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Archive for the ‘china’ Category

Trump Vows To Totally Destroy North Korea (Video)

Trump Vows To Totally Destroy North Korea
 September 19, 2017
By  Wale Odunsi 

President Donald Trump on Tuesday in his address to the UN General Assembly, said if the United States is forced to defend itself, “we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea”.
He took a swipe at North Korea and its leader, Kim Jong-un, saying the nation “threatens the entire world with unthinkable loss of life” as a result of its nuclear weapons program.
“If the righteous many don’t confront the wicked few, then evil will triumph,” Trump said.
Trump stressed that it was against the interest of the entire world for North Korea to obtain missiles and nuclear weapons.
“Rocket man is on a suicide mission for himself,” he said of Kim.
“If this is not twisted enough, now North Korea’s reckless pursuit of missiles and nuclear weapons threatens the entire world,” Trump added.
While he thanked Russia and China for supporting recent United Nations sanctions on North Korea, Trump criticized them for for continuing to do business with Kim.
“It is an outrage that some nations would not only trade with such a regime, but would arm, supply and financially support a country that imperils the world”, he said.   SOURCE

Korean People’s Army
north korean army
Trump vows to totally destroy North Korea
Donald Trump vows to ‘totally destroy’ North Korea if threatened in UN speech
Donald Trump vows to ‘totally destroy’ North Korea
US Presidents in Chronological Order and Their Wars

Washington Launches Its Attack Against BRICS

NB Commentary: While the world mourns the death of a celebrity, a whole lot of shaking is going on behind the scenes, or maybe I should say, a whole lot of shaking up is going on. Who would have thought that the US had a “trump” card in their back pocket. Hegemony and world dominion has not left the mindset of US Government and its hinchmen. I truly believe the US is an experiment in NWO implementation with its massive military might, its covert intelligence and its seedy infiltrators all set in place all over the globe. Hugo must be turning over in his grave…..

APRIL 26, 2016

Having removed the reformist President of Argentina, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, Washington is now disposing of the reformist President of Brazil, Dilma
Rousseff. Washington used a federal judge to order Argentina to sacrifice its debt restructuring program in order to pay US vulture funds the full value of
defaulted Argentine bonds that the vulture funds had bought for a few pennies
on the dollar.  These vultures were called “creditors” who had made “loans” regardless of the fact that they were not creditors and had made no loans.
They were opportunists after easy money and were used by Washington to get rid
of a reformist government.

President Kirchner resisted and, thus, she had to go.  Washington concocted a story that Kirchner covered up an alleged Iranian bombing in Buenos Aires in 1994.

This implausible fantasy, for which there is no evidence of Iranian involvement, was fed to one of Washington’s agents in the state prosecutor’s office, and a dubious event of 22 years ago was used to clear Kirchner out of the way of the American looting of Argentina.

In Brazil, Washington has used corruption insinuations to get President Rousseff
impeached by the lower house.  Evidence is not necessary, just
allegations.  It is no different from “Iranian nukes,” Saddam Hussein’s
“weapons of mass destruction,” Assad’s “use of chemical weapons,”  or in
Rousseff’s case merely insinuations. The Secretary General of the Organization
of American States, Luis Almagro, notes that Rousseff “hasn’t been accused of
anything.” The American-backed elites are simply using impeachment to remove a
president who they cannot defeat electorally.

In short, this is Washington’s move against the BRICS.  Washington is moving
to put into political power a rightwing party that Washington controls in order
to terminate Brazil’s growing relationships with China and Russia.
The great irony is that the impeachment bill was presided over by the corrupt lower house speaker, Eduardo Cunha, who was recently discovered to have stashed millions of dollars in secret Swiss bank account perhaps his pay-off from Washington) and who lied under oath when he denied having foreign bank accounts.  You can read the sordid story here.

Kirchner and Rousseff’s “crimes” are their efforts to have the governments of Argentina and Brazil represent the Argentine and Brazilian peoples rather than the elites and Wall Street.  In Washington these are serious offenses as Washington uses the elites to control South American countries.  Whenever Latin
Americans elect a government that represents them, Washington overthrows the
government or assassinates the president.

Washington is close to returning Venezuela to the control of the Spanish elite allied with Washington.   The presidents of Ecuador and Bolivia are also targeted.  One reason Washington will not permit its British lapdog to honor the asylum Ecuador granted to Julian Assange is that Washington expects to have its own agent back in as President of Ecuador, at which time Assange’s asylum will be repealed.

Washington has always blocked reform in Latin America.  Latin American peoples will remain American serfs until they elect governments by such large majorities
that the governments can exile the traitorous elites, close the US embassies, and expel all US corporations. Every Latin American country that has an American presence has no future other than serfdom.

Paul Craig Roberts is a former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury
and Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal. Roberts’ 
How the Economy Was Lost is now available from CounterPunch in electronic format. His latest book is The
Neoconservative Threat to World Order

The Truth About Black Religion and Spirituality & The Lies of Christianity, Islam Dr. Umar Johnson

The Truth About Black Religion and Spirituality and The Lies of Christianity, Islam Dr. Umar Johnson (video)

NB Commentary: 

