t their birthday; 
No jacking up commercialism and credit card debt; 
No more propaganda through movies; TV; radio; advertisements; etc. seducing people into buy, consume, buy, consume; 
No false promises; 
No so-called “Christmas Parties” where people only go to “see” what someone else is gonna give them; 
No more pretending that “Jesus” was born on Dec. 25; 
No more trashing the vibration of the Winter Solstice with greed and avarice. 
No more soup kitchens once a year to feed the homeless; feed them all year; 
No more Santa Claus lies; while chastising our children for lying; 
No more thousands upon thousands if Not millions of turkeys; chickens; sheep; pigs and cows being slaughtered; 
No more stuffing the gut with GMO laden food dishes; No more lies; 
No more betrayals; these are some of the things I suggest. 
If you really want to let the banksters know the real deal; don’t buy anything till January 30th that is Not necessary for sustenance. 
And finally; what would “Jesus” say if he came back and saw how much BS is going on in his name. Of course I confer that if he really exists than he sees it already. And judging with what they say about him; I am sure he is and would be appalled. And then they took his original image; if there ever really was one; and made him look like a European!! Come on; why did they do that? The original Jews did Not look like that. 
But I digress. 
Unless this “Jesus” is a megalomaniac; I would suggest; he is shaking his head pretty hard at this foolishness.
 “1. A psycho-pathological condition characterized by delusional fantasies of wealth; power; or omnipotence.

2. An obsession with grandiose or extravagant things or actions.

Denial ain’t just a River in Egypt.

 Conspiracy Theories are NOT Theories After all? 

Investigator Doug Hagmann Exposes Alarming Truths! 


Published on Jul 19, 2012 Investigator, Doug Hagmann (from Hagmann and Hagmann) exposes that the top conspiracy theories are not theories after all! The Middle East, Government watch list, Money Manipulation, Privacy, TSA, and even the conspiracy that the government in Washington D.C. isn’t actually our government.!

I find it interesting how like this one and many other so-called patriotic programs seem to overlook the very essence of why this stuff is happening now. They mention the founding Fathers and their intent over and over again, but these so-called Founding Fathers DID NOT intend for their “document” to include blacks, native Americans or women….. it was a document created for White Anglo-Saxon aristocracy.

They also forget to mention the atrocity of the Slave Trade and the Institution of Slavery, Racism and White Supremacy that sustained it for 300+ years. To me they miss the ELEPHANT in the room by overlooking these simple facts of history.

A nation built on the backs, blood, sweat and tears of an annihilated enslaved people can not stand for long. The European was given the false notion that he was superior to his “Slave” and therefore it was hardly a thing to mention the “rights’ of these enslaved people. The indigenous people were considered savages, therefore, no mention of them or their rights. The Constitution/Bill of Rights is an exclusive document written specifically for those intended not for the so-called “We the People”. Until this is identified, the now “We the People” will continue to grope in the dark for an answer as to why their “Freedoms” are being taken away.

Instead take a hard long look at how these “Freedoms” were taken away by force from the Indigenous People and the African people who were captured and brought thousands of miles from their homeland. These atrocities were perpetrated by the Forefathers of those who now complain about their “Freedoms” being taken away.

How long could such a house of cards last? Once this is faced with an open and serious eye, folks will continue to complain about how their “rights” are being taken away. Now, the descendants of the perpetrators of colonialism, death and destruction here in North & South America are seeing what it feels like to be discriminated against because of the way they think, act, believe or social status.
These Patriots need to take a long hard look at what their Forefathers and Founding Fathers did and continue to do; to Indigenous and African peoples over the past 500+ years and then they will see why, as Malcolm X once said, “The chickens come home to roost.”

I often wonder if when these Patriots spout out their patriotic dribble, do they have the same tunnel vision as their Forefathers? Are they willing to address the discrimination, oppression, racism and white supremacy that has spearheaded this train wreck? Are they brave enough, willing enough, capable enough to speak truth to power and admit that they are in the same hell their Forefathers perpetrated on other human beings? Can they honestly write an narrative that demonstrates how the present day Patriot got himself/herself in this cycle of oppression? Without looking at the root cause of the destruction of America/Western Society.. they will continue to bark at the Moon about the rights they are denied while ignoring how these same rights were denied others.

Denial ain’t just a River in Egypt.