Dr. Umar ,made some really good points particularly when it relates to spirituality. Having gone thru Christianity to Islam to African traditional spiritual belief systems. Clearly, they do entail a great deal of the culture from which they are derived or shall I say controlled by. I have a few points to add.
1. The yin/yang principle is within every one of us, having been born from both a male and female conjugal relationship. Each person has a male principal and female principle within them. Therefore, we are a manifestation of the “whole” in and of ourselves. Gender is a construct but not applicable in the spirit realm, that is, a person may be born with the physicality of a male, but have a strong principal within of a female and the same can apply to a female. Here is where my departure comes as it relates to his statement about homosexuality. All too often, the spiritual nature of same sex relationships is packaged in disdain, hatred, and much confusion as to its purpose and nature. If he reads, studies or observes Malidoma Some’s work he will find that there is a deeper, often hidden purpose for this than is commonly acknowledge. Dr. Some is from Dagara people of Upper Volta in West Africa. In Dr. Some’s culture the homosexual is held in high esteem and are called Gatekeepers.
2. Expanding on my above comment I would also include that in traditional African spirituality, particularly among those who have not been influenced by Western taboos, you will find the notion of re-incarnation. It is believed that we re-incarnate as male or female. With that being said, we may present more closely to our most previous gender in our present life time as we navigate through the sexes. The idea is to experience “spirit” through the physical. In order to do so, we come as male or female through our lifetimes and that in and of itself may have us gravitate to a person of the same sex whom we knew and loved in a past life. There is no so-called gender construct in the spirit realm only as it manifests in 3rd dimensional reality. African spirituality is keenly aware of this, that is, how, a person who is part of the Yoruba/Ifa spiritual system can have an opposite or same sex Orisha as their patron. The male may find himself very intrigued by the female principal of a particular Female Orisha and appear to be “effeminate” but the reality is that the female energy is very strong within him. The opposite is true with women.
3. One point of departure for the Ancients particularly in reference to the Khemetian Spiritual Science; like many other religions that we are familiar with today, it was kept from the masses and only the “Royals”, the Priests and Priestesses were initiated into it. They were set apart from the masses and often revered as God incarnated and here we see the objectification of the God source to something outside of the individual. The separation between the haves and the have-nots was profound and the magic, spiritual practices, etc. were delegated to the royal blood lines, and priests. This carried over into the more modern religions of our time. But even if you look at Ancient China, Mesopotamia, India, and other ancient cultures the same is true. Some how the idea of controlling and manipulating the masses became prevalent for political, social and economic reasons and this system was primarily responsible for the civilizations to thrive. That is not to say they wouldn’t have done so without this separation, but in doing so, the element of controlling the masses for gains of the few was much more manageable. So, when we speak of Empire we must be fair in our delineation of exactly what that meant then and what it means now.
4.  Finally, I would like to mention that modern constructs of traditional African spirituality has become more institutionalized and thus there is a chasm between the Knowledge of “God” and the actual imbibing with the God within. Because it has become another tool of control through rituals and sacrifice, those in these “systems” become imprisoned as do the others in institutionalized religious practices. that is, African traditional spirituality becomes the same bastion of mind control and manipulation as the other more popular “religions”. It has become an institution and like he mentioned, it has become a business. People have their finances scarfed from them under the guise of pleasing the Gods/Ancestors and are seldom lead to believe that they can achieve this without all the trappings, i.e., shrines, altars, sacrifices, etc.
We are all here to learn, evolve and develop and for the most part Dr. Umar is clearly on point, and even with admitting his own evolution and development, it is very refreshing to hear him mention that, if just for the sake of perspective.
Personally, I applaud Dr. Umar and his work. He is very intelligent and creative in his manner of educating us about the issues we face in this world as African descendant peoples. Continue in your work, Dr. Umar, you are a blessing for those who have ears to hear.

Like he mentioned, there is no ONE AND ONLY WAY to connecting with the Divine within. In fact, the path may have many twists and turns, but if we remain vigilant we will succeed and the awakening will be all pervasive. We Are The Change We Are Looking For! Ase’, Namaste

Shocking Documentary: The Creation Of HIV/Aids. [FULL]

Shocking Documentary: The Creation Of HIV/Aids. [FULL]

NB Commentary: But they do know how it came about. they know who created it and why. It was bio-warfare, created in the laboratory. It has killed many in its wake and has filled the coffers of the pharmaceutical companies.

It was first experimented on white gay males who had Hepatitis and was believed to cure them of that disease. It did not and instead spread. Once they saw the impact of it spreading they decided to take it to Africa and blame it on the “Green Monkey”. It moved out of the realm of being a disease that only gay males would come down with as straight females, prostitutes, drug users, wives of preachers, political figures and entertainers became infected and died.

It became a death sentence for anyone who could not afford the expensive drugs to cure it. Thus many people in impoverished areas of Africa, China, India became infected and lost their lives.

HIV is the actual problem. So when folks decided to explore cures for it, and came up with viable immune strengthening programs, they were ostracized, called stupid, and black balled, pardon the pun. I personally know a woman who was curing folks in a hospice with green foods, juicing, fasting, etc. and she even wrote a pamphlet and she was pushed out of her job.

There was a Dr. Boyd Graves who went to the UN with his documentation on this infection and he received a horrendous response from the Powers that be who did not want his research to become public.

There have been African doctors from the continent who have been silence when they discovered cures. And there has been huge amounts of money made off the suppression of the true information and viable cures of this infection.
HIV-AIDS was a geopolitical economic ploy of subjugation, manipulation and assassination.

I want to watch this video, but after hearing that statement two minutes in, I had to stop it and write my comment. I will continue and I hope that it will redeem itself with more pertinent and factual information.

The Smoking Gun of AIDS: a 1971 Flowchart
by Boyd E. Graves, J.D.
December 6, 2000
In 1977, a secret federal virus program produced 15,000 gallons of AIDS. The record reveals the United States was represented by Dr. Robert Gallo and the USSR was represented by Dr. Novakhatsky of the diabolical Ivanosky Institute. On August 21, 1999, the world first saw the flowchart of the plot to thin the Black Population.

The 1971 AIDS flowchart coordinates over 20,000 scientific papers and fifteen years of progress reports of a secret federal virus development program. The epidemiology of AIDS is an identical match to the “research logic” identified in the five section foldout. The flowchart is page 61 of Progress Report #8 (1971) of the Special Virus program of the United States of America. We today, challenge world scientists to discussion of this document find.

We believe there is a daily, growing number of world experts who are all coming to the same conclusion regarding the significance of the flowchart. Dr. Garth Nicolson has examined the flowchart as well as other top experts from around the world. It is time for Dr. Michael Morrissey of Germany to examine the flowchart and report to the world. In addition, we have now examined the 1978 report. It is heresy to continue to further argue the program ended in 1977.  Read more:

Dr. Boyd Ed Graves 7.7.52 – 6.18.09

Dr. Boyd Ed Graves International AIDS activist lawyer dies age 57
(San Diego, CA) – Human Rights activist and HIV/AIDS advocate American lawyer Dr. Boyd Ed Graves died Thursday at the University of California San Diego Medical Center. Dr. Graves was 57.
Dr. Graves’ two decades of human rights’ work, judicial activism and research on behalf of people living with HIV/AIDS, catapulted him into the world spotlight earning him both international acclaim for his bravery and dedication as well as criticisms for his controversial conclusions about the man-made origins and purpose of the HIV/AIDS virus. 
, U
Known by “Ed” to his friends and family, Dr. Graves was a dynamic and patriotic individual who dedicated his professional and personal life to the disabled, disenfranchised and the fair daily existence of men and women worldwide. Read More here:
Proof The Unites State Created The HIV/AIDS Virus  

In 1969 the US government developed a biological agent [ AIDS ] that  would have a devastating effect on the human immune system and for which there would be no effective treatment at the time.  
Military biological warfare research became officially connected to VCP research on October 18, 1971, when President Richard Nixon permanently joined the Army’s biowarfare research laboratory at Fort Detrick, Maryland, with the National Cancer Institute. The army lab was renamed the Frederick Cancer Re-search Center. 
Scientists in the VCP wanted to learn how to use animal viruses to make cancer – and how to force “normal” human cells to become cancerous by subjecting them to various animal viruses one of which would be HIV/AIDS. A primary task was the large scale production of cancer-causing viruses and suspected cancer viruses to meet research VCP needs on a continuing basis. Special attention was given to primate viruses (the alleged African source of HIV and the KS virus). Another goal was the production of “human candidate viruses.” Candidate viruses were defined as animal or human viruses that might cause AIDS and KS cancer in humans. 
Biowarfare scientists had a keen interest in animal herpes “helper viruses” / AIDS (1978 VCP Re-port;p 54). Chimps (who purportedly carry the ancestor virus of HIV) were extensively used by the VCP because there would be no official testing of cancer viruses on humans. 
A 1972 VCP Report (p. 262) emphatically states: “Since man will not be used as an experimental recipient, it is necessary to gain proof of oncogenicity by other means.” How that “proof” would be obtained was never made clear. 
With its close ties to military biowarfare research it is conceivable that the VCP undertook covert human testing of suspected cancer-causing viruses. 
The U.S. military has a long history of secret human experimentation on unsuspecting citizens. (Google: secret human experimentation + military). It’s a proven fact that Gay men were used as guinea pigs to test the effects of these viruses? Read More here:
Colloidal silver destroys all types of virus including the AIDS virus
Newspaper Article written by Marvin Robey
The Herald of Provo Utah, February 2, 1992, ran an article on page 1, D1, in which a member of the administrative staff of Brigham Young University by the name of Daryl Tichy has been successfully experimenting with colloidal silver in the treatment of AIDS, along with warts and parvo virus in a dog. “Tichy said he had the material [colloidal silver] tested at two different labs; results showed the solution killed a variety of pathogens, including the HIV virus.” Tichy then states, “I don’t have a doubt in my mind.” He says he has not been able to obtain funds to continue his research.
This should not be a surprise, considering what other researchers have been telling us. There is much more evidence to support Tichy’s conclusion. Extensive evidence points to the fact that colloidal silver destroys all types of virus including the AIDS virus and greatly enhances the immune system in general. Colloidal Silver supports the T-cells in their fight against foreign organisms in the blood. It virtually forms a second immune system, actually protecting and defending the T-cells, as well as doing their work for them. It is strongly suggested by research scientists such as Dr. Gary Smith and others that silver ions are essential to the immune system.
In “Use of Colloids in Health and Disease”, author Dr. Henry Crooks says colloidal silver is highly anti-viral. In laboratory tests he found that “all fungus, virus, bacterium, streptococcus, staphylococcus, and other pathogenic organisms are killed in three or four minutes. In fact, there is no microbe known that is not killed by colloidal silver in six minutes or less in a dilution as little as five parts per million.” Dr. Crooks tells us there are no serious side effects whatsoever from high concentrations. Research scientist Dr. Gary Smith reports that he has noticed a correlation between low silver levels, sickness and immune deficiency. He found people who have low silver levels tend to be frequently sick and to have innumerable colds, flu’s, fevers, and other illnesses. The research of Dr. Gary Smith would seem to support the belief that colloidal silver is an entirely natural healing agent. Read More Here:

Uploaded on Nov 30, 2008
“World War AIDS: The Third World War,” is Dr. Graves’ second book on the issue of the true origins of HIV/AIDS and the patented cure, Tetrasil. The book begins with a compelling review of the 2002 U.S. General Accounting Office review into the formerly secret U.S. Special Virus Cancer Program (1962-1978), follows Dr. Graves’ experience with the U.S. Patented Cure for AIDS, Tetrasil; documents his 2007 journeys of hope in to AIDS ravaged African countries, and ends with Dr. Graves’ 2008 lawsuit appeal for “full AIDS disclosure’ now his second appearance before the United States Supreme Court. “World War AIDS” is a must read for any victim or survivor of the U.S. Special Virus Program, and all medical and policy professional working to treat the same. Dr. Graves says, “At long last, we have within our reach a world once again without HIV/AIDS!” Source

Planet Earth, the Pyramid Culture

This isn’t exactly true. Check out this link.

But to me what is more important is the realization that there are pyramids all over this planet in every section of the planet, occupying places/cities far and wide. It makes me ponder at the agenda for having them all over. In different places they were used for different purposes, but it can’t be ignored that they are every where.

My question is why do we have a planet covered with pyramids. Is there some “other’ mystical reason for these megalithic structures. And we must not forget Stonehenge in Europe. Or the huge round balls in Bosnia.

I have read some studies about the Earth energetic being with a giant grid and the pyramids act like conduits to connect the energy i.e., primary nodal point of ever sacred spot on the planet are connected on this grid.  And that quite possibly it is these conduits that keep this planet under lock down. In fact the pyramid grid also shows the placement of great churches, synagogues and Mosques on these primary and sub-primary nodal points. These placements are no accident. Why in the advent of the Pyramids have practically megalithic places of worship been erected?

Before we go into the “my dog’s bigger than your dog” debate, we need to look deeper into the real reason and purpose for having a “dog” in the first place.

Is it just to say how magnificent the civilization was? If so, why are we left with just remnants.

Are they there for comparison and to determine the strength, value, heroism, quality of life than another culture?

Are they simply tourist sites and have no contemporary value or significance?

Why have they been discovered to have Astrological, Metaphysical and even Earth based indicators that have people coming to them from all over the world to observe, and/or be enchanted by them?

Who put them there in the first place? Are we saying that primitive people with stone tools built these structures in the time it would take modern day man to do over decades.. Maybe even longer than that? Are we even being told the truth about their origins and purpose and if so, why would one be used to feed the gods and another to sacrifice the lives of virgins to the gods? Why?

I think if we just take a moment and get over ourselves and realize what it took to even put these stone megaliths in place, the labor, the manpower down to the destruction of a neighboring environment it should cause us to stop and think. How do we know that removing all them big rocks and stones, didn’t cause great floods, or disruption of the Eco-system.

What I am proposing is that we take a little more time before we make a supposition and see what we can research on this and find out what these pyramids really mean and what use do they hold for us in modern times.

In closing I suggest that we live on a planet that has been structured by a particular Architect or assembly of Architects with an express purpose of creating a model, specific to this planet. Thus they have transplanted a pyramid culture that impacts on all life on this planet and any life that observes this planet. These pyramids are telling the Solar System, the Galaxy and the Universe we live in, who we are, how we got here and why we are here. This entire planet is a pyramid civilization,  a pyramid culture (see Mars Pyramids).

When the true purpose of these facts are studied with an objective eye, we may come to “See” what the “Others” see when observing this planet and the life forms upon it.

“Well, there are some Pyramids in Europe. Maybe not as massive and impressive as the ones in Egypt, but they are there
Here are some examples :
The Bosnian Pyramid, Visocica Hill – Bosnia
Greek Pyramids – Greece   http://www.hiddenmys…ekpyramids.html
The Pyramids of Montevecchia – Italy   http://www.crystalin…m/pyritaly.html
“These are definitely pyramids, but authentic I don’t think so.  The only and most important reason why these pyramids do not share the world stage with the other pyramids is because they lack the astrological precision that the Egyptians and Mayans had in their Pyramids.  The one in Italy is the closest, but only in alignment configuration~it still lacks alignment with the heavens, reducing it to a duplicate.  Pyramids without the astrological factor prove that their makers had no understanding of its purpose.  My post was made in reference to the real deal pyramids, not the duplicates.”
“It is true Europe doesn’t have the same types of pyramids that the Egyptians and South Americans do, but they have the Henges that work in the same way. The Henges can still be used today. Maybe the ancient Europeans didn’t like the look or the shape of the pyramid. The South American pyramid is in a slightly different shape than the ones in Egypt.”
“There are also a couple in the US, though they are more correctly “mounds” – Cahokia in Illinois and Etowahin Georgia.
Neither is on the scale of the pyramids of Egypt or elsewhere, but both exhibit some astronomical alignments.”
“Or… we can look at what the geologists who’ve been out there have said: That they are hills. They’ve removed all the first and vegetation (how would it get on top of a large manmade structure anyway?) and have been using the remains of the Roman Villa, a medical era cemetery, and in some instances have been caught hoaxing inscriptions to show evidence of a culture.
  Robert Schoch, a well known proponent of a much earlier date for the pyramids at Giza, investigated the site and reported that inscriptions appeared in a cave that had not been there to begin with.
All evidence points to it being a natural formation, and is based soley of of Osmanagić’s feeling that it has to be a pyramid.   Geology of the Bosnian Pyramids
“There are quite a few seemingly.
Silbury Hill, Wiltshire has been carbon-dated at 2660 years BC, the same era as the Giza pyramids. It contains an estimated 340,000 cubic metres of chalk and earth, rising to a height of 39.6 metres. The base of the monument is 167m in diameter and it is perfectly round. The flat top is 30m across. It is part of a sequence of ancient sites in the area that are in alignment.
Despite its external appearance, this is actually a step pyramid, consisting of six, six metre high steps. The steps are walled with blocks of chalk, which easily deteriorates when left exposed. Consequently the builders preserved it, by covering it with earth and grass.
Excavations have revealed that it is not a burial mound.
There is also an omphalos stone there which is always of interest to me. Ziggurats (a ziggurat: that is a kind of pyramid, but with “steps” – several storeys, each smaller than the one below. ) are far more practical and impressive than pyramids imo and should never be considered inferior not that you or anyone has said so but this is a misconception that I’ve encountered on occasions. I mean what can you do with a pyramid other than use it as a tomb?”
Difference between Pyramids and Ziggurats
Few sights-or sites for that matter-can compare to the grandeur and majesty of the Ziggurats and the Pyramids. If you are looking to get a feel for the ancient civilizations on your next trip or vacation, few destinations can compare to these two for sheer historical value. Of course determining which one of these two is the “best” is an exercise in futility, as each will have its own merits and drawbacks. It would perhaps be better to point out their key attributes in the interest of helping you make a more informed decision and that is precisely what this comparison aims to do.

The Smash of Civilizations
by Chalmers Johnson
[Extracted from Chalmers Johnson’s Nemesis: The Crisis of the American Republic, forthcoming from Metropolitan Books in late 2006, the final volume in the Blowback Trilogy. The first two volumes are Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire (2000) and The Sorrows of Empire: Militarism, Secrecy, and the End of the Republic (2004)]
In the months before he ordered the invasion of Iraq, George Bush and his senior officials spoke of preserving Iraq’s “patrimony” for the Iraqi people. At a time when talking about Iraqi oil was taboo, what he meant by patrimony was exactly that — Iraqi oil. In their “joint statement on Iraq’s future” of April 8, 2003, George Bush and Tony Blair declared, “We reaffirm our commitment to protect Iraq’s natural resources, as the patrimony of the people of Iraq, which should be used only for their benefit.” In this they were true to their word. Among the few places American soldiers actually did guard during and in the wake of their invasion were oil fields and the Oil Ministry in Baghdad. But the real Iraqi patrimony, that invaluable human inheritance of thousands of years, was another matter. At a time when American pundits were warning of a future “clash of civilizations,” our occupation forces were letting perhaps the greatest of all human patrimonies be looted and smashed.
Coalition soldiers in front of the Great Ziggurat of Ur, a four-thousand-year-old temple in southern Iraq which is one of the archaeological treasures of the world. The military has placed the monument off limits in order to disguise the vandalism by U.S. soldiers, including the looting of clay bricks and spray-painting “Semper Fi” onto its walls
There have been many dispiriting sights on TV since George Bush launched his ill-starred war on Iraq — the pictures from Abu Ghraib, Falluja laid waste, American soldiers kicking down the doors of private homes and pointing assault rifles at women and children. But few have reverberated historically like the looting of Baghdad’s museum — or been forgotten more quickly in this country.
In archaeological circles, Iraq is known as “the cradle of civilization,” with a record of culture going back more than 7,000 years. William R. Polk, the founder of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Chicago, says, “It was there, in what the Greeks called Mesopotamia, that life as we know it today began: there people first began to speculate on philosophy and religion, developed concepts of international trade, made ideas of beauty into tangible forms, and, above all developed the skill of writing.” No other places in the Bible except for Israel have more history and prophecy associated with them than Babylonia, Shinar (Sumer), and Mesopotamia — different names for the territory that the British around the time of World War I began to call “Iraq,” using the old Arab term for the lands of the former Turkish enclave of Mesopotamia (in Greek: “between the [Tigris and Eurphrates] rivers”). Most of the early books of Genesis are set in Iraq (see, for instance, Genesis 10:10, 11:31; also Daniel 1-4; II Kings 24).
The pyramids at Giza, belonging (from the right) to Khufu (also known as Cheops), Khaefre (Khephren) and Menkaure (Mykerinus)

    4th Dynasty

      The pyramids at Giza, on the outskirts of modern Cairo, are perhaps the most iconic of all Egyptian monuments, and they mark the high point in the engineering skills first displayed by Imhotep in the previous dynasty. The largest, the Great Pyramid, shown here furthest from the camera, remains the most massive freestanding monument ever raised by humankind.

        The 4th Dynasty was the period at which many of the institutions of the state appeared in mature form, and the art of this dynasty became firmly established in the canons that would endure until the end of Egyptian civilisation.
        Alien Base Found At Chinese Pyramid

        by Terrence Aym

        27 October 2011
        Nine university scientists gaped upwards at the gigantic, prehistoric pyramid that had no right to exist
        A team of daring Chinese researchers, digging into the ancient mysteries of the origin of their country, have come to the inescapable conclusion that 12,000 years ago, an interstellar supreme alien race used much of the northern and central Chinese regions as massive Earth bases.

        Sony Propaganda

        The Mighty Wurlitzer Plays On
        Sony Propaganda
        by BILL BLUNDEN

        A few days ago both the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal cited anonymous officials who claimed that North Korea was responsible for the recent cyberattack on Sony. These agenda-setting elements of the press conveyed the information without question, despite the fact that the evidence provided has been (as journalist Kim Zetter put it) flimsy. Contemplating the corresponding headlines is instructive.

        As I wrote in the Times back in September of 2014, sophisticated anti-forensic technology is actively being developed by both American intelligence services and private sector companies. To think that other countries aren’t doing the same is naive. False flag attacks are standard spy tradecraft.

        Furthermore high ranking, ostensibly credible, national security officers like Keith Alexander, James Clapper, and John Brennan have demonstrated the tendency to lie to the American public. Not small innocent lies but rather colossal brazen lies. Lies regarding essential constitutional rights. Why, pray tell, should we trust what we’ve been told by officials?

        Your author contacted Zetter to offer the proverbial high-five and she voiced her frustration about the utter lack of skepticism by reporters like Sanger and Perlroth. Blind acceptance is part of the miracle of modern propaganda. As Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman described in their classic text Manufacturing Consent the large multinational corporations that constitute the mainstream press are able to frame debate and control the acceptable boundaries of public discourse by leveraging an apparatus which burns through literally hundreds of billions of dollars each year.

        Of course this isn’t the only instance in which the stalwarts of the corporate media have botched their job as society’s watchdogs. Anyone following what’s happening over in Ukraine will also notice an astounding groupthink on behalf of the press corp. What’s painted as Russian expansion is really a NATO expansion. Putin is responding to Western incursion. Even an establishment figure like Henry Kissinger admits as much (and when a guy like Kissinger starts making sense it’s a sign that something is seriously amiss).

        Asia Pacific

        U.S. Said to Find North Korea Ordered Cyberattack on Sony

        North Korean Role in Sony Hack Presents Quandary for U.S.

        All of this underscores the role of modern propaganda as an incredible tool of social control, a textbook application of the science of coercion. The public is so distracted with celebrity gossip, mindless entertainment, wildly inflated alleged national security threats, and empty consumption that they fail to recognize the unraveling of our social fabric. Officials hyperventilate over an obscure contingent of jihadists while disregarding far greater, but less spectacular, threats.

        Sadly the countervailing ideologies and organizations that served to keep capitalism in check in the aftermath of World War II have dwindled. Hence the plutocrats who funded the neoliberal revolution have a captive audience and they’re free to kick and beat the rest of us with relative impunity, while sanctioned policies like Quantitative Easing and offshoring allow them to swallow up nearly all economic gains.

        And to think that former NSA director Keith Alexander had the audacity to claim that Chinese cyber espionage entailed the greatest transfer of wealth in history? Never mind the trillions spent on the self-perpetuating military conflict in the Middle East.

        As inequality grows and the global climate becomes less habitable, the immiseration of the average Joe will inevitably lead to mobilization. The ruling class is well aware of what happened to French aristocrats in the eighteenth century. To save themselves from a similar fate they will switch the cogs of the Mighty Wurlitzer into high gear to give voice to popular discontent and subsequently co-opt emerging movements. That’s how fascism normally works. Mass interception will also be employed to identify activists and independent thinkers who see through the deluge of clever propaganda. Likewise a militarized police force guided by programs like Garden Plot will be waiting in the wings as a last resort.

        When this juncture is reached, where a critical mass of people are angry enough to take action, the likelihood of a positive outcome will depend in part upon people acquiring access to alternative sources of accurate information. In this way organizations can foster accountability and properly apply the sustained pressure necessary to alter large systems. Looking out over a media landscape flooded by corporate money and an endless series of murky deep-pocketed foundations, a modest reader–funded outfit in Petrolia, California, is an encouraging sign: Season’s Greetings CounterPunch.

        Bill Blunden is an independent investigator whose current areas of inquiry include information security, anti-forensics, and institutional analysis. He is the author of several books, including The Rootkit Arsenal and Behold a Pale Farce: Cyberwar, Threat Inflation, and the Malware-Industrial Complex. Bill is the lead investigator at Below Gotham Labs.

        Sony Propaganda » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

        My Dream – House of Fraser

        “cum per rerum naturam factum negantis probatio nulla sit”
        The proof lies upon him who affirms, not upon him who denies.

        Okay, I know that you all think I am crazy because I am always talking about what I dreamed, yada, yada, yada. But I am going to tell this dream!

        I am somewhere, I can’t exactly tell where it is. Maybe a store, a mall, a hotel lobby it seemed to be a combination of all there. And this young man come into the lobby wearing a clearly oversized sear sucker suit.
        He looked a little bit like this dude in the picture but a little slimmer and the suit was from back in the day and clearly too large for him. He must have thought that I had something to say about it but actually, I remember those suits and thought it quite interesting that anyone would be wearing them now.
        He walks over to me and volunteered this information.
        “You know, this is one of Bill Cosby’s old suits. He let me have it. He is much taller than I am so the pants are a little long, but he wore this a while back. It’s a Fraser Men’s suit.”
        I respond, “Really, I didn’t know that.”
        “Yes, Fraser wanted Cosby to wear their suits, it was an endorsement kind of thing.”
        “No kidding.”
        “Yep, but after a while Cosby wanted to wear more stylish suits. Fraser suits became more stylish over time. But then Cosby didn’t want their endorsement any more, he wanted to wear what he wanted to wear.”
        By now this young man is fashionably dressed in a very nice suit that was form fitting and more tailored than the old model sear sucker suits were.

         “I can see that.” I respond
        “Well, that’s what put Cosby in trouble. He was going against the agreement. You know, the agreement was that things will keep quiet as long as he wore Fraser suits. You think that’s crazy don’t you, that something as simple as an endorsement will cause the downfall of a person in the industry, right?”
        “Well, yeah, who would think that something like that would hurt anyone. You should be able to say yes or no to an endorsement, correct?”
        “Nope, not in the industry, you don’t say no to an endorsement. You take the endorsement and keep it moving.
        It came out a few years ago, and Cosby made some kind of arrangement with them and things blew over. It came out again and again, Cosby made an arrangement and it died down, but this time, well as you can see, it has gone viral and Cosby is in deep trouble.
        This is how it happens. Cosby is at a party, something like this, a gathering or something and there are folks all around. He is dressed rather fashionably and there are young girls all over the place.
        One young lady is standing directly in front of him. In fact, she is standing very close to him. Nice looking young lady, I might add.
        Cosby puts his hands on the young lady’s waist like so.” He is now demonstrating using me as the young lady in his story.
        “One thing leads to another and the young lady and Cosby end up doing what that kind of thing leads to. They go off and no one says anything, but everyone knows cause they are doing it too. You look around and folks are all coupled off with other folks, and ain’t nobody married to them folks cause it ain’t that kind of party.
        There are also watchers here. They keep the tabs on all the things that are going on. If any of these folks step out of line, well you know what happens. It just was Cosby’s turn to go down.”
        I am incredulous of this story and I quickly remove his hands from around my waist.
        “Dude, you got to be making this up, right?”
        “Not at all, I ain’t making it up, I am telling you what happened to Cosby and what happens to a lot of them folks if they don’t tow the line. It’s just that simple. In fact, it wasn’t just girls.”
        Here he shows me a picture of Cosby kissing a man. It looked like it may have even been him but I couldn’t really make it out in the dream as the face of the other guy was positioned such that it was not discernible.
        “Aww, come on dude, Cosby was messing with men too! You must be kidding me, or you are straight up lying.”
        “Okay, you can believe what you want to believe, but I am not lying, it’s the truth, that’s all I got to say.”

        I woke up before I could ask this dude why he was telling me all this. I decide to look it up, Frazier men’s suits, believing that my dream wouldn’t actually give me the name of something that was really real, I mean even I doubt my dreams sometimes. No matter how many times they show me stuff, information, I just go, okay… But that has been my history with my dreams, I get names and places and stories that turn out to be true. So I look it up and found out that there actually is a line of men’s suits call Frazier, the spelling is FRASER. Not only that, these suits are mad in the UK called House of Fraser,default,sc.html.

        Okay, let me start by saying this shocked me! And then I did a little research on this company.

        Well, I wasn’t able to find a direct connection of his endorsements, but I find the endorsements he did make quite interesting.

        What does Bill Cosby endorse?
        According to our research engine:
        Bill Cosby’s major endorsements are reported to include:
        E. F. Hutton
        Walt Disney World
        Texas Instruments
        Pasted from

        In this article:
        Bill Cosby: The Playboy Fashion Guide Interview
        In Playboy magazine and the Playboy Guides (1979-1989) on September 2, 2009 at 4:06 pm
        I found that Cosby’s tailor who has made all his suits and fitted him so well for the I Spy series is named Cy Mann and his business is called Cy Mann Clothier, LTD, however it has since been taken over by Sarto Sebastian, and the company is now called Sebastian Tailor…

        I don’t know what happened at this point to Cy Mann or why his business is no longer operating. I couldn’t find any connection to the House of Fraser or even why Sarto Sebastian took over the Cy Mann Clothier, Ltd. It was a long day with lots of other information but no direct link. I would read the above listed article because it describes Cosby’s propensity towards style and grace in his wardrobe of suits, even though lately he has been dressing more casually. I can only surmise that the dream is telling something about that but not quite sure of the connection to that and this current avalanche of a scandal.

         House of Fraser China deal =
        Current CEO John King =
        • Chinese conglomerate acquires 89% stake in House of Fraser…/chinese-retailer-acquires-89-stake-house-fraser-48…
        • Apr 13, 2014 – House of Fraser executive chairman Don McCarthy will step down from his … “Since we took the company private in 2006, John King and his team … closely with [CEO} John King and his management team to enhance the …

        How House of Fraser reclaimed the High Street by (gasp!) listening to its customers
        Read more: 
        Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
        Last month’s Bafta TV awards saw Judi Dench and Helen Mirren take a back seat as another name stepped into the limelight.
        After years of High Street obscurity, the department store House of Fraser staged an almost complete red-carpet takeover.
        Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Amber le Bon, Susanna Reid and Kate Garraway, among others, all wore beautiful swishing floor-length bejewelled gowns sold by the store. It was a fashion coup that, overnight, propelled House of Fraser back into middle-class consciousness.

        Read more:
        Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
        In 1959, High Street department store group House of Fraser bought Harrods.

        Bitter feud

        Mr Al Fayed bought Harrods with his brother in 1985

         In 1985 the store returned to private ownership when Egypt-born Mr Al Fayed and his brother Ali bought House of Fraser for £615m, snatching it from mining conglomerate Lonrho.
        Mr Al Fayed bought Harrods with his brother in 1985
        The takeover bid was bitterly fought as Mr Al Fayed had previously served on Lonrho’s board but left nine months later after a disagreement.
        Lonrho’s director, the late Tiny Rowland, took his campaign against the takeover to the Department of Trade who duly held an inquiry.
        The subsequent report, issued in 1990, concluded that the Al Fayeds had lied about their background and their wealth.
        “We are satisfied that the image they created between November 1984 and March 1985 of their wealthy Egyptian ancestors was completely bogus.”
        The public feud between the businessmen appeared to reach reconciliation in 1993 however Mr Rowland later accused Mr Al Fayed of breaking into a safety deposit box held at the store.
        This dispute was later settled with Mr Rowland’s wife after his death.
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        4 Strange, Yet Effective Celebrity Car Endorsements
        Mark Frost | Nov 05, 2014 | 0 comments

        Economists Kerwin Charles, Erik Hurst, and Nikolai Roussanov have taken up this rather sensitive question in a recent unpublished study, “Conspicuous Consumption and Race.” Using data from the Consumer Expenditure Survey for 1986-2002, they find that blacks and Hispanics indeed spend more than whites with comparable incomes on what the authors classify as “visible goods” (clothes, cars, and jewelry). A lot more, in fact—up to an additional 30 percent. The authors provide evidence, however, that this is not because of some inherent weakness on the part of blacks and Hispanics. The disparity, they suggest, is related to the way that all people—black, Hispanic, and white—strive for social status within their respective communities.
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        Big Cosby Endorsements
        In 1973, The Village Voice writer Terry Guerin suggested the actor was past his prime. Among the reasons, “making spokesman commercials for such established heels as White Owl cigars and Pan American airlines. He has evolved into a kind of self-parodying sap, the kind of flagrant, perpetual parader Sammy Davis has always been.”[62]
        “The Noble Cos,” a 1986 satirical editorial by Edward Sorel forThe Nation, was written as if told by Cosby himself. It echoed the suggestions of other authors that Cosby has become out-of-touch with lower-class African Americans.[63] Cosby said “So this buddy says, ‘I didn’t mind your commercials for Jello, Del Monte, Ford cars … Ideal Toys, or Coca-Cola, although Coke does do business in South Africa … But, Bill, why do commercials for those crooks at E. F. Hutton?’ My buddy didn’t understand my commercials improve race relations. Y’see, by showing that a black man can be just as money-hungry as a white man … I’m proving that all men are brothers.”[64]
        To magazine Black Enterprise in 1981, Cosby has defended his numerous endorsements thusly:
        In this business, many of us are well paid but we are not all that wealthy. You may read ‘X-number of dollar goes to so and so,’ but remember, everybody takes a cut–the lawyer, the agent, the publicist. If a company comes along and says ‘We’d like you to talk about how much you enjoy wearing this warm-up suit,’ and the money is right, I’m going to do it. Jell-O was a dessert in my house when I was a kid. My mom served Del Monte fruit cocktail when I was growing up. They want to pay me to say I eat these products, well, I eat them. I came out of a lower economic area, and this is money. This is a business … show business. A great deal of our careers depends on keeping ourselves in the public eye. I think performers should take advantage of commercial offers if they’re satisfied with the product.[3]
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        Bill Cosby had a vile temper, punched out comic Tommy Smothers and was a hard-partying philanderer caught in a love child scandal that almost cost him his marriage, reveals new book

        PUBLISHED: 11:48 EST, 16 September 2014 | UPDATED: 13:30 EST, 16 September 2014
        Read more: 

        For Bill Cosby, No Escape From the Damage to His Legacy
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        Then after a day of researching on the web I found this little piece that came out November 20, 2014. I had not heard of it and was quite surprised to find it as it related to what was told to me in my dream.

        Kirk Cameron.

        Another rape allegation has surfaced against famed comedian and actor, Bill Cosby. This time it is from another familiar 80s face: Kirk Cameron.
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        I Spy
        “After being appointed Knights Commander of the Most Noble Order of the Scimitar by an Arab king, Alexander Scott jokes to Kelly Robinson, “Well, you just wait till the boys at the Mystic Knights of the Sea lodge hall get a hold of this one.” While not a direct Masonic reference, it illustrates the prevalence of unconscious Masonic fictionalization. Episode: Sparrowhawk. First aired: October 26, 1966. Robert Culp, Bill Cosby. Three F Productions, Sheldon Lenard.”
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        2011 Cosby quote “I don’t feel the need to wear a suit”

        But Nana Had Her Dreams!

        “Ten years ago there was no social media to speak of, which meant the allegations failed to make their way into the public consciousness. That had all changed by this September, when journalist Mark Whitaker published a biography, Cosby: His Life and Times, which controversially omitted the allegations of sexual assault against its subject. The following month, comedian Hannibal Buress described Cosby as a “rapist” during a stand-up set in Philadelphia; the clip went viral. Inspired by the response to Buress’s routine, Bowman penned her account for the Washington Post, and the story ballooned.”

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        “Some notable living memberz are Hank Aaron (once Major League Baseball Homerun king); Tom Bradley (tv personality); Dennis Archor (once mayor of Detroit); Elvin Big ‘E’ Hayes (NBA Basketball great); Bill Cosby; Jesse Jackson; Earl Graves, Jr. (Black Enterprise); Douglass Wilder (Governor of Virginia); Lynn Swann (NFL Hall-of-Famer), Kweisi Mfume (once head of NAACP), and David Dinkins (once mayor of New York City), to name a few.”

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        Hollywood’s sexual predator problem explodes

        By Michelle Malkin  •  May 7, 2014 01:28 AM
        Creators Syndicate
        Copyright 2014
        “The same industry that sanctimoniously convenes anti-bullying summits with the Obama White House and falsely accuses conservatives of waging a “war on women” has allowed countless children to be stalked, groomed, beaten, molested and raped on casting couches, in movie trailers, and at drug- and alcohol-drenched parties by Tinseltown predators. The alleged child rape scandal exposed by Egan does not exist in a vacuum:
        –Last year, child actor Corey Feldman sounded the alarm on rampant pedophilia in a brave, scathing memoir. He recounted how his best friend and co-star, the late Corey Haim, was sodomized by an older male on the set of their hit film “Lucas.” The boys, fed cocaine by a string of predators, attended parties with Hollywood talent manager and child actors’ repMarty Weiss. Now a registered sex offender, Weiss pleaded no contest in 2012 to lewd acts on a child under the age of 14. The victim, another young child actor, alleged Weiss sexually assaulted him between 30 and 40 times from the age of 11.”
        If all of these sickos had been Catholic priests, college fraternity members or charter school teachers, we wouldn’t have heard the end of it. Perhaps the social justice awareness-raisers in the Hollywood left should take a break from pointing fingers at everyone else — and put a stop to the monsters in their own midst.
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        Why did we ignore Bill Cosby allegations for so long?
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        Newsflash: Bill Cosby Is Not Cliff Huxtable
        TV Land has canceled The Cosby Show reruns. Is this a mature expression of understandable judgment, or a bid to erase history while conflating fiction and reality?
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        Bill Cosby: The Playboy Fashion Guide Interview
        In Playboy magazine and the Playboy Guides (1979-1989) on September 2, 2009 at 4:06 pm
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        I’m Starting to Wonder if There’s Anyone Bill Cosby  Hasn’t Raped

        Bill Cosby To Rape Victim Andrea Constand: “Tell Your Mom You Orgasmed So She Thinks It’s Consensual” (Video) {F}

        Bill Cosby’s fall from grace has been swift and hard. He was once one of the most beloved and respected figures in Hollywood.
        Now all he may be remembered for is drugging and raping countless women. Does he deserve worldwide shame? Without question he does. Can his image be rehabilitated? That’s highly unlikely.
        A 2005 deposition given in a civil suit filed by alleged victim Andrea Constand, paints a picture of a man who is depraved and appears to have no regrets for his actions.

        Andrea Constand

        Following their encounter, Cosby reportedly told the young woman to “to tell her mom she had an orgasm during sex, to make her mother believe the sex was consensual,” TMZ reports.
        The former Jello pudding spokesperson also admitted to giving Constand drugs.
        The case was eventually settled out of court in 2006.

        A deposition from a 2005 lawsuit has Bill Cosby acknowledging using his fame and drugs to prey upon women

        • The deposition is from a lawsuit filed by Andrea Constand, who accused the comedian of drugging and molesting her 
        • Cosby, 78, denied sexually assaulting the victim, whom he also calls a liar, and other women
        • He also discussed paying off victims through his agent so ‘Mrs Cosby’ wouldn’t find out
        • This deposition could change the stance of several people who have supported Cosby throughout the sexual assault allegations 
        Never-before-seen excerpts of a Bill Cosby deposition from 2005 show the formerly beloved entertainer explaining in his own words how he used his fame, fortune and drugs to prey on vulnerable women – and paid them off to keep his wife from finding out.
        Interviewed in a Philadelphia hotel over four days by a lawyer acting on behalf of then-30-year-old Temple University employee Andrea Constand, Cosby admitted to lying to his doctor about a bad back to get powerful sedatives which he then gave to women before sex.


        I have been doing some ground work on this thing with Bill Cosby. I am not sure about what you have said here, except to say, that maybe you just don’t understand much about PTSD. There is no umbrella knee jerk reaction that all who suffer this can be given. So the idea that they would have come forward years ago discounts the way that they are dealing with their trauma or not dealing with it.
        While people aged 18 or 19 may be legally considered adults and able to fight in wars they are not physically and mentally mature. In fact, some folks take a long time to become mentally mature for that matter.
        In the Hollyweird  business there are all types of scenarios and we all know that wine, women, sex and drugs are a big part of it. Do I have to prove that? Is it hearsay? Yes. By whom? The Hollyweirdos themselves through various venues.
        At 18-19 years old, you have been given bucket loads of what it’s like to live high of the hog in Hollyweird. The stars parade before you and you want to be a part of the glamorous life they all seem to enjoy. But they are not privy to the backroom deals, compromises and adulterating things they will have to do to make it to the”Big Top.” The adults around them do, they have heard the stories and seen the movies of the real life downfall of these trend setters. These adults warn their children in many cases. At 18 or 19 who listens to adults? Especially if you have determined that adults have no clue about what is happening in the real world outside of their bedrooms.
        How many of these young people, 40 years ago are taught about what “rape” really is? How many of them come from broken homes? How many of them come from poverty and are looking for a way out? How many of them are already accustomed to the life style and know their lines? How many of them think that “giving” your body in exchange for a chance is part of what comes with getting ahead? And finally, how many of them realized they were raped after the statute of limitations? Seriously……. how many women right now, realize they are being raped by their husbands/boyfriends when they say “NO” and are ignored?
        All I am saying is that, in certain instances, particularly Hollyweird , it’s not considered rape, it’s consider to be what you do, what is done to you, and what you see happening around you.
        In essence, many, many people do this in Hollyweird  and even more people turn their heads the other way, or simply participate. It’s the way of the world in Hollyweird .
        Sometimes, the stars are bribed and intimidated into uncompromising situations and they too are victims of the greed and vileness of their handlers. Everybody in Hollyweird  is handled by someone. It’s not right, but it is a weird normalcy. Who in Hollyweird is complaining about the sex trafficking and prostitution and drug rings that go on? Few if any. And when they do, well they become profoundly targeted. I say profoundly because they are all targeted. It’s show business and it’s about the money, fame and notoriety, the glamour and the luxuries, the high life and the status, the conspicuous consumption.
        Again, how many of them equated it to rape at that young age? How many of them were raped before they got to Hollyweird? How many of them realized  very late that their rage, insecurities, depressions, suicidal tendencies, anxieties, paranoia, etc. had anything to do with their history of being abused by an authority figure, someone they trusted?
        I am a Mental Health professional, and in my experience, I have seen it happen over and over again, where the memory of the traumatic situation is erased, skewed or purposely forgotten, and they ain’t even trying to get into Hollyweird. There is no other pressure around them but family and friends. Now couple that with family, friends and other celebrities who will come down hard on you for even insinuating such a thing about Bill Cosby.
        He wasn’t “America’s dad”during the initial alleged incidences, but if you know the pathology, many times, once it is not reported or if reported denied, then it becomes an addiction when it first started off as just sick.
        And, HELLO!!! on your Cosby wasn’t powerful back then, you can’t be serious? He was outlandishly powerful with many firsts in this country for any black man during those times. And he had money!!!! Imagine, here we had a culture that would lynch a black man in a heart beat for looking at a white woman, let alone raping her, and he was accepted into the White Aristocracy!! Yep, he was powerful alright, more than you could ever know, unless you are a Black man/woman in America. Black people didn’t just come of age without a struggle or slippery dancing to get into the door. Believe me, he was big in the eyes of many people across racial lines and to have him mentor you or help you get ahead was a great honor! Why? Because he was powerful.
        So, in conclusion, I appreciate your perspective on this in that it inspired me to write down mine. Whether the media tries and convicts him or not, is irrelevant. Whether he says yeah, I did it or not is also irrelevant. What is most needed is the rape culture being put on blast, especially in how it is played out in Hollyweird, religious institutions, sports and politics. Powerful people are taking advantage of women, men and children across the board. If nothing else, that needs to be addressed. This episode will encourage more disclosure and education on how folks are supposed to act. Whether it changes the complexion of the lifestyle of the rich and famous remains to be seen, but it’s a step in the right direction and an important hurdle towards the healing. In these situations, all parties are victims!

         After all is said and done, this photo and the comment below sounds quite eery.

        Yes beautiful, but that rifle was made in China? Russia? Israel? USA?

        Yes beautiful, but that rifle was made in China? Russia? Israel? USA?

        I am just saying that when you look a little deeper into this picture, a beautiful African Warrior who is carrying a weapon made by the enemies of all Africans.
        When she needs more ammunition or another rifle she has to go to the ones who manufacture these weapons, and they are most likely, as I am sure they are, of European or Asian Descent. And as we know these are the same people who have invaded and colonized the African peoples for way too long. Europeans through the gun, bible, disease and intimidation, and Asians through the slow subliminal take over of their natural resources and infrastructure.
        Look at any picture of Africans fighting against other Africans. Where are their weapons manufactured? That is the question that comes to mind when I see this picture. Besides the beauty, I see behind it, the destruction of African civilizations down through the ages. The difference here is that she is not wearing Army fatigues, or a bullet proof vest or any other such armor to protect her from an incoming or errant bullet from another’s rifle.

        Hopefully, she is on her way to hunt some food for her family and not on her way to kill another African!